West Midlands Regional `Paddlefest`

16-17th June

Aztec Adventure – Upton Warren – Bromsgrove – B 61 7 ER

Join us in a weekend of canoe / kayak related workshops, skills updates and coaching.

This event is open to all paddlers within the West Midlands region whether you are a coach or not and no matterwhat yourlevel of experience may be.

This events aim to provide an excellent opportunity for coaches to:

Update your personal repertoire of skills and /or learn new ones.

Meet other coaches and share ideas

Participate in workshops to develop coaching, paddling and rescue skills

Try and/or learn from other parts of paddlesport

Get your Coaching & Canoeing questions answered

Programme and workshop options Day One 16th June

09:00 – 09:30 / Arrivals - Registration / Tea and Coffee
09:30 – 10:00 / Prepare for your agreed workshop / Change, sort boats and meet your coaches for the session..
10:00 – 1.00 / Workshop A CD
Mentoring / This is a CPD module which will equip coaches and leaders with a definition of modern mentoring.
‘’ / Workshop B DB
First aid and Catastrophic bleeding
Workshop C ID
Leadership – Managing your approach to leading club trips
Workshop D MB
Kayak paddling skills
2 * level / A practical workshop looking at 1st aid updates and catastrophic bleeding scenarios.
(£10 for cert and booklet)
An Interactive workshop exploring different leadership styles and their effect in Leading on rivers.
A practical session looking at kayak skills and how to improve them.
‘’ / Workshop E
Ropes and pulley systems for boat rescues
Workshop F
What to do in emergency situations / A practical workshop looking at mechanical advantage systems for boat rescues
This workshop looks at incident management within the 3-4 star syllabus
(Please bring any rescue and safety kit you may have, as detailed in the 4 star syllabus)
1:00 – 2:00 / Lunch / (Please bring your own packed lunch!)
2:00 – 5:00ish / Workshop E ID
Journey preparation / A discussion workshop looking at the practicalities of journey planning and preparation.
‘’ / Workshop F DB
Open Canoe Trad skills
Including poling, lining, and trailside shelters etc
Workshop G CD
`Facing the fear factor`
Workshop H DM
Open canoe paddling skills
2* level / A look at Traditional skills used in Open Canoe
Including, poling, sailing, Lining and setting up a basic shelter.
A look at why we become irrational on the water and how we can overcome these fears.
A practical session looking at canoe skills and how to improve them. / Looking at good practice and safe techniques canoe & kayak elements of the FSRT
Day Two 17TH June
09:00 – 09:30 / Arrivals - Registration / Tea and Coffee
09:30 – 10:00 / Prepare for your agreed workshop / Change, sort boats and meet your coaches for the session..
10:00 – 5.00 / Workshop I DB
Campcraft and expedition skills / This is a CPD looking at one of the modules for those who may be opting for the Guide Award
Open to all paddlers.
10.00 – 5.00
10.00- 1.00
10.00 -1.00 / Workshop J ID
Ropes, pulley and mechanical advantage
Workshop K PM
Open Canoe
Workshop L MB
A look at the four concepts of Fundamentals / A practical workshop looking at mechanical advantage systems for boat rescues
A workshop run by Black Snow canoe outfitters discussing the why`s and how`s of outfitting trad and white water canoes. A must for the canoe expeditioners
This is a Foundation Module and is recognised as a CPD module(£5 certification fee)
‘’ / Workshop E
Ropes and pulley systems for boat rescues
Workshop F
What to do in emergency situations / A practical workshop looking at mechanical advantage systems for boat rescues
This workshop looks at incident management within the 3-4 star syllabus
(Please bring any rescue and safety kit you may have, as detailed in the 4 star syllabus)
1:00 – 1:45 / Lunch / (Please bring your own packed lunch!)
2:00 – 5:00ish / Workshop M MB
FSRT update / Looking at good practice and safe techniques canoe & kayak elements of the FSRT
‘’ / Workshop N CA
Workshop O DM
Open canoe paddling skills
2* level
Workshop P TBA
Kayak paddling skills
2 * level / A look at how to play and organie Polo
A practical session looking at canoe skills and how to improve them.
A practical session looking at kayak skills and how to improve them.

The workshops are intended to give a flavour and insight into various aspects of canoeing / kayaking activity whilst creating opportunity for paddlers to improve or update current skills.

You must bring with you paddling kit for the practical workshops.

Tea and coffee will be provided;you will need to make your own arrangements for lunch.

Please note that Workshops and Deliverers may change and are subject to availability


To book your place, complete the enclosed reply form and return it with full payment to:


Return to;

Dave Bateman


Ackers Adventure

Golden Hillock Road

Small Heath

B 11 2PY

Please note if you are doing the Foundation CPD Module there is a £5 certification fee collected on the day



WEST MIDLANDSPaddlefest Event 16-17th June

Please complete the details below and return this form to Dave Bateman at the above address.

I, ……………………………………………… (Print name) would like to attend the West MidlandsPaddlefest event at Upton Warren.

My address is: ……………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………Post Code.…………………

E-mail: ………………………………………@......

Tel: ………………………………………………

Membership no: ………………………..………

I also enclose my payment of £……….(Cheques payable to BRITISH CANOEING WEST MIDLANDS)

For those booking on the CPD module there will be a £5 certification fee payable on the day.

For those booking on the First aid workshop there will be £10 cert / booklet fee on the day.

Camping: Yes / No (please circle - add fee to booking costs)

Signed:…………………………………………. Date:……………………

To help us organise the Update, please list your choices in order of priority & I will try to accommodate on a first come basis depending on popularity of each workshop.

Booking forms should be returned by the 1st June to avoid disappointment.

Costs:One day £30.00

Two days £50.00

Camping £6.00

Boat hire: £10.00- (Type of boat required)………………………….

Workshops DAY ONE (Write Letter below)
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice
Workshops DAY TWO (Write Letter below)
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice