SEN Review for Parents 2016- 17
Question for review / Impact / Learning and Next StepsHow was your SEND budget spent? / This year money has been spent on external agency involvement for specific children across the school to access appropriate professional support around areas including: speech and language, behaviour support, educational psychologist involvement and SENSS assessments. Money has also been spent on staff ELSA training and dedicated time in school to work with pupils in need, training for SENDCO update courses (provided by DCC). We continue to purchase consumable resources to support pupils with specific needs e.g. tinted paper exercise books, finger grips, flashcards, coloured overlays etc. Money is also allocated to having a dedicated and trained SEND HLTA intervention time to the equivalent of 2.5 days per week and for SENDCO dedicated time 0.5 days per week. / Continue ELSA interventions. Ensure all group and individual interventions happen in line with pupil need and are reviewed regularly in line with our SEND policy and graduated response to intervention.
Continue to buy consumable resources as needed and spend money on any new training needs as they arise.
What did you provide for SEND pupils? / Access to local early Intervention services where appropriate, 1:1 programmes of work are written for all those children receiving personalised interventions, group interventions are completed at class level following specific and tailored programmes where appropriate. All children in every class access a differentiated curriculum which is child-led to match with personal interests of children in our care and individual physical, social, emotional and academic needs. Pastoral Support Plans for those children needing to access a reduced timetable for various reasons continue to be reviewed regularly. All children have access to resources in their classrooms to support their learning preferences such as visual aids and access to ipads/laptops. EHC Plans and Higher Needs funding were applied for where needed and funding used to implement support as needed. / Ensure all children have access to all appropriate services and materials needed.
Continue to follow our graduated response to intervention to ensure all levels of SEND support are appropriate and targeted.
What outcomes for SEND / vulnerable groups of children has been seen? / We have specific group interventions for our Service children and our Pupil Premium children (see Pupil Premium statement). We track progress termly of all children across all vulnerable groups (including but not exclusive to free school meals children) as part of class teacher, senior leader and SENDCO pupil progress meetings. Following this, discussions from here lead to targeted support or planning of specific topics/activities within the curriculum.
We have seen encouraging data for our vulnerable groups with pupil premium and service children showing the same or improved attainment compared to their peers. This continues to be reviewed regularly through data tracking and is presented to governors for review on a regular basis. / We hope to continue to see good attainment from our most vulnerable groups and will target the closing of any gaps for our SEND pupils to support them in achieving in line with ARE where appropriate.
Was our intervention value for money? / As a small school we are showing that we are still investing in current and forward thinking training sessions to ensure our SEND provision is up to date and appropriate for the needs of the children within our school. Data from pupil attainment indicates that current interventions and support strategies are having a positive effect on all children. By training different staff in each of the areas, it has meant that we can use each of these staff to complete in house training for the remaining staff, getting best value for money from the courses we attend. Staff are then able to offer additional support and strategies for children to make the optimum progress possible. This tiered approach to staff training means all children across the whole school will be able to access a much wider range of support strategies. / Each year we aim to attend courses which are appropriate in meeting current needs within our school community. Every year training courses will vary and target different areas according to pupil need.
How do we measure impact? / SENDCO and link SEND Governors meet on a termly basis throughout the year. Data from our SEND pupils and vulnerable groups is analysed each term and reports are shared with governors at full governors’ meetings on progress against the SEND action plan within our School Development Plan. This is reviewed and evaluated each year and learning feeds into the following year’s action plan. / We continue to look at how funding spend supports and links to attainment and progress as a measure of impact.