ENCSC Business Meeting
January 6, 2013
Vice President Mike Folk called the meeting to order. Request for additions to the web-page agenda. There were no additions. There were 37 members present at the last meeting. Long discussions should be motioned to be tabled, or called to vote.
The minutes for the December meeting were approved.
John Daigle gave the Treasurer's report. Please submit all receipts for payment before monthly report. December balance in the treasurer’s was $7532.00. The balance for December 31, 2012 is $6,317.40. The report was approved
No report from Vice President Mike Folk because he was in charge of the meeting
Standing Committees
E-mail: No report
Web-site: No report
Ways and Means: Sue Francis no longer wants to be the chair person on this committee. Looking for new Chair person
Newsletter: Lois Wiles stated a letter would come out later this month
Social Committee: There will be a Valentine party February 10, 2013, bring sweets only. A Saint Patrick Day party will be on March 17,2013. Thank everyone who helps decorate.
Remembrance: Mary Waters is doing well, she meets with the Doctor on Wednesday, Mary said to tell everyone hello. Cards were sent out to Susie Crawford, Glen Crocken, Beth Smith, and Gaye Eaton. Please let Cynthia know if cards need to be sent out.
DJ: Jackie Haislip reported that Shuck and Shag will take place at the Sunnyside Oyster Bar on Feb.2, 2013.
Membership: Mike Folk reported 2 new members to be voted on. A motion was made seconded, and passed to vote in new members. This gives the club a total of 221 members.
Old Business
The Christmas party on December 7, 2012 was a good party. Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success. SOS Cards returned to SOS-74 cards sold for a total $2,220 and 1 card was returned. Mid-winter is Jan. 18-20, 2013. A club party at Private Cove was discussed. A motion was made, second, and approved by the club. 93 teddy bears were received at the Christmas party and a donation of $1000.00 will be given to the Teddy Bear Foundation at the February meeting.
New Business:
A proposal was made to have more parties at the City Bistro. A committee will contact Josh. The committee is John Daigle, Jane Haslip, Helen Pase, and Donnie Hudson. We will know the cost for Christmas party before February meeting. $100.00 will reserve American Legion in case City Bistro does not work out. Graham Mills donated the River house for the re-up party with the club doing everything. July 4 party at Graham’s River house. David Galloway suggested having a float in the Spring SOS, if we do not do it this year then next since it will be the 20th year. Billy Layton said that he would chair this committee. A motion was made, second, and approved’
A motion was made, second, and passed to adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Linton, Secretary