2018-2019 Calendar Proof
Environment and Natural Resources
The section contains course descriptions for students entering the Bachelor of Science in Environment & Natural Resources program.
ENR1001Resource Management Issues, Ethics and Communication I4 ch (3C 2L)
Environmental and resource management problems and issues are, by definition, interdisciplinary in nature. This course is designed to both expose students to a variety of contemporary resource management and environmental challenges, from local to global scales, and to help them harness the tools and develop requisite skills to describe, characterize, and explain these challenges. Fundamentals of ethics will be presented and related to contemporary topics and issues in resource management. Thus, in addition to learning course material, students will be provided with a forum in which to critique, develop and practice both oral and written presentation skills. Analysis of policy documents, press releases, editorials, science writing, will be integrated with production of these types of communications tools of these types of communication tools by the students themselves.
ENR1002Resource Management Issues, Ethics and Communication II4 ch (3C 3L)
Following on Resource Management Issues I, this course will increase students ability to detect and describe breadth, depth, and complexity of contemporary resource management and environmental issues. This course, in addition to building on oral and written communication skills, will provide students with opportunities to explore the use and abuse of a variety of communication tools: visual media, the role of art in contemporary environmental discourse, writing and producing video documentaries, doing radio spots, and interacting with journalists. Focus will be on the theoretical and technical aspects of environmental communication. Ethical issues in science, social science, communications and resource management will be presented.
Prerequisite: ENR 1001.
ENR1611Engineered Systems and Structures in Natural Environments 3ch(2C/2L)
This course introduces students to the design process when designing structures and developing production processes associated with natural resources and the environment. Structures examined may include forest roads, small water management structures such as culverts and earthen dams, retaining walls, and landfills. Production processes may include forest harvesting, mineral extraction, and factory activities such as wood processing and seedling production. Impacts of engineered structures and production on the natural environment and ways to mitigate these effects are essential elements of these design processes.
ENR1973Fall Field Camp2 ch
An introduction to fieldwork, technical skills and issues associated with natural resource management -- forests, water, environment and wildlife. Each day will focus on a particular skill needed to assess an aspect of natural resources. Included will be demonstrations, field trips and discussion that will highlight current research or areas of current controversy. The interconnection between natural resource systems will be stressed.
ENR2004Social and Cultural Systems3 ch (3C)
In this course students will learn how to describe and measure the structure and function of human communities; and determine how different social and ethnic groups perceive and relate to the physical environment. We will discuss major environmental movements and describe social values, how they change, what influences them and how they result in policy reform and behavioral change. We will cover basic sociological theory including topics such as institutions, the nature of capitalism, and the philosophical underpinnings of resource management (e.g. property rights, religious traditions). The course will also cover basic political theory, with a focus on democracy and democratic processes. This course draws on methods and readings from a variety of disciplines, including social ecology, environmental sociology, rural sociology, social network theory, history, and anthropology.
ENR2112Environmental Physiology3 ch (3C)
A comparative examination of the integrated responses of vertebrates to environmental changes. This course focuses on both the acute physiological and long-term adaptations to dealing with environmental challenges. Focus is on physiological responses to extreme environments, and fish will be used as a model vertebrate.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 , BIOL 1006 , BIOL 1012 , BIOL 1017 .
ENR2114Water Sustainability: Practice and Technology3 ch (3C)
The theme of this course is how humans impact the environment with our developing technologies. The course examines how aquatic ecosystems are altered by the activities of agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, solid waste disposal, our demands for industry, e.g., pulp and paper, manufacturing, and mining, and our basic needs for clean drinking water, e.g., water and sewage treatment. The course appraises evolving, alternative technologies, with visits to some of these operations to learn how new technologies are reducing impacts and protecting water resources for the future.
ENR2425Plants and Environment3ch(3C 3L)
Students learn to identify plants using keys and to recognize assorted plants of forests, fields, meadows, and wetlands. They learn the requirements for growth, development and persistence mechanisms of the assorted plants. They also learn to analyse vegetation in relation to site condition and to evaluate interrelationships among components of vegetation over time, including responses to perturbation or to interventions of various kinds. Prerequisite: a basic university course in Biology (e.g. BIOL 1001) or Botany. Note: This course parallels FOR 2425 for the first 8 weeks of term and is completed at the end of the 8th week. Thus it is assigned fewer credits than for FOR 2425.
ENR2531Introduction to Hydrometeorology Systems3 ch (2C 3L)
This course provides an introduction to the principles of environmental hydro-meteorology. Topics to be covered include energy transfer, radiation laws, energy balance, wind generation, evaporation and precipitation, climatology, snow cover and snow melt processes, the hydrological cycle and water budget, surface runoff, flow routing, and atmosphere-land surface processes associated with land use. These are addressed from small, localized to regional scales.
Prerequisites: ESCI 1063 , ESCI 1036 .
ENR3002Applied Environmental Management4 ch (3C 3L)
This course is designed to help students strengthen their skills in: (a) environmental management decision-making, (b) problem solving, (c) teamwork and project management, and (d) articulating environmental awareness, with strong commitment to environmental sustainability. The course builds on professional and natural resource basics and management competencies developed in earlier courses and will focus on decision making by examining financial, political, and stakeholder acceptability factors, as well as conducting environmental risk assessment and trade-off analyses making appropriate use of models.
Prerequisite: FOR 2006
ENR3111Estuary & Ocean Ecosystems3 ch (3C)
A course focusing on the structure of the juncture of rivers and oceans, the animals that live there, how they are adapted to the highly variable but not necessarily unpredictable conditions of water depth, direction of movement, salinity, temperature and water chemistry. Estuaries serve also as corridors for the exchange of nutrients, energy and pollutants between inland areas and the ocean. Estuaries and the coastal environment are where most of us live and work and we are the largest single impact on estuarine and coastal ecology. These impacts, how coastal environments are being changed by them, how we measure these changes and what can be done to mitigate these impacts will be examined by students through individual and team projects, debates, and presentations.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1001 , BIOL 1006 , BIOL 1012, BIOL 1017 .
ENR3112Water Resources Management3 ch (3C)
An Introduction to Integrated Water Resources Management, this is a broad examination of critical concepts and knowledge needs including essential human and institutional capacities. Topics include: impacts of anthropogenic alterations on the water cycle; changes and impacts that occur as a result of land use change and development; aquatic ecosystem health and impact assessment; water use (quality and quality issues); wastewater issues including impacts, methods of treatment and mitigation, the urban water cycle and methods to evaluate and choose appropriate technologies; governance and capacity building in communities; and building and maintaining water management infrastructure.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 , BIOL 1006 , BIOL 1012 , BIOL 1017 , ENR 1532 .
ENR3201Urban Hydrology and Water Management3 ch (2C 3L)
This course focuses on hydrological theories and tools needed for urban watershed management, involving water supply, conservation and treatment. Topics include storm-water retention on and flow through porous and impervious surfaces, and subsequent run off generation. Students will learn about urban water management systems and best -management engineering approaches dealing with flood control and point to non-point residential, industrial and traffic-induced pollution issues.
ENR3532Ecohydrology3 ch (3C)
An expansion of the introduction to hydrological principles and processes offered in first year. Students develop their comprehension of the hydrological cycle, and dynamics and prediction of flow of water in rivers, lakes, and as groundwater. Hydrological processes at the landscape level are emphasized to demonstrate the connections among hydrology, biology, and the exploitation of water resources by humans.
Prerequisites: ESCI 1001 or ESCI 1063 , ESCI 1036 .
ENR3888Individual Project I3 ch
Credit for an individual project can be granted. The student arranges each project with a client and a Faculty advisor. Your Programme Director must approve each project prior to beginning. A signed agreement including assessment criteria amongst the student, client, Faculty Advisor and Programme Director is required.
ENR4020Management Practicum8 ch (3C 3L)
The course provides students with an opportunity to pool their resources and demonstrate their expertise. Working in multidisciplinary teams, students will develop and integrated solutions to a real world environmental or natural resource management problem. In addition, students will learn how to manage work plans, projects and planning process.
Prerequisite: ENR 3002 .
ENR4111Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Techniques3 ch (3C)
Students will gain knowledge in techniques used commonly in fisheries and aquatic science, getting practical experience in various sampling and analysis techniques, including: water quality assessment, macroinvertebrate collections, fish collections (e.g., seining, trapping, electrofishing), and laboratory methods for sample preparation and analysis. All field collections will be followed by appropriate data evaluation learning database management techniques, descriptive and analytical statistics, and summary report writing.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1001 , BIOL 1006 , BIOL 1012 , BIOL 1017 .
ENR4888Individual Project II3-5ch
Credit for an individual project can be granted. The student arranges each project with a client and a Faculty advisor. Your Programme Director must approve each project prior to beginning. A signed agreement including assessment criteria amongst the student, client, Faculty Advisor and Program Director is required. Number of credit hours will be determined by the Faculty and based on the nature, duration, and complexity of the project.
ENR4973Field Camp2 ch (6 Days)
An intensive 6-day series of field exercises, site visits, and on-site discussions before the start of Fall term courses. This course involves low student/faculty ratios and is designed to improve integrative, observational, and interpretive skills with respect to environmental conditions, including water, wildlife, and forest resources, and the social context in which they are valued and used. Evening sessions provide opportunity for debate and discussion of challenging contemporary environmental issues. Students are charged for food, lodging and part of travel costs.
Pre-requisites: Completion of least 80 credit hours of course courses.
ENR4991Honours Project6 ch [W]
ENR honours students must complete a thesis project that is approved by the Faculty and supervised by a Faculty member. This course involves submitting a detailed project report and an oral defense in a seminar-style presentation. Students should consult with a faculty advisor prior to the end of third year to discuss project requirements and potential topics. Note: Minimum CGPA for acceptance is 3.0