Waukesha County is starting a NEW leadership opportunity. The Ambassador Program’s purpose is to PROMOTE 4-H at community events throughout the year. You will be the YOUTH VOICE for 4-H in Waukesha County. In addition to community events, Ambassadors are seen as leaders at 4-H activities and Events. A 4-H member becomes an Ambassador when he/she applies and is selected to represent the 4-H Program in this leadership role. Applicants will need to attend a group and individual interview.

4-H Age: Must be in eighth grade or above

4-H Members must demonstrate the following skills and abilities:

  • Maturity
  • Responsibility
  • Communication
  • Commitment
  • Enthusiasm
  • A good understanding of 4-H

Requirements: Successful applicants must be able to travel around the county and have a sincere desire to promote 4-H. Each Ambassador must attend at least 75% of all Ambassador meetings or activities.

Duties: To promote UW Extension, 4-H throughout Waukesha County. Opportunities may include:

  1. Promote 4-H in local media with newspaper articles and radio.
  2. Attend community events.
  3. Visit all clubs once a year.
  4. Assist with various events and activities at the fair
  5. Help Emcee countywide 4-H events.
  6. Participate in area parades.
  7. Present at and help organize the new family orientation.

Selection: Applicants must submit the Ambassador Application form by September 1, 2016to the UW-Extension Office (515 W. Moreland Blvd. Waukesha, WI 53188 or email to Cindy Sarkady, 4-H Youth Development Educator ). Applicants will be contacted at that time for an interview. Selection will be limited to a maximum of 10 for the Pilot year 2016/17).

Benefits: Being an ambassador takes a lot of time and commitment, but you can gain the following:

  • Gain marketable life skills
  • Improve your self-confidence
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Gain new leadership skills
  • Gain more awareness of your own strengths and capabilities
  • Enjoy getting others excited about 4-H



Years in 4-H: ______4-H Club: ______T-Shirt Size:______

1. Please provide a typed, short essay to fully answer the question below:

Choose a famous person you believe has a similar leadership style as yourself. Write about this style, including the strengths and weaknesses, and provide examples of how you two are similar.

2. Please attach a resume complete with work, volunteer, school, and extra curricular experiences. Example is provided on the last page of application.

The following is a list of some events the Ambassadors have participated in the past.

Please mark those events you may be interested in:

_____Presentations to 4-H clubs and other organizations (Kiwanis, Rotary, County Board)

_____Promote and present at 4-H Events

_____ Organize and execute Leadership Conference (future plan)

_____Emcee Events
_____ Help out at 4-H Events (i.e. Demo Days, Showcase, Leader’s Recognition, etc.)

_____Assist in promotional events at the Waukesha County Fair (educational opportunities)

_____Attend Community Events to Promote 4-H

_____Community Service Projects

_____Other Waukesha County Activities

Ambassador meetings are held monthly. Meeting times and location will be determined.

What other commitments do you have that we should know about?

4-Her's Agreement: I have read the duties of the 4-H Ambassador and agree to participate in the program. If I don't fulfill the requirements (determined by Ambassador team), then I may be removed from my position.



Parent/Guardian Agreement: I have read the duties of the 4-H Ambassador and agree to support this applicant if he/she is chosen to represent Waukesha County 4-H.



Applicants must submit the Ambassador Application form must be mailed or emailed to the UW-Extension Office UW-Extension Office (515 W. Moreland Blvd. Waukesha, WI 53188 or email to Cindy Sarkady, 4-H Youth Development Educator ). Applicants will be contacted at that time for an interview.
University of Wisconsin, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Wisconsin counties cooperating. UW-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming including Title IX and ADA.