Final Exam Project
For this project you will create a final exam that must correspond to the topics listed on the next page. You will need an answer key as well as an attached solution manual (this may be handwritten). You will decide how to distribute the points and questions, just be sure that your test matches the criteria listed on the Item Analysis. You must have a minimum of 35 multiple choice questions. You may also create a free response section as well (this may he helpful for proofs or graphing)
This project will be worth 120 points. You will be evaluated on the following criteria:
____/15 Is the test formatted correctly and there is consistency on how the problems are displayed
____/15Are all of the topics covered?
____/15How appropriate is the level of difficulty
____/25Do the multiple choice answers have options that were derived from common mistakes?
____/50Is the answer key (with worked out solutions attached) correct
When you create your test, the average student who had paid attention all year should be able to get a 65% with very little studying. Sixty five percent of the value of your test should be straight forward basic questions. From here you will gradually increase the level of difficulty of the questions. About 10% of the test should be challenging so that only the top students get it correct. This 10% will separate the A+ students from the A’s, the A- students from the B’s etc. Also, be sure that your multiple choice section has believable incorrect responses.
Sample problems and the format are shown on the last page.
To get equation editor (this is what allows you to type in fractions, integrals etc) in your document do the following:
Using Word 2003
Click on the insert command on the top of your tool bar select object scroll down 1 mouse click until you see Microsoft equation 3.0, select this and you will have access to equation editor
You can also put this on your tool bar. On the far right of the tool bar select add/remove buttons customize click on the commands tab select the insert command on the left scroll down about 2/3 on the right until you see equation editor (it will be the one that looks like a fish under the radical sign drag it your tool bar. You will now be able to click on that whenever you need to insert an equation
Using Word 2007 or later
Click the insert tab on the right hand side of the tool bar you will see the symbol for pi, click on the symbol and you can start to use the commands
The only paper that you will turn in will be the answer key and the worked out solutions. The answer key will be typed in Times New Roman (preferably) type with a font size of 12. Follow the format shown below. The correct choice should be in bold next to the question. If writing out the problems, the must be LEGIBLE and professional looking. The common mistakes should be listed below with a brief explanation of the mistake you anticipate someone making.
Final Exam Project Topics:
Chapter 5: Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers
- Terminal Points (5.1)
- Reference Angles (5.1)
- Definitions of trig functions (5.2)
- Domain and signs of trig functions (5.2)
- Reciprocal and Pythagorean Identities (5.2)
- Graphs of sine and cosine functions (5.3)
- Shifting sine and cosine functions (5.3)
Chapter 6: Trigonometric Functions of Angles
- Converting radians to degrees and degrees to radians (6.1)
- Conterminal angles (6.1)
- Length of a circular arc (6.1)
- Area of a circular sector (6.1)
- Finding trigonometric ratios (6.2)
- Solving a right triangle (6.2)
- Applications of right triangles/word problems (6.2)
- Definitions of trig functions (6.3)
- Use reference angles to evaluate trig functions (6.3)
- Rewrite one trig function on terms of another (6.3)
- Area of a triangle (6.3)
- Law of Sines (6.4)
- Law of Cosines (6.5)
Chapter 7: Analytic Trigonometry
- Simplifying trig expressions using Reciprocal and Pythagorean Identities (7.1)
- Proving trig identities (7.1)
- Addition and subtraction formula’s (7.2)
- Double angles (7.3)
- Lowering powers (7.3)
- Half angles (7.3)
- Inverse trig functions (7.4)
- Compositions of trig functions and trig inverses (7.4)
- Trig equations (7.5)
- Algebraically
- Factoring quadratic types
- Using identities
- Finding multiple solutions
Rational Graphing
- Given a rational function you should be able to identify: x and y intercepts, horizontal and vertical asymptotes, slant asymptotes (with long division) and than sketch the graph
****Be aware that your final exam will also include Polars as well as Conics****
Sample Problem: The correct answer should be highlighted or circled with reasons why you chose the other options as wrong answers. This example has 3 reasons for the wrong answers, you only need 1 or 2 wrong answers for each problem.
What is the period of the function: y = 2sin(3x – π) + 1, what is
a)π/3b) 2c) 1d) 2π/3
- This is the answer for the phase shift of the function
- This would be the amplitude of the function
- This is the vertical shift