Minutes of meeting Tuesday 4thMarch 2014

Held in Kings Park Secondary School


Colin Carmichael ( Chairperson)Moira Boyle

Janet Dick (Secretary)Janet Haazen

Debbie Thomson ( Minutes Secretary)Marie Donnelly

Mark Caldwell ( Vice Chairperson)Anna Currie

John Smart ( Planning)Mary Mcminn

Alan Cuthbertson ( Treasurer)

Ian Watson


-Stewart Mcdonald – James Dornans Office.

-Jack Devine - Parks Department

-Sergeant Stephen Connor

-Constable Debbie Robertson.


- The chair opened the meeting by thanking everyone for coming.


-Proposed by Janet Dick

-Seconded by Mark Caldwell


- John advised that there were currently no planning applications.


-Receipt for Ink and paper for the petitions given to Alan.

-The let for the school has now been confirmed until June and the bill for this will be sent out every four weeks.


-Stewart advised that he was at the meeting to represent James Dornan local SNP MSP as James was in parliament at present.

- Stewart advised that what James and himself had done in the past was a community walk about where the police, the roads department the community council etc go on a walk about around the area and highlight any particular issues within the community. Stewart advised that this is very useful as the group would be able to direct the walk about and each individual would be able to take away any issues there and then. Stewart advised that he could help the group arrange one of these meetings and he provided his e-mail address for us to get in touch with him.

- Stewart highlighted that the advertising of the meetings could be better and Colin advised him that we had been putting flyers up in the local shops etc and that there was no real response from the community. Mark advised that he will put up a flyer in the cooper institute.


-Sergeant Connor advised that there had been 124 incidents within the area and 38 crime reports. There had been a few Housebreakings and there were a few speeders caught on Carmunnock Road although these figures were nothing to be overly concerned about.

- At the moment there are no particular troublesome areas within the ward, however, when the better weather arrives and with school holidays this may change.

- Sergeant Connor also advised that the opening times for Police Scotland have recently changed. Janet has a copy of the times for anyone who needs them.


-Although Charlie Maloney was not at the meeting Jack advised that he would take any issues that were brought up back to him.

-It was highlighted that the dog litter bins on Seil Drive were overflowing and had not been emptied for 3 weeks. Jack advised that there was no point in trying to encourage residents to use these bins if they don’t get emptied and said that he would speak to Charlie about this.

- Alan also highlighted that more dog litter bins were required on simshill road. Jack advised that if residents look at the numbers on the lamp pole where they would like a bin and pass this on to Charlie then this could possibly be arranged. Colin advised that if Alan e-mails him on the numbers of the poles then he will pass this on to Charlie.

-Bulk uplift also seemed to be an issue particularly over the xmas period with residents having to phone up repeatedly to get their items taken away. Jack advised that bulk uplift is suspended during the xmas period and this might have been the reason for this but that when you call up the items should be lifted within 20 days. He will confirm this with Charlie and highlight the problem to him.

-Residents were also experiencing problems with getting replacement refuse and recycling bins. Mark had phoned for a lid for his green bin but was told that they didn’t know if they had them in stock. Jack advised that he knows that they import them from abroad so this may be the reason for the problem. Jack advised that Mark may be charged for replacement refuse bin. Mark then asked why we are charged for green bins but not for Blue bins. Jack advised that it is possibly because rubbish is sent to landfill which is charged per ton but he will check this with Charlie.

-Jack was also asked to check with Charlie who supplies the bags which are used for the silver food waste bins as they are not being replaced when they run out. Jack with check this with Charlie.

-Jack advised that Farmfoods have now been fined for dumping rubbish in the back. However, the problem seems to still be ongoing. Ian advised that he had phoned environmental health and they arrived within the hour and again spoke to farmfoods. Possibly a lock is required on the food waste bin as there is a problem with people rummaging in the bins. Colin will contact Charlie to see if he can again arrange to speak to Farmfoods about this issue.

TRAFFIC CALMING – Drakemire Drive

-John advised that the list of public streets is online and that it appears that the Carmunnock Road side is an adopted highway. John advised that he s unsure about the Drakemire Drive side but Colin advised that the property enquiry certificate, which is a legal search obtained when transferring property, shows that this is adopted by the council and this was confirmed by Jack. John advised that there are a lot of services which run under the road at Carmunnock Road side like BT,NTL etc and this could potentially be a stumbling block for us as it would cost a lot if this were to be dug up and re laid.

-Mark then asked Stewart if he could think of any funding which may be available that would help us out if cost becomes an issue. Stewart advised that he couldn’t think of anything at the moment but that he would have a think about it and let us know. Jack advised that with the commonwealth this would be an ideal opportunity to tap into any available funding as we are part of the golden mile.

-Colin advised that he had spoken to Castlemilk community council and they were happy to help us in any way with this issue as the residents in the castlemilk area often use the shops at Croftfoot. Colin advised that he would attend their next community council meeting and give them some petitions to hand out.

-Jack advised that he had cut back the shrubbery at the pensioners side on Drakemire Drive and that if it would help then he could take away the shrubbery completely and let people park there.

-Colin advised that he will contact DRS again and try and get them along to the next meeting where we can present them with the completed petitions and raise our issues with the road and see if we can progress things forward.


THE GRASS VERGE – Carmunnock Road

- Janet advised Jack that the residents on Carmunncok Road have agreed to have the shrubbery removed and she passed on the address of the person who has a memorial bush to Jack. Jack advise that this should be completed within the next few months and that as Carmunncok Road is part of the golden mile this verge would have been getting cleared anyway.


The next meeting will be Tuesday 4th April in Kingspark Secondary School at 7pm.

The chair then closed the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.