Ratified by Management Committee: January 2014
Review date: January 2016
Framework for Learning
Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Alternative Provision School aims to create a learning environment that suits all students by maintaining a consistent focus on the key elements which underpin, generate and measure learning.
Learning atmosphere
Should include
- Clear and appropriate learning expectations
- Opportunity to explore and participate
- Visual appeal to encourage inquisitiveness
- New learning challenges every lesson
- Opportunity to discuss and interact
Learning ethos
Should include
- Collective understanding of expectations
- Willingness to follow and promote expectations
- Empathy and consideration for others
- Promoting the value the learning
Developing self-belief
Should promote and encourage
- Setting goals and ambition
- Knowledge of what to do to improve
- Opportunity for accelerated learning
- The desire to take responsibility
Trust and encouragement
Developed by
- A consistent supportive approach
- Respect and consideration
- Partnership working with parents/carers
- Giving additional time to support learning
Student’s responsibilities / Characteristics of excellent learning / Teacher’s responsibilitiesBe positive
- Be a positive influence on others; be confident in what you can do
- Be enthusiastic learners
- ask questions when you don’t understand
- learn from your mistakes
- take time to review feedback and work out how to improve next time
- bring your own ideas and information to lessons
- be keen to participate in class discussions and activities
- be inquisitive and have an open mind
- present work and take pride in it
- complete all work to the best of your ability
- be keen to try new ways of learning and go outside of your comfort zone
- be prepared to tackle difficult problems and activities
- bring the correct equipment to lessons
- spend enough time on your work
- complete homework on time
- arrive ready to start promptly at lessons
- help and encourage others to learn when they are stuck or confused
- look after the learning environment
- have good manners
- listen carefully to the teacher and fellow students when they are talking
- show respect and tolerance of other students and staff
- searching questions and high level activities, matched to the ability of students
- differentiated tasks to accommodate all abilities
- extension and individual learning opportunities
- students made to think and are stretched
- good pace and efficient use of lesson time
- open ended/investigative tasks where appropriate
- students take responsibility and can work independently when required
- students learn ‘how to learn’
- students show sustained effort when faced with difficulty
- opportunities, over time, given for individual and personalised learning where appropriate (eg e-learning opportunities)
- students bring in their own learning from outside the classroom
- all students are actively taking part and contributing
- wide range of strategies and resources used over time, which takes into account different learning needs and preferred learning styles
- variety of activities within a lesson to keep students motivated
- opportunities, where appropriate, for peer led learning
- structured lessons with flexibility to respond to immediate needs
- all students make significant progress by acquiring new skills and high level subject knowledge
- information and skills are conveyed clearly and students know exactly what they need to do
- students understand concepts as subject knowledge is accurately and precisely explained
- students & teachers work together to ensure students know how they are doing & what they need to do to improve
- students take part in peer and self assessment where appropriate
- students seek to improve their work
- assessment criteria are shared with students
- learners understanding is constantly monitored and acted upon
- stimulating physical environment specific to subject
- safe environment and risks assessed
- achievement, effort and progress are always valued and praised
- pupils and teachers are enthusiastic and enjoy working together
- all pupils are on task and are focused on their work
- positive relationships amongst pupils and with teachers
- high standards of behaviour and expectations
- freedom to take risks and make (and learn from) mistakes
- use appropriate praise and build pupil’s self esteem
- be positive about what students can achieve
- be enthusiastic and make learning enjoyable
- treat all pupils fairly and consistently
- provide a stimulating learning environment
- be approachable
- up to date and detailed in their subject knowledge
- communicate knowledge and skills clearly
- sound knowledge of specifications and assessment criteria
- commitment to continue to learn & build on knowledge and experience
- set challenging but manageable tasks
- set clear and high expectations of behaviour and standards of work
- be prepared to try new ways of learning & take pupils outside of their comfort zone
- well planned lessons
- arrive promptly to lessons
- provide engaging and varied tasks
- work is assessed regularly and promptly and clear feedback given
- learn students names
- get to know individual students and their strengths and weaknesses
- encourage students to develop their own ideas and respect different views
Monitoring and Measuring Learning
Performance criteria Performance tracking Accelerating progress