Title:Drive Society Hot Rides
Duration: 03:29minutes
Episode of online series following a group of female bikers in California.
Drive Society Hot Rides Transcript
[Background music plays]
Aggressive rock music
Motorcycle engine revs
Sam and Lea riding through streets on Lea’s motorcycle.
Series Presenter
I instantly feel like a much cooler human being.
Scene transition – Sam’s introduction
Shots of the motorcycles and the Hot Rides, shots of Sam’s YouTube videos and channel, and from other Drive Society videos.
[Text Displays]
Please obey speed limits and drive with due care and attention.
Closed circuit. Professional driver. Do not attempt to recreate or perform the same or similar stunts.
Hello one and all! I’m Sam from SeenThroughGlass I’ve teamed up with Shell VPower Nitro + to find others like me who, with their friends, are obsessed with vehicles.Today we’re in the United States of America to do something a little bit different – I’m going to go ride out with an all-female biker crew called the Hot Rides.
Scene transition
The Hot Rides riding out on their motorcycles
[Text Displays]
Drive Society
In association with Shell V Power Nitro+
Click for more
Drive Society Logo, Shell Logo
Scene transition – Lea interview
Exterior and interior shots of Lea and Sam in Lea’s garage, shots of Lea’s motorcycles and of Hot Rides’ Instagram.
I really want to learn how you got into motorbikes, where did it all start for you?
Hot Rides member
[Text Displays]
In association with Shell V-Power Nitro+
Lower Third with Drive society logo and Shell logo
Just riding on the back of one and realising that I’m just this small entity in the world.I hopped on a motorcycle, learned, and from there on I’ve never ridden on the back.
Oh my God!
I know. This is actually my first bike –
That’s awesome.
A 1963 Vespa GL 150CC.Eventually it turned into a 1973 Yamaha RD 350.
Are you always likely to go vintage?
Yeah it’s always vintage, just the fact that there’s a sentimental value to me. This one right here is a BSA Law Department bike. This one is a ’67 Triumph C100.
So do you like that it’s quite raw and basic compared to the modern bikes?
I like that feeling, that feeling of one where the bike is telling me what to do, you know I’m winding it out, high RPMs kind of thing versus a speedometer telling me what to do, I can feel it, you know. That’s why I really love these bikes, especially old pre-’77 motorcycles.
Tell us about Hot Rides a bit more.
How it started was Facebook. My best friend and ex-roommate, her name was Katie Sue, she was like “Hey Lea should it be something where we invite boys and girls?”And I’m like “no, let’s just do girls for now, like, you know, let’s just get hollered at for a little bit – totally joking. Between the two of us we actually knew a lot of girls that were riding. That was eight years ago when there were not a lot of women riding.
Scene transition – Hot Rides ride out
[Background music plays]
American rock music
Lea and Sam on Lea’s motorcycle, Hot Rides riding out through San Francisco
Right, let’s go meet the other girls from Hot Rides. I feel like I’m wearing more denim than Justin Timberlake at a N*Sync concert. It may look like I’m crying but it’s the wind, I promise.
Scene transition – Adrienne and Vanessa interview
Sam and the Hot Rides talking on the city outskirts, shots of the Hot Rides riding out and of motorcycles
Are these friends for life now? Away from biking do you guys hang out do you guys talk?
Hot Ride
[Text Displays]
Adrienne & Vanessa
In association with Shell V-Power Nitro+
Lower Third with Drive society logo and Shell logo
Oh yeah they came to my wedding.
Hot Ride
Scene transition –Mariko & Audra interview
Sam and the Hot Rides talking on the city outskirts, shots of the Hot Rides riding out and of motorcycles
Hot Ride
[Text Displays]
Mariko & Audra
In association with Shell V-Power Nitro+
Lower Third with Drive society logo and Shell logo
It’s been this amazing journey of discovering things that I can do that I didn’t know I could do before.
Scene transition – Kateri & Lea interview
[Background music plays]
Aggressive rock music
Sam and the Hot Rides talking on the city outskirts, shots of the Hot Rides riding out and of motorcycles
Hot Ride
[Text Displays]
In association with Shell V-Power Nitro+
Lower Third with Drive society logo and Shell logo
Even when I was riding a scooter which I did for many years I was always like “in my mind I’m a motorcycle chick but I’m just a lame scooter chick”. I was afraid of it so the process of learning was really cool because you could demystify something that belongs to someone else, you know what I mean?
Do you have any kind of dream rides?
The annual Normandy ride. Most of them are World War 2 enthusiasts but they go through the hills of Normandy.
I was lucky enough to go to Morocco recently. We encountered this huge group of people on adventure touring bikes and they were doing the whole length of the country and back and so I think that would be amazing.
I guess it’s having girls like you two come and join groups like this where you get to meet different people.
Yeah that’s what Hot Rides is to me is it just opened up a lot more relationships that I hold dear.
Great to meet you thank you so much.
Thanks for having me!
Thank you for having me!
Scene transition – endboard
Hot Rides riding out at night
[Text Displays]
Drive Society
In association with Shell V Power Nitro+
Click for more
Drive Society Logo, Shell Logo