East Anglia TREC Group
POR (map reading) only
To be held at
Brocks Farm
Twitty Fee, Danbury,
Essex CM3 4PG
22nd October 2016
This is a new venue, using woods, bridleways, minor roads
and field edges. (Level 2 has a ford to cross)
Class One. Level 1 Pairs: Distance about 10-15 km.
This class is aimed for the novice rider and or horse.
There will be help in the map room to draw the route. There are no tags marking the route, so you do need to follow the map, although there will be tickets (A5 white cards with numbers on) sited to help the rider keep on the correct route.
The pair can consist of a novice rider and a more experienced rider. If both riders are experienced please compete in class 2.
Class Two. Level 1A, for the more experienced: Distance: 10-15 km.
For pairs or Individuals. For horses or riders who cannot compete in the higher classes, but still love to have a go.
Class Three Level 2: Individual or Pairs: Distance: 15-25 km
Open to all. Please state if you are usually level 3 or 4.
If entries warrant it, there will be bearings or grid ref. for levels 3 and 4 to practice on.
Rosettes 1st to 6th place in all classes plus prizes.
Soup and rolls will be provided after the completion of the competition.
If you would like to arrive on Friday and stay overnight to get an early start, you can corral overnight, at a price of £15.00.per horse and trailer/lorry. Take away on Friday night can be arranged. Contact Sue Berlyn:
ENTRIES CLOSE: Monday before the event
You will be contacted by email on the Thursday before the event with your times
Entry Fees
All Classes: £24.00 EATG members
£26.00 TREC GB Blue and Red members and members of other TREC groups affiliated to TREC GB.
£28.00 Non-members (includes day membership).
TREC GB Blue members and Non-members must provide evidence of public liability insurance on the day.
Joining TREC GB costs £60.00 for Red (including PLI) and £40.00 for Blue (which does not provide PLI) per year; £10.00 of which includes membership of a regional club, such as East Anglia TREC Group which you nominate and this enables you to get discounted entries.
Rosettes 1st to 6th place in all classes plus prizes.
Soup and rolls will be provided after the completion of the competition.
Compulsory Rider and Horse Equipment.
Hard hat that complying with the BHS current standards (PAS 015, ASTMF 1163, and bearing a kite mark or SEI) that is properly fitted and fastened with a chinstrap.
Safe and appropriate clothing and footwear.
Water proofs.
Hi Viz clothing must be worn by rider. (Recommended for horse).
Medical armband
Pens for drawing the route on the maps. Two colours, thin nibs, red or pink, or orange, blue or black for notes.
Torch, (head torch is ideal).
Whistle used for emergency and to be carried by the rider.
Mobile phones can be carried, level one we ask you to keep them switched on, in case we need to contact you or visa-versa, all other levels switched off and in a sealed bag. No sat- nav devices are allowed.
Horse and rider ID with name and emergency phone number clearly displayed. (You will be given emergency name and number when we give out your times a few days before the date).
First aid kit for human and horse. (6 sterile swabs, pair round ended scissors, 1 x 10cm elastic bandage, disinfectant or antiseptic solution)
Headcollar, lead rope or combination bridle.
Map bag flexible is ideal (never put it around your neck it is dangerous).
Saddle bag.
Hoof-boot or similar and emergency farrier's tools for removal of shoes.(Compulsory for level 3 and 4).
Drink and snack
Digital watch or stop watch
Competitors may choose to wear body protectors. Must be Beta 3 standard.
For more information contact.Mrs Jill Perry on 01279 718 282.
East Anglia TREC Group and Brocks Farm have taken all responsible precautions to ensure the health and safety of every one at this event, and they cannot accept responsibility for loss or injury to persons/ vehicles/animals how so ever caused.
Please leave dogs at home.
Please make sure you clear up after yourself and your horse there will be a receptacle to put horse droppings, and dustbins for your rubbish.
If we leave it as we find it, we will be able to come again
Refund policy: No entry will be refunded after the closing date except on the production of a medical or veterinary certificate to be shown within 5 days of the competition. In the event of cancellation or a change of venue of events, if you are unable to attend in either case a voucher for entry for other EATG events will be issued. £4 will be retained for administration costs.
Mrs Jill Perry BHSAI fully registered freelance instructor,
with up to date First aid , CPD ,safe guard , DBS.
25 plus year’s experience , in all disciplines of equine work.
Riding and Road Safety Assessor and Trainer, Pony club test, Training for L3 NVQ
Stages up to Level 2 at the moment, ¾ the way through Intermediate training.
TREC TD, Judge and organiser of affiliated and unaffiliated TREC events.
Have kit will travel. Phone 07984 477991,
Brocks Farm POR22nd Oct 2016
The price (£15) for staying overnight is not included in the entry fee please add it to your payment if you want to book a site.
Class / Rider name and age if under 18 andTREC GB or EATG no / Horse / Horse age / Entry fee
Corralling overnight
£15.00 per horse
Please add a voluntary donation of £1.00 towards E&H air ambulance if you would like to:
Post code:Tel No:
Please supply your membership number, or you will be charged the non-member’s fee.
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the rules of the TREC GB.
Riders under 16 must fill in a parent consent form.
The rules and consent form can be found on the TREC GB web site.
Please post or email entries to Entry Secretary: Mrs Sue Berlyn.
13 Hopping Jacks Lane, Danbury, Essex, CM3 4PN.
Include proof of payment with your entry
Cheques made payable to East Anglia TREC Group.
Bank transfer Sort code: 20-54-30 Account no: 33900908 Ref: Brocks Farm POR