MINUTES OF THE Council Meeting
HELD AT THECouncil Chamber, Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg
ONWednesday 11 October 2017
The Mayor opened the meeting at 7 pm and acknowledged the traditional owners, the Wurundjeri people and paid respects to their Elders, past and present, and the Elders from other communities who may be here today. The Mayor acknowledged that currently many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have made Moreland home and in doing so have contributed to the positive, rich diversity of this municipality.
Present: / Time in / Time outCr Helen Davidson (Mayor) / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr Samantha Ratnam (Deputy Mayor) / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr Natalie Abboud / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr Sue Bolton / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr Ali Irfanli / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr John Kavanagh / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr Dale Martin / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr Mark Riley / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Cr LambrosTapinos / 7 pm / 10.46 pm
Cr Oscar Yildiz JP / 7 pm / 11.07 pm
Chief Executive Officer – Nerina Di Lorenzo
Director Corporate Services – James Scott
Director City Infrastructure –Grant Thorne
Director Social Development – Arden Joseph
Director Planning and Economic Development - Kirsten Coster
Executive Manager Organisation Development - Anita Craven
Manager Property and Governance – Olivia Wright
Unit Manager Governance – Sally Curran
Cr Ratnam declared a conflict of interest in Notice of Motion 58/17 Support for Dying with Dignity due to potential conflicting duties.
Cr Irfanli moved, Cr Abboud seconded -The minutes of the Council meeting held on 13 September 2017, the 25 September 2017, the Special Council meeting held at 5.45 pm on 27 September 2017 and the Council meeting held at 6 pm on 27 September 2017 be confirmed.
Reports from Committee to Council:
RCC29/17Moreland Disability Advisory Committee - Notes and Minutes from meetings held 27 February 2017 and 1 May 2017 (D17/338084)The minutes of the Moreland Disability Advisory Committee meetings held on 27 February and 1 May 2017 are provided for Council’s information.
Key Items Discussed:
As there were not enough community members present, the meeting of 27 February was held as an informal discussion rather than a formal meeting. Notes from the February meeting are attached to the minutes of the following meeting held 1 May 2107.MetroAccess officers reported on resident complaints they received about poor or compromised disability access at Council voting centres during recent Council elections.
With the NDIS transition coming soon to Hume and Moreland LGA’s, the MetroAccess officers are working with Hume City Council officers on a joint communication strategy to keep the community informed of changes;
Discussion of DAC representation on the Human Rights Advisory Committee (HRAC) as DAC transitions to become a working group of the new HRAC;
Guest speaker from VicRoads, Matilda Tonkin, consulted the DAC on design options for roadworks to support accessible tram stops on Nicholson Street;
Access audits for the project, ‘DDA Compliance in Council Buildings’, are underway at Brunswick and Coburg Civic Centres. Participating members of DAC can expect to be contacted as part of the consultation;
DAC members congratulated Moreland Libraries on acquiring and promoting new library resources in Dyslexie Font to make books more accessible to people with dyslexia; and
DAC members again raised the issue of some venues at the Brunswick Music Festival not being accessible, despite being told they were when booking.
Officer recommendation:
That Council receives and notes the report from the Moreland Disability Advisory Committee to Council.
Cr Ratnam moved that -
This item be deferred.
RCC30/17Minutes from the Human Rights Advisory Committee (D17/314469)
The minutes of the Human Rights Committee meeting held on 22 June 2017 are provided for Council’s information.
Key Items Discussed:
The resolution of the National General Assembly of Local Government which called on all Australian councils to consider efforts they could take to lobby the Federal Government to change the date of recognition of Australia Day;Establishment of a Reconciliation Working Group and Disability Working Group as a transition plan for the Reconciliation and Disability Advisory Committees;
Review of the terms of reference of the Human Rights Advisory Committee to reflect its connection with working groups;
The impact of NDIS on the community and changes to the State Government’s Building Inclusive Communities program; and
Key priority projects for Council will focus on social cohesion, employment pathways for priority groups and a LGBTIQ initiative.
Cr Abboud moved, Cr Ratnam seconded -
That Council receives and notes the report from the Human Right Advisory Committee to Council.
RCC31/17Oxygen Committee Meeting Minutes (D17/346908)
The minutes of the Oxygen Youth Advisory Committee meetings held on Wednesday 7 June 2017, Wednesday 5 July 2017 and Wednesday 2 August 2017 are provided for Council’s information.
Key Items Discussed:
June meeting:Moreland Youth Movement pitch presentation.
Presentation from Council’s Human Resources Unit regarding development of the Child Safe Policy and Procedures to support implementation across Council.
The launch of the ‘Anti-Bullying’ clip was discussed and agreed upon to launch the clip on ‘R U Ok Day’ (Thursday 14September).
Youth Services officers provided an update on the Oxygen Youth Space - a total of 840 people attended the space, of which 380 people participated in the unstructured programs.
Committee Budget 2016/2017 residual budget. Agreed funding included a new pool table for the centre and contribution to fund the VCE masterclasses and Youth Mental Health first aid training for young people.
July meeting:
Senior Project Manager provided an update on Oxygen stages 2 and 3.
Aquatics Strategy Consultation by Unit Manager Active Moreland.
Facility Operations Update
Report on ‘The Stronger Communities Grant Programme’ and suggestion of the opportunity to make application.
August meeting:
Consultation on the Health and Wellbeing Plan with Council’s Social Policy and Planning Officer.
Stronger Communities Programme Grant - ideas on what to include in the application.
Victoria University Consultation and Presentation:
Launch of the Anti-Bullying Clip/R U Ok Day Event at Oxygen.
Cr Abboud moved, Cr Tapinos seconded -
That Council receives and notes the quarterly report and minutes from Oxygen Committee.
Question time commenced at 7.06 pm
QT115/17Cherry Horan - O’Hea Street traffic managementThe resident noted the work of the O’Hea Street Working Group and requested Council to favourably consider these recommendations.
The Mayor noted the report on tonight’s agenda and thanked the working group for their work.
ON9/17JOHN Englhart - Land Swap
The resident noted there are 7 mature native trees in the land to be swapped with Darul Ulum College and asked if Council would put in place a mechanism to protect the trees on the site, following the exchange of the land.
The Mayor took the question on notice.
QT116/17Geoff Law - Morris Reserve
Would Council consider granting the trial of a limited liquor licence to the West Coburg Cricket Club at Morris Reserve on Saturdays from 2 pm to 7 pm for the coming cricket season, from 14 October 2017 to 31 March 2018)?
At the invitation of the Mayor Cr Kavanagh noted his intention to move a motion for Council officers to work with the West Coburg Cricket Club with the aim of progressing the liquor licence application.
QT117/17Mark Higginbotham - Moreland Arts Board Recruitment Process
Mr Higginbotham noted his membership of the Moreland Arts Board.
During Mr Higginbotham’s question, the meeting was interrupted and was adjourned at 7.16pm. The meeting recommenced at 7.26 pm.
Mr Higginbotham asked if Council will consider readvertising the Moreland Arts Board positions and if Council determines to proceed in accordance with the officer recommendation what will the selection process be?
At the invitation of the Mayor, Cr Riley responded to the question noting:
- There is confidence in the process used to select the 6 proposed board members in the report;
- The intent to move forward with the recruitment process with some strong candidates and to not hold up the business of the board;
- The aim to continue to address the diversity gaps on the Moreland Arts Board; and
- Cr Riley noted further information could be provided in relation to the process to recruit remaining members, following a decision in relation to the report in the agenda.
QT118/17Emma Gee - Moreland Toy Library
Ms Gee enquired if Councillors are willing to provide ongoing support for the Moreland Toy Library.
Lauren Holland, President Moreland Toy Library asked the following questions:
Why was the Moreland Toy Library predicted budget for 2018 calendar year not included as an appendix to the report being considered tonight?
What chance does the Moreland Toy Library have of successfully applying for the newly-created Operational Support Grant?
At the invitation of the Mayor, Cr Bolton responded to part of the question noting:
- Her intention to move a motion to seek ongoing funding for the Moreland Toy Library when the report is considered; and
- The benefits provided by toy libraries.
- The projected budget was not included because the other information provided gave actual costs and financial information, rather than projected costs; and
- The Operational Support Grant takes effect from the next financial year.
Extension of Time
Cr Kavanagh moved, Cr Martin seconded -
Question time be extended by 30 minutes.
Question time was extended at 7.45 pm
QT119/17Farida Iqbal - Public Housing
Ms Iqbal asked what can Council offer to LGBTI youth in need of crisis accommodation?
At the request of the Mayor, Arden Joseph, Director Social Development:
- Commended the question and suggested Council officers meet with Ms Iqbal to discuss the issues and the role of Council in relation to the issues raised; and
- Opportunities for Council to discuss involvement in prevention of homelessness and advocacy.
ON10/17Vic Issell - Pascoe Vale Community Centre
Mr Issell, Manager Sussex Neighbourhood House asked if Council will:
- Review our early August response paper to the 2013 Traffic and Transport Assessment for Pascoe Vale Community Centre and the recommendations made; and
- Review the need for lighting in Rogers Reserve?
QT120/17Nicola Keating - Hospitality Union Campaign
Ms Keating asked in what ways can Council help the United Voice ‘Respect is the Rule’ campaign be reflected in the culture of the community as well as hospitality venues?
At the invitation of the Mayor, Cr Bolton:
- Noted the motion in the agenda regarding the campaign; and
- The impacts for the victims of sexual harassment.
QT121/17Nic Dolby - Essendon Airport Aircraft Noise
Mr Dolby enquired if Council making a submission regarding the Essendon Airport aircraft noise?
At the invitation of the Mayor, Cr Abboud noted:
- The late notice regarding the recent consultation meeting; and
- A position has been submitted by Council.
The Mayor noted questions not responded to tonight would be taken on notice. Question time ended at 8.03 pm.
On Notice Items from Previous Council Meeting:
MCC51/17Cr Helen DavidsonThe Mayor noted the Deputy Mayor, Cr Ratnam’s resignation as she will be commencing a new role in the upper house of State Parliament.
The Mayor commended Cr Ratnam’s action over her time as a Councillor, and noted Cr Ratnam has made a difference to Moreland, which will continue to be felt.
MCC52/17Cr John Kavanagh
Cr Kavanagh noted that Cr Ratnam has represented the community for over 5 years and commended Cr Ratnam’s compassion, intellect and character and confidence and that Cr Ratnam would continue to make Moreland proud in her new role.
MCC53/17Cr Lambros Tapinos
Cr Tapinos noted contribution of Cr Ratnam and congratulated her on her new role. Cr Tapinos spoke of Cr Ratnam’s commitment and passion over her time as Councillor, highlighting her capacity to champion change.
MCC54/17Cr Natalie Abboud
Cr Abboud thanked and commended Cr Ratnam and also thanked and commended the Mayor on her term.
The Mayor made a presentation to Cr Ratnam.
MCC55/17Cr Samantha Ratnam
Cr Ratnam thanked her Councillor colleagues for their kind words and reflected on her 5 years as a Councillor. Cr Ratnam spoke of her love for the Moreland community and noting her time as a Councillor had never felt like work.
Cr Ratnam highlighted her work with volunteer committee members, the important debates and decisions made by Council and thanked community members for their contributions, as well Council officers, noting their pride and the calibre of their work.
Cr Ratnam acknowledged the work of the Mayor this year, particularly her leadership in helping the Council start the new term in the strongest way possible.
Cr Ratnam thanked each Councillor for dedication and hard work and commended the difficulty of meeting the commitments with this level of dedication when also working full time and being family members.
MCC57/17Cr Mark Riley
Cr Riley thanked Cr Ratnam for her vigour, rigour, tenacity, energy and grace.
MCC63/17Cr John Kavanagh
Cr Kavanagh commended Cr Davidson on her year as Mayor and how Cr Davidson has represented Council well in all forums. Cr Kavanagh stated Cr Davidson’s respect for others and kindness has been exemplary, and she should be congratulated on her term.
The Mayor modified the order of business to consider the DSD38/17 Moreland Toy Library and NOM 57/17 Sexual Harassment in the Hospitality Sector first.
DSD38/17Moreland Toy Library (D17/348193)The Moreland Toy Library (MTL) is a not-for-profit, member owned and operated community organisation that has been lending toys to Moreland families for 25 years. MTL has identified a community need to expand and provide a toy library service to families living in the northern suburbs of Moreland.
At the April 2017 Council meeting, (DSD11/17) Council resolved:
To offer the Moreland Toy Library regular hire of the existing Pascoe Vale Neighbourhood Facility Hall on two mornings per week on an ongoing basis.
To refer an amount of $40,000 to the 2017-2018 budget process to cover the cost of installing storage facilities for the Moreland Toy Library at the Pascoe Vale Neighbourhood Facility Hall ($33,000) and a contribution towards establishment costs at this new site ($7000).
To continue to support the toy library in finding a more affordable site in Brunswick to relocate and continue their service.
That once a report on the financial position of the toy library is received by Council from the Toy Library, that a further report come to Council to consider any further operational funding that that may be required in future.
MTL has confirmed that the construction of storage facilities at Pascoe Vale Neighbourhood Facility should be complete by April 2018 and that MTL will be in a position to establish its second location by June 2018. MTL has provided information on its financial position. While it has had some success in gaining philanthropic grants to meet the additional costs of expansion, it still has a projected shortfall both in initial establishment costs and meeting operational expenses.
This report provides comparative information on the support offered to toy libraries in neighbouring municipalities and outlines the current and projected financial position of MTL in the context of its imminent expansion to a second location in Pascoe Vale and its need to find a new home in Brunswick to meet growing community demand in the longer term.
Three options are explored for Council’s consideration for future support for MTL and a recommendation is made to ensure the establishment of its new branch is successful and that options for a new home for its Brunswick branch have active support from Council officers.
Officer recommendation:
That Council:
1.Considers a $20,500 allocation in the 2017/2018 mid-year budget review for Moreland Toy Library to cover the unfunded costs of setting up the Pascoe Vale branch in preparation for a May/June 2018 opening.
2.Continues to work with the Moreland Toy Library to assist with the establishment of the Pascoe Vale site and to explore longer term options for a larger and better integrated site in the Brunswick area.
Cr Bolton moved, Cr Tapinos seconded -
8.27 pmDuring the debate Cr Abboud left the Council Chamber.
8.29 pmCr Abboud returned to the Council Chamber.
That Council:
1.Considers a $20,500 allocation in the 2017/2018 mid-year budget review for Moreland Toy Library to cover the unfunded costs of setting up the Pascoe Vale branch in preparation for a May/June 2018 opening.
2.Continues to work with the Moreland Toy Library to assist with the establishment of the Pascoe Vale site and to explore longer term options for a larger and better integrated site in the Brunswick area.
3.Begins the process of negotiating an annual service agreement and Memorandum of Understanding with the Moreland Toy Library for ongoing recurrent funding.
Cr Ratnam moved, Cr Kavanagh seconded -
Point 3 be modified to:
3.Begins the process of negotiating an annual service agreement and Memorandum of Understanding with the Moreland Toy Library for ongoing recurrent funding in the context of the new organisational support funding program.
Lay Motion on the Table
Cr Irfanli moved that -
This motion lay on the table.
Take Motion Off the Table
Cr Irfanli moved that -
This item be taken off the table.
Cr Ratnam withdrew the amendment that had been moved prior to the motion being laid on the table.
Cr Ratnam moved, Cr Martin seconded that -
Point 3 be replaced as follows:
3.Receives a further report at the next Council meeting, in November 2017 that recommends which of a Memorandum of Understanding or Operational Support Grant is the best way to provide ongoing funding support to the Moreland Toy Library with a decision on the funding pathway to be determined at that meeting.
The amendment was carried and became part of the substantive motion
That Council:
1.Considers a $20,500 allocation in the 2017/2018 mid-year budget review for Moreland Toy Library to cover the unfunded costs of setting up the Pascoe Vale branch in preparation for a May/June 2018 opening.
2.Continues to work with the Moreland Toy Library to assist with the establishment of the Pascoe Vale site and to explore longer term options for a larger and better integrated site in the Brunswick area.
3.Receives a further report at the next Council meeting, in November 2017 that recommends which of a Memorandum of Understanding or Operational Support Grant is the best way to provide ongoing funding support to the Moreland Toy Library with a decision on the funding pathway to be determined at that meeting.
The substantive motion was carried
Notices of Motion: