“Building a Foundation for the Future”

Dr. Ducarmel S. Augustin, Principal

Priscille Elie, Assistant Principal

School Advisory Meeting Agenda

September 22, 2016


I.Welcome/ Meeting called to order: 5:30pm

Glass introduce herself and describes what SAC stands for on campus, in the community and at home.

II.Old Business

(a)Reading ofMay minutes –

III.New Business

a.Committee Members-

Mr Greenwood: Co:Chair at meeting

Mr. Augustin: Principal

Mrs. Elie: Assistant Principal

Ms. Alincy: Secretary

Various Parents and Community Stakeholders

  1. SAC (Accountability Funds)- $4,438.00

Fundraising activities from grade levels to fund student activities

  1. Review SIP

Grant writing team to fund technology and other STEM activities

  1. SAC Committees-
  1. Principals Report-

Dr. Augustin introduce himself and explain how we will have different events each month to keep parents and school connected.

-About 800 students are enrolled and we are continuing our mission to move the school from a D to a B.

-Reading each night at home with the students in order to help with continuous success.

-Use the resource of the local library

-Interims were sent home today to update parents with the progress of the students thus far in the school year.

  1. Discussion/Questions – How to get students to learn through video gaming and computer usage? CODING

Building and Lego Robotics club? Hands on building and learning fun

When do clubs start and end? Mid-October through May

Keep up with parent reminders through calls and flyers sent home

We were an F school and now we are a D school. What are we doing to continue to improve the schools grade? Extended hour of learning each day based on students ability level to challenge and push students further.

V.Meeting Adjourned – Time 5:53pm

Glass closes meeting and remind all parents to please stay for parent appreciation that is tonight from 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Next SAC meeting will be held on Thursday, January 28th, 2015 at 5:30pm.

SAC Septermber 2016 Committee Reports


Kindergarten–We are diligently working on mastering letter names, letter sounds, recognizing beginning sounds, and story structures. In math students are working hard on mastering and understanding, writing, counting, and producing quantities zero-five. Students will take chapter exam this week and will start chapter 2. (Numbers 6-10) Students are working hard in science and social studies learning the about the five senses and the body parts we use to use our senses. Social studies students are learning the difference between rules and laws in school, home, and the community.

1st Grade-

2nd Grade-

3rd Grade-

4th Grade

5th Grade-