RFP: Permian Basin HSDA – HIV2015

Issued February 15, 2015

Due April 17, 2015

PanWest/West Texas Regions HIV Administrative Agency

StarCare Specialty Health System

3315 E. Broadway, Room 118

P.O. Box 2828

Lubbock, Texas 79408-2828

(806) 767-1624

PROPOSAL information


StarCare Specialty Health System (StarCare) is hereby requesting proposals from qualified providers for Ryan White Part B funds for the Permian Basin HIV Service Delivery Area (HSDA). The funding will be provided through the Ryan White Service Delivery, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) and the State of Texas HIV State Health and Social Services (State Services) grant funding for HIV Health and Social Support Services.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) contains the requirements that all respondents shall meet to be considered for funding. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the disqualification of respondent’s proposal. Each respondent is solely responsible for the preparation and submission of a proposal in accordance with instructions contained in this RFP. Each respondent is also solely responsible for the cost associated with the proposal.

The purpose of this RFP is to select contractors to serve as HIV Service Providers to assist StarCare in the delivery of quality, efficient, and effective HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Health Care and Social Support Services through funds available to the Permian Basin HIV Service Delivery Area (HSDA) from Ryan White Part B, State Services, and the Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) program. Through responses to this RFP and pre-selection site visits, StarCare will assess respondents’ eligibility and ability to implement quality services, data reporting, and quality management of HIV care within the Permian Basin HSDA.



StarCare is a Community Mental Health and Intellectual/Developmental Disability Center created under the authority of the Texas Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act, and is a non-profit agency with 501 (c) (3) status. StarCare was originally established to provide community-based services to people with mental illness and intellectual/developmental disability. Over the ensuing fifty years, StarCare’s scope of responsibility and geographic service area has steadily increased. This has been accomplished primarily through contractual relationships with a variety of state agencies including the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). StarCare has served as the Administrative Agency (AA) for Ryan White Part B funding since 2003. As the DSHS HIV Services Administrative Agency for the PanWest Planning Area, StarCare is responsible for administration, monitoring, fiscal disbursement, and planning for the HIV Administrative Service Area. StarCare is authorized to receive funds DSHS delegates for the Pan West Planning Area and distribute them according to the service priorities established by the Pan West AA in its HIV Care Plan and approved by DSHS. StarCare is responsible for establishing the region’s Priorities and Allocations, collecting community input, assessing service needs and developing HIV services plans for the HSDA.

Role of DSHS

The HIV/STD Prevention and Care Branch of the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) receives state and federal funding to provide medical and support services to individuals infected with HIV/AIDS. These funds are allocated to 26 HIV Service Delivery Areas using a funding formula. This formula contains the following factors:

·  Number of reported living cases of HIV and AIDS in the HSDA;

·  Number of unduplicated clients receiving at least one publicly-funded service in three non-consecutive, randomly selected months from January through December;

·  Percent of the HSDA’s population that is eligible for Medicaid (indicates economic distress of a community and is highly correlated to poverty);

·  5% hold harmless clause: No HSDA will be awarded less than 95% of their previous year’s award; and

·  Minimum funding level: The Bureau will determine the state and federal total funding which is the minimum amount necessary to maintain HIV services in an area.

Funding cannot be guaranteed and is contingent upon the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarding monies to the DSHS. Service Providers will be required to submit yearly applications for continuation of funding for each funding source awarded. Continuation of funding will be based on contractor performance and availability of federal and state funding.


Through this RFP, StarCare intends to assess each applicant’s capacity to use grant funding to provide comprehensive outpatient health and support services for eligible individuals with HIV and perform all the activities required in this RFP. Respondents are not required to apply for or provide all services available through the Ryan White Part B/State Services funds. Respondents may apply for individual grants separately, but may only apply for State Services funds if also applying for Ryan White Part B funds. Respondents may apply for separate deliverables within Ryan White Part B and State Services grants. However, preference will be given to Respondents who apply for multiple grants and/or have the capacity to provide internal health care services in conjunction with medical and non-medical case management within their agency. The preference will be rewarded by adding “Bonus” points to the final scoring of the Respondent’s application. The internal health care services may be provided by contracted physicians at the agency’s location. Respondents who receive individual contracts will be required to develop and maintain formal links with other Ryan White Part B recipients. The linkages will be established via written documents in the form of Collaborative Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding (MOU), and/or Contractual Agreements.

HIV Service Providers funded by StarCare must employ outreach methods to reach and provide services to eligible clients who may not otherwise be able to access the services. Service Providers must ensure that hours of operation, availability of public transportation, geographic location, and lack of funds to pay for service (such as lack of health insurance), do not create barriers to the access of services by potential clients. Service Providers must also ensure that cultural and language differences do not constitute a barrier to services. Applicants must agree to provide services to any qualified individual who resides in their service area, regardless of ability to pay. Respondents will be required to participate in local and regional planning activities related to the scope of this RFP.


The Permian Basin HSDA includes the following counties/areas: Andrews, Borden, Crane, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward and Winkler. Applicants must serve the entire HSDA.

Note: Entities that do not propose to serve the entire HSDA need not apply as they will not be considered for funding.


Administrative Agency (AA) – The agency awarded a contract through the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to perform administrative, planning, evaluation, and quality management functions, as specified, for the DSHS HIV program in a designated HIV Administrative Service Area (HASA). In addition, the AA receives DSHS contracts for funding to be used for providing direct client HIV medical and social support services. The services eligible for funding are defined by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), but not all eligible services are necessarily funded in any given area; the services funded in any given area are determined through a planning process carried out by the AA. DSHS monitors the AA planning processes. The AA is required to monitor the delivery of the services, provide financial monitoring, conduct quality management activities, and provides planning and evaluation services for the administrative service area as defined by DSHS.

Appendix – Additional information and/or forms that are available in the back of this solicitation.

Budget – A financial guideline documented in the contract that describes how funds will be utilized and/or describes the basis for reimbursement for the provision of contracted services. Types of budget may include: categorical or line item, fee for service, or lump sum payable upon receipt of a product or deliverable. Refer to Budget Summary Instructions of this document for greater detail.

Budget Period – The number of months the contract will reflect from begin date to end date.

Contract – A written document referring to promises or agreement for which the law establishes enforceable duties and remedies between a minimum of two parties.

Contract Term – The term of the contract from begin date to end, or renewal date. The contract term may or may not be the same as the budget period.

Co-Payment - A cost sharing arrangement in which the insured pays a specified amount or percentage for a specific health service and the health plan is responsible for the balance.

Cost Reimbursement – A payment mechanism in which funds are provided to carry out approved activities based on an approved eight (8) category budget. Amounts expended in support of these activities shall be billed on a monthly basis for reimbursement. Indirect costs are a separate cost group in the budget.

Debarment – An exclusion from contracting or subcontracting with state agencies on the basis of cause set forth in Title I, Texas Administrative Code, 113.101-113.108, commensurate with the seriousness of the offense, performance failure, or inadequacy to perform.

Deliverables – Goods or services contracted for delivery or performance.

Due Date – Established deadline for submission of a document or deliverable.

Fee For Service – Payment mechanism for services that are reimbursed on an agreed rate per unit of service.

Fully Executed – Contract is signed by both parties and forms a legal binding contractual relationship. No costs chargeable to the proposed contract will be reimbursed before the contract is fully executed.

HIV Service Delivery Area (HSDA) – The geographic location identified for the purposes of allocating direct client services funds for medical and social support services.

Household - Refers to a client and all other beneficiaries residing with that client. In situations where no other beneficiaries reside with the client, the client constitutes a household unto him/herself. Non-beneficiaries who reside in the shared unit are not part of the household.

Indirect Costs – A cost not readily assignable to a particular program and is incurred for a common purpose that benefits more than one program; i.e., general administrative costs. See the DSHS Contractor’s Financial Procedures Manual available online at

Program Attachment – An attachment to a base contract that details the contracted statement/scope of work.

Program Income - The income by a contractor’s activities supported in whole or in part by funds from a federal/state contract.

Respondent – Entity that submits a proposal in response to this RFP.

Scope of Work or Statement of Work – A statement outlining the specific services a contractor is expected to perform, indicating the type, level and quality of service, as well as the time schedule required.

Sliding Fee Scale - The schedule detailing the sliding fee discount (if any) for each service provided by category. Each individual who qualifies for a sliding fee discount during the registration process is assigned a category based on income and family size.

Solicitation – The process of notifying prospective contractors of an opportunity to provide goods or services to the state, i.e., Request for Proposal (RFP).

Subcontractor – An entity awarded funds to perform a portion of the scope of work by the entity contracting with DSHS as a result of this solicitation.

Sub-recipient – A contractor with most of the following characteristics: a) determines who is eligible to receive what assistance; b) has performance measured against federal or state program objectives; c) has responsibility for programmatic decision-making; and d) carries out all or part of a program.

Vendor – A contractor with most of the following characteristics: a) provides goods and services within normal business operations; b) provides similar goods and services to many different purchasers; c) operates in a competitive environment; d) is not subject for federal program compliance requirements; and e) provides goods and services that are ancillary to the operation of the program.

Vendor Identification Number (ID #) – Fourteen-digit number needed for any entity to contract with the State of Texas and which must be set up with the State Comptroller’s Office. It consists of a ten-digit vendor number (IRS number, state agency number, or social security number) + check digit + mail code.

A. Eligible Respondents

Eligible respondents include public or private nonprofit organizations within the State of Texas. A Subcontractor may be a local or county health department, a community foundation, a public trust, a community-based organization, an AIDS services organization, a private practice healthcare provider, an incorporated nonprofit agency, or other governmental unit. Agencies that have had state or federal contracts terminated within the last 24 months for deficiencies in fiscal or programmatic performance are not eligible to apply. To be eligible, an agency must fulfill all of the following requirements:

1.  Respondent shall be established as an appropriate legal entity, as described above, under state statues and must have the authority and be in good standing to do business in Texas.

2.  Respondent must have a physical address within the Permian Basin HSDA. A post office box may be used when the proposal is submitted, but the respondent must conduct business at a physical location within the HSDA before the contract is awarded.

3.  Respondent must be in good standing with the IRS and Federal Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) at

4.  Respondents currently debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded or ineligible for participation in Federal or State assistance programs, are ineligible to apply for funds under this RFP.

5.  Respondent may be ineligible for contract award if audit reports identify ongoing concern issues, material non-compliance or material weaknesses that are not satisfactorily addressed, as determined by the AA.

6.  Staff members, including the executive director, shall not serve as voting members on their employer’s governing board.

7.  An organization is not considered eligible to apply unless the organization meets the eligibility conditions on the due date for proposals and continues to meet these conditions throughout the selection and funding process. The AA expressly reserves the right to review and analyze the documentation submitted, and to request additional documentation, and determine the respondent’s eligibility to compete for the contract award.