The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, April 4, 2013. Present were Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati, and Commissioners William D. Burke, Anthony J. Caruso, Kenneth L. Laytin, Walter E. Morrison, Jr., and Paul G. Worcester. Also present were Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, Inc. and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.

Approve Minutes of March 7, 2013 regular meeting: Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Laytin seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Cars & Copters, Request – Mr. Wes Verkaart requested approval for the Cars & Copters event on September 15, 2013 with a rain date of September 22. He thanked the Commission and Manager for their past support of this event and recognizes that changes need to made to alleviate traffic and to accommodate the larger crowd. Therefore this year he is requesting to relocate the event to the SW area of the airport with access through Gate 6. Manager Maher advised that he has walked the area with Mr Verkaart and it would be suitable for this event. Operationally the impact would be minor and would require the closing of 2 taxiways, for safety, and the helicopters would still be able to operate. Commissioner Caruso wanted a longer police presence than in the past and assurances that vendors would be monitored due to the unfortunate episode last year involving inappropriate material by one of the vendors right outside the admin bldg. Mr. Verkaart agreed to extend the police presence and would consult with Manager Maher and Carver Police since Gate 6 is in Carver. He also advised that he had a person who would be responsible for coordinating all the food and merchandise vendors and that vendors would be informed that inappropriate material would not be tolerated. Further Manager Maher feels it would be appropriate to have a list of vendors and items being vended ahead of time to deter the wrong items being on display. Commissioner Worcester expressed concerns about the site regarding parking and Manager Maher assured him that he had walked the road and there is twice as much parking as the old site. Vice Chairman Crociati requested that Plane Jane's be invited to participate. Commissioner Caruso made a motion to approve the event subject to a list and approval of vendors prior to the event, consultation with Plane Jane's and the Carver and Plymouth police presence. Mr. Verkaart indicated that Carver police would be at Gate 6 for the hours of the event since the gate is in Carver but he would notify Plymouth police and mention on the website to be respectful of the neighbors on S Meadow Road. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Aero Club, bench donation, May flour event, request- Mr. Hurley advised that the board of the Aero Club is proposing a picnic table or other seating arrangement in honor of Warren “Smitty” Smith. Commissioner Burke made a motion to approval subject to design review. Commissioner Morrison seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Aero Club is also requesting a mayflour bombing event/competition event for members on May 19th for bragging rights. Manager Maher will have a Safety Meeting prior to the event with ground rules and guidelines. The Aero Club will use this event to bolster membership and the proceeds will go towards their scholarship fund. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve subject to the Managers' coordination. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Pilgrim Aviation, proposed hangar - Mr. Rosenberg thanked the airport and management for their support. He advised that they have six aircraft on the field with a seventh on the way. They are requesting approval to build 2 hangars and would like a 40 year lease. Mr. Rosenberg indicated that the insurance on the planes was less expensive if the planes are hangared indoors. Additionally, the Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA) is pushing them to be A part 141 flight school versus a part 61 operation and the part 141 requires the aircraft to be heated in the winter. The proposed area is on S Meadow Rd. at gate 4. Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, advised that the Master Plan depicts smaller buildings in that area but the use complies with the plan. Vice Chairman Crociati requested a more detailed drawing and inquired about the possible conflict between parking and aircraft using the back taxiway. Manager Maher indicated that the vehicles would not be an issue. The Commission was agreeable in principle but requested scale drawings before further consideration.

Don Morrisey, proposed hangar - Mr. Morrisey requested to build a hangar. The proposed location, at the end of the port-a-ports at Gate 3, runs in close proximity to a underground power line and the airports consultant Jeff Adler felt that it had the potential to be an FAA compliance issue. Mr. Morrisey will work with Manager Maher and Mr. Adler to determine the availability of suitable locations for this building.

Mark Small, Plymouth Copters, security issue: Manager Maher sent an email to Mr. Small regarding whether or not he wanted to be included on the Agenda for the April meeting. Mr. Small did not reply and he did not attend this meeting. Unless further correspondence is received this item will be removed from the agenda.

DuBois & King, Inc. EA/EIR, update – Mr. Jeff Adler advised that the Final EA/EIR has been filed and that the 45 day response period is still open. Mr. Adler discussed several scenarios with relation to the mitigation and the buffer on Federal Furnace Road.

Mr. Adler advised the Commission that the scope of the Engineering Contract for EA – Phase II did not include several items that developed after it was signed. FAA has approved funding but requested a new grant for EA-Phase III. Manager Maher recommends the Commission approve and sign.. Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the grants and engineering contract for Phase III. Commissioner Caruso seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Beaton Land, update - Manager Maher briefed the he was working on a Purchase & Sale agreement acknowledging that the sale could not take place until next year.

Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review - None.

Other Business

Manager Maher recommended the Commission sign the lease for Pilgrim Aviation as approved by Attorney Gilmore for 5 years with the option for an additional 5 years. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Vice Chairman Crociati introduced Mr. Ed James the new liaison for the Carver Selectmen.

Commissioner Worcester made a motion to change July's meeting from the 4th to the 11th for the holiday and June's meeting from the 6th to the 13th due to a conflict. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:47 P.M.


Douglas R. Crociati

Vice Chairman