Advanced Course on
Data Analysis and Statistical Software
in Epidemiology and Biomedicine
4^ Edition
September 29,30 – October 1,2, 2014
Desio – Italy
- Medical records; Clinical Databases; Genomic Databanks
- Hospital and Health Information Systems;
- Epidemiological Registers. Cancer Data Base, Clinical Trials and Genetics Epidemiology
- Medical data integration over Internet and web-based application in Biomedicine
- Elements of Data Analysis and Bio-Statistics
- Methods of Statistics applied to Biomedicine and Epidemiology; examples and exercises.
- Survey and introduction to some statistical software: SAS, SPSS, MatLab, Statistica, S/R; Examples of applications
- Using of SPSS Package: Data acquisition, management commands and statistical functions; case studies and exercises.
- Using of R statistical language and web service for data analysis; examples of applications, case studies and exercises.
- Data mining, Clustering and neuronal networks: examples and applications
Course Scientific Committee:
- Francesco Sicurello, Presidentof IITM – PTUD (Coordinator)
- Paolo Brambilla; Desio Hospital and University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
- Piermario Gerthoux, IITM/@ITIM Vice- President
- Giancarlo Mauri, University of Milan Bicocca
- Alfredo Nicolosi, ITB-CNR Milan
- Marco Villa, ASL Cremona
- Alessandro Donzelli, IITM/PTUD
- Michela Gundel, IITM/PTUD
Participation modalities:
Sent pre-registration form (see below) by to IITM Secretariat with the personal data and mail within September 10, 2014 (Minimum number of attendees is 12, maximum 40).
For more information (full program, etc.) please contact:
Patrizia magretti:
Advanced Course on
Data Analysis and Statistical Software
in Epidemiology and Biomedicine
September 29,30 – October 1,2 2014
Desio – Italy
Registration form
Last Name:First Name:
Institution, organization:
o Individual participant: € 450,00 / o IMIT/EMMIT/LAMIT/@ITIM... Member € 230,00o Student: € 300,00 / o IMIT/EMMIT/ LAMIT/@ITIM..... Student Member € 150.00
o Institution/Company: € 600 / IMIT/EMMIT/LAMIT/@ITIM.....Institution/Company Member € 250
2014 IMIT/EMMIT/LAMIT/@ITIM Membership Fee
o Individual member € 70,00
o Student member € 40,00
o Sponsor Member (€ 200,00 minimum)
o Institutional/Enterprise member (€ 250,00 minimum)
For registration and payment modalities contact:
Patrizia magretti: