A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Richard Steele (1672-1729)
(English journalist and dramatist, Whig activist, collab. with Addison; Knighted 1715)
Steele, Richard. The Christian Hero. Political pamphlet. 1701.
_____. The Tender Husband. Drama. 1705.
_____. Poems in The Muses Mercury. Monthly miscellany. 1707.
_____. From Tatler 21 (28 May 1709). [The Gentleman; The Pretty Fellow]. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2481-82.*
_____. From Tatler 21 (7 June 1709). [Dueling]. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2482-84.*
_____. The Gazette. Official periodical. 1707-10.
_____. (Vs. Restoration drama). Spectator 65 (1711).
_____. On John Peters’ Artificial Versifying. Spectator 220.
_____. The Crisis. Pamphlet. 1713.
_____. Papers in The Guardian. 1713.
_____. The Guardian. No. XII. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1713. (Neoclassicism; Criticism; Composition)
_____. Englishman. Periodical. 57 nos. 6 oct. 1713 to 15 Feb. 1714.
_____. The Importance of Dunkirk Consider'd. Political pamphlet. September, 1713.
_____. Letter to Sir M[iles] W[arton] Concerning Occasional Peers. Political pamphlet. 5 March 1713.
_____. The Reader. Periodical. 1714.
_____. The Lover no 36 (London, 1714). (Love among slaves). In Richard Steele's Periodical Journalism 1714-16. Ed. Rae Blanchard. 1959.
_____. Mr. Steele's Apology for Himself and his Writings. October, 1714.
_____. Town Talk. Periodical. 1715-16.
_____. Political pamphlets. In Oeuvres diverses sur les affaires de la Grande Bretagne traduit de l'Anglois. Amsterdam, 1715.
_____. The Tea-Table. Periodical. 1715-16.
_____. Chit-Chat. Periodical. 1716.
_____. The Plebeian. Periodical pamphlet. 4 nos. March, April, 1719.
_____. The Conscious Lovers. Drama. Prod. Nov. 1722.
_____. The Lying Lover. Drama.
_____. Dramatic Works. 1723, 1734.
_____. Dramatic Works. Ed. George A. Aitken. 1894, 1903.
_____. Tracts and Pamphlets. Ed. Rae Blanchard. Baltimore, 1944.
_____. Correspondence.Ed. John Nichols. 1787, 1809.
_____. Correspondence. Ed. Rae Blanchard. Oxford, 1941.
_____. Richard Steele's Periodical Journalism 1714-16. Ed. Rae Blanchard. 1959.
_____. Papers in The Eighteenth Century. 48 vols. database. (English Letters). Intelex / Oxford UP, 2004. (Correspondence and papers from Edmond Halley, Daniel Defoe, Richard Steele, Humfrey Wanley, Joseph Addison, Edward Young, John Gay, Samuel Richardson, Mary Wortley Montagu, Lord Chesterfield, Henry and Sarah Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Tobias Smollett, Edmund Burke, William Cowper, William Johnston Temple, James Boswell, William Jones, Richard Sheridan. From the Oxford UP ed.).
_____, ed. The Examiner. Newspaper. (Nos. 14-46, October, 1710).
_____, ed. The Guardian. Periodical. Ed. Richard Steele (*Ps. Mr. Nestor Ironside”). London: Printed for J. Tonson (175 nos. 1713).
_____, ed. Poetical Miscellany. 1714.
Steele, Richard, and Joseph Addison. The Tatler. Periodical essay. 1709-11.
_____. The Tatler. 1st collected edition. 4 vols. 1710-11. 25 eds. by 1900.
_____. The Tatler. Ed. John Nichols. 6 vols. 1786.
_____. The Tatler. Ed. Robert Bisset. 4 vols. 1797.
_____. The Tatler. Ed. Alexander Chalmers. 4 vols. 1803.
_____. The Tatler. Ed. George A. Aitken. 4 vols. 1898-9.
_____. The Tatler. Ed. Lewis Gibbs. London: Dent, 1953.
_____. “The Story of the Cornish Lovers.” Tatler 82 (18 Oct. 1709). In Great English Short Stories. Ed. Lewis Melville and Reginald Hargreaves. London: Harrap, 1931. 40-43.*
_____. “La visión de Mirza.” In Ensayistas ingleses. Ed. Ricardo Baeza. Barcelona: Exito, 1968. 66-70.*
_____. (On Paradise Lost). From Tatler 114 (31 Dec. 1709). In Milton: The Critical Heritage. Ed. John T. Shawcross. London: Routledge, 1970. 142.*
_____. “Del talento para la conversación.” In Ensayistas ingleses. Ed. Ricardo Baeza. Barcelona: Exito, 1968. 45-48.*
_____. “Sir Roger y William Wimble.” In Ensayistas ingleses. Ed. Ricardo Baeza. Barcelona: Exito, 1968. 51-54.*
_____. “Sir Roger en el teatro.” In Ensayistas ingleses. Ed. Ricardo Baeza. Barcelona: Exito, 1968. 59-62.*
_____. “Muerte de Sir Roger.” In Ensayistas ingleses. Ed. Ricardo Baeza. Barcelona: Exito, 1968. 63-65.*
_____. “Supersticiones populares.” In Ensayistas ingleses. Ed. Ricardo Baeza. Barcelona: Exito, 1968. 71-74.*
_____. The Spectator. Periodical essay. 1711-12.
_____. The Spectator. 1st collected edition. 8 vols. 1712-15.
_____. The Spectator. Tonson, 1749.
_____. The Spectator. Ed. Robert Bisset. 8 vols. 1793-4.
_____. The Spectator. Ed. John Nichols. 8 vols. 1798.
_____. The Spectator. Ed. Alexander Chalmers. 8 vols. 1806.
_____. The Spectator, with Notes and Illustrations. 6 vols. London Stereotype Ed., 1824.
_____. The Spectator. Ed. G. Gregory Smith. 8 vols. London, 1897-8. Rpt. London: Dent, 1907.
_____. The Spectator. Ed. George A. Aitken. 8 vols. 1898.
_____. The Spectator. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1987.
_____. Selections from The Tatler and The Spectator. Ed. Angus Ross. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
_____. From The Spectator. 1711-14. In Shakespeare Criticism: A Selection 1623-1840. London: Oxford UP, 1946. 38-41.
_____. The Spectator. 4 vols. London: Dent, 1958.
_____. Critical Essays from the Spectator: With Four Essays by Richard Steele. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970.
_____. (Vs. Restoration drama). Spectator 65 (1711).
Duckett, George, Nicholas Amhurst, and Steele. Pasquin. Periodical. 1722-24.
Drake, Nathan, ed. Essays . . . Illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. 3 vols. 1805.
Mackie, Erin, ed. The Commerce of Everyday Life: Selections from The Tatler and The Spectator. (Bedford Cultural Editions). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997.
Addison, Joseph. Critiques on plays by Richard Steele. In Addison, Critical Essays from the Spectator: With Four Essays by Richard Steele. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 228-38.
Aitken, George A. Steele. 2 vols. 1889.
Allen, Robert J. "Steele and the Molesworth Family." Review of English Studies 12 (1936): 449-54.
Bateson, F. W. "Addison, Steele and the Periodical Essay." 1971. In Dryden to Johnson. Ed. Roger Lonsdale. Vol. 4 of Penguin History of Literature. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993. 17-36.*
Blanchard, Rae. "Richard Steele and the Status of Women." Studies in Philology 26 (1929): 325-35.
Bloom, Edward A., and Lillian D. Bloom. Addison and Steele: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980.
Bredvold, Louis I. “Addison and Steele.” In Bredvold, The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660-1798. London: Collier-Macmillan, 1962. 61-66.*
Connelly, Willard. Steele. 1934.
Dobson, Austin. Steele. 1886.
_____. A Paladin of Philantropy and other Essays. Chatto, 1899. (Goldsmith, Angelo, Steele, Boswell’s editors, John Gay, Grub Street, etc).
Graham, Walter. "Some Predecessors of the Tatler." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 24 (1925): 548-54.
_____. "Defoe's Review and Steele's Tatler—The Question of Influence." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 33 (1925): 250-54.
Murry, John Middleton. “Swift versus Steele: 1713-1714.” In Murry, Jonathan Swift: A Critical Biography. London: Jonathan Cape, 1954. 246-57.*
Neumann, J. H. "Shakespearean Criticism in The Tatler and The Spectator."PMLA 39 (1924): 612-23.
Sherburne, George, and Donald F. Bond. "Addison, Steele, and the Periodical Essay." In The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1660-1789). Vol. 3 of A Literary History of England. Ed. A. C. Baugh. London: Routledge, 1948. 2nd ed. 1967. 870-82.*
Swift, Jonathan. The Importance of the Guardian Considered. 1713.
Thackeray, W. M. "Steele." In Thackeray, The Four Georges. The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century. London: Smith, Elder, 1895. 192-227.*
Smith, Margaret. Index of English Literary Manuscripts. Vol 3 (1700 - 1800) Part 3: Pope - Steele. Mansell, 1992.