Texas Master Naturalist
El Camino Real Chapter
Chapter Meeting – September 12, 2013 – Phyllis and Donald Shuffield’s
Call to Order: By Katherine Bedrich @ 7:00pm
Attendees: 17; Guests: Jan Campbell and Paul Unger. Members: Katherine Bedrich, Cindy Bolch, Sherry Colley, Linda Jo Conn, Lucy Coward, Sandra Dworaczyk, Debbi Harris, Janice Johnson, Kathy Lester, Donna Lewis, Dorothy Mayer, Jeanette Patschke, John Pruett, Phyllis Shuffield and Kim Summers.
Secretary: Ann Collins Absent. July minutes were approved by Sandra Dworaczyk and 2nd by Kim Summers.
Vice President: Donna Lewis October meeting will be at Michele Fletcher @ 6:00pm, proposed speaker might be Dr. Estell on the El Camino Historic Tejas Trail. Reminder to RSVP for the 9/21 Brazos Valley field day/events by contacting Joyce Conner as outlined in the weekly notification e-mail.
Treasurer: Cindy Bolch Aug. 1st starting balance: $4990.06; Gen’l fund $5417.49, Nat. Fest. $1204.79, Bird Santuary $150., Milano Monarch Garden $216.48 and the Aug. 31st ending balance: $4,988.76.
Nature Stories Stories were shared by several members.
Board Chairs: 2012-2013
Advanced Training&Volunteer: Phyllis Shuffield – State of Water – Cappy Smith – November 19th Rockdale.
Membership: Debbi Harris One Re-certication award to Sandra Dworaczyk. Report forms were handed out. The Chapter Roster was passed around asking for any updates.
Communications: Don Travis Absent.
Historian: Barbara Cromwell Absent.
Host: Cindy McDaniels Absent.
Training Class: Dorothy Mayer (2014 Class) There are 3 students confirmed and 3 possible. Let Dorothy know if you know of any potential students to contact.
Projects / Announcements
Bring Back the Monarchs – Debbi Harris Tuesday, October 8th @ 9am is a workday.
Nature Festival – Barbara Cromwell Absent.
Nominating Committee – Cindy Bolch, Ann Collins Open positions were discussed and asked for volunteers from the members. For the open positions, the possible slate is: President: Barb Cromwell, V.P.: Sandra Dworaczyk, Adv Trng: Kathy Lester, Hostess: (co-hostess): Sherry Collety, Jeanette Patschke, MembershipL Open and Historian: Open. Contact Ann or Cindy for the open positions.
Upcoming dates:
September 26th – Board meeting; Barb and Rich Cromwells – 6:00pm
October 8th – Milano Monarch Garden workday – 9:00am
October 10th – Chapter meeting; Michele Fletcher’s – 6:00pm
October 25-26-27 – State Meeting
November 7th –Board meeting
November 14th Chapter meeting- Election of Offices – Pat Holley’s – 6:00pm
November 19th – Water – Cappy Smith – A.T – 5:00pm.
Motion to adjourn: Motion approved @ 8:03pm by Donna Lewis and 2nd by Janice Johnson.
Program on Hummingbirds BY: Phyllis Shuffield.
Mission: To develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities for the State of Texas.
Minutes taken by Debbi Harris 8/12/2013