Washington Point of View Multimedia Presentation Rubric ”Elementary
Instructions :
Use this rubric as you work on your presentation and to assess yourself when you have completed the project. You teacher will also use this rubric to assess your presentation.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 /Content: Purpose
My presentation clearly shared my group of people’s point of view. All the parts of my presentation said something meaningful about the purpose. / My presentation mostly shared my group of people’s point of view. All the parts of my presentation said something meaningful about the purpose. / My presentation shared little about my groups of people’s point of view. All the parts of my presentation said something meaningful about the purpose. / My presentation’s purpose is unclear. Many parts of my presentation seemed off topic.
Content: Conclusions
I used my background knowledge to interpret my research information and draw meaningful conclusions. I may have done this by putting information into my own words. / I drew reasonable conclusions from my research. I put information into my own words sometimes. / With help, I drew conclusions from my research. / I rarely drew conclusions from my research.
Content: Supporting Information
I included appropriate, meaningful findings from credible research that supported and explained my main points. / I included appropriate findings from research to support and explain my main points. / I tried to include findings from research to support and explain my main points, but some information was incomplete or inaccurate. / I did not include enough information to support and explain my main points.
Multimedia Features
I used graphics, video or sound, and other multimedia features effectively to support my key points and make my presentation more meaningful. I followed all copyright laws when I used multimedia features. / I used graphics, video or sound, and other multimedia features to support my key points. I followed copyright laws when I used multimedia features. / I used graphics, video or sound, and other multimedia features, but sometimes they sidetrack from the meaning. I usually followed copyright laws when I used multimedia features. / I did not use the features of multimedia presentations, or the features that I used were distracting. I often did not follow copyright laws when I used multimedia features.
My presentation included unusual and surprising features and components that excited my audience about my topic and added to the meaning. / My presentation included some unusual and surprising features that interested my audience and related to the meaning. / I tried to include unusual and surprising features, but they did not add to the meaning of my presentation. / My presentation included no unusual or surprising features, or the features I added detracted from the meaning.
My presentation began with a slide that introduces the theme in an interesting way, built information in a logical way, and ended with a slide that left the audience with an interesting idea about the theme to think about. WOW! / My presentation began with a slide that introduced the theme, built information, and ended with a concluding slide.GOOD / My presentation was missing a clear introduction or conclusion, and information may have been presented in an illogical way. MISSING SOME THINGS / My presentation was missing an introduction, a conclusion, and a sense of order. UNCLEAR
Oral Presentation
I was prepared and have rehearsed my presentation. I spoke clearly and smoothly in an engaging way. / I was prepared and have rehearsed my presentation. I spoke clearly. / I was somewhat prepared, but I should have spent more time rehearsing. I delivered a presentation but I sometimes forget what I was doing or lost the audiences’ attention. / I was not at all prepared. I did not rehearsed my presentation. I often forget what I was doing and lost the audience’s attention.
My presentation contained no spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or language errors. / My presentation contained no spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or language errors that took away from the meaning. / My presentation contained a few spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or language errors that took away from the meaning. / My presentation contained so many spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and language errors that it was difficult to understand.