Summary of the Results of the East Stoke Residents Questionnaire May 2013
- Need for a replacement Village Hall
Rounds / Positive / Unsure / Negative / Unable to respond(ie elderly) / Holiday home / No Reply/no letter box / Total
Ros’(Holme Bridge/West Holme, A352) / 13 / 0 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 4 / 23/28
Barbara’s(Rushton, Binnegar A352) / 14 / 2 / 1 / 3 / 20/24
Vicki’s(Stockford/Stokeford, Hethfelton, Woolbridge, Longthorns, Monkey World) / 9 / 2 / 2 / 3 / ? / 32 / 16/48
Jenny’s(Church Lane, Highwood, Holme Lane) / 20 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 7 / 32/44
Ady’s(Middlefield) / 14 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 15/27
Total / 70 / 5 / 6 / 6 / 5 / 58 / 81/171responders
Comments and questions received:
- project represents a serious financial commitment for a small dispersed community,
- when was the village hall last used?,
- who used to hire it on a regular basis?
- Occupancy levels?
- What levels are required for it to be economical?
- What was the cost to hire the old village hall?
- What is the proposed charging structure for the new hall?
- Will the hall be profit making?
- has a projected profit & loss account been produced for the new facility?
- have detailed costing for the new building including capital fixtures and fittings been calculated?
- will the main proposers be legally responsible for the venture & debts?
- what provision is proposed in case of debt/default?
- how many people are there between 17-60 years who would want to hire the facility,
- what is the average age of parishioners in East Stoke?
- should a referendum be held to gauge parishioners views?
- Should residents support existing facilities such as River Labs, Stokeford Inn, Kemps Hotel?
- would parishioners in favour of the new hall be willing to enter into a legally binding contract to donate say £8k (if there are 20 households) or an equal portion of the final build cost?
- what finances have been secured to date?
- should the hall be built on parish land & therefore no rent?
- should fundraising be held on parish land?
- did many people pledged money to save the church?
- If East Stoke joins with Wool could another hall be justified?
- Site is in the middle of no where – parking an issue. Need a car to attend
- Suggested use of a Village hall:
- Parish meetings,
- social events, wine tasting
- classes,keep fit classes,Tai Chi, King Fu,exercise classes
- parties
- group meetings, older persons groups private events, social club for older people, History group
- play ground, activities, crèche, cubs, guides, scouts, children’s groups, children’s parties,school holiday clubs,play park,play facilities for kids
- village fete, fairs,craft shows, flower shows,garden produce sales,jumble sales
- WI,
- voting/polling station,
- shop,
- private hire, birthday parties,
- meet new faces,
- youth club
- community centre essential, A352 too dangerous to walk along at present, need a path,
- reading room,
- beer festivals, discos,dance,
- place to get to know people,
- noticeboard with things for sale etc,
- Badmington
- Short mat bowls
- Sewing/knitting groups
Comments:need people to run it, needs to be income generating, been there before,
- What would it add to the community:
- Bring the community closer together
- Village focal point,
- meeting point,
- more of a community,
- safe area for little ones to play/meet
- Village centre
- Would you be happy to serve on the management committee?
Yes / No
30 / 26
- When I retire,
- too busy at present,
- possibly,
- unsure,
- Maybe
- happy to support
- Possibly
- Would you be willing to help with fundraising etc?
Yes / No
49 / 8
Comments: Too busy at present, possibly, ask me, possibly
- What do you think is missing as a resident of East Stoke?
- Social events,
- absence of village life, village community,cohesive community spirit,sense of community, village centre
- shop,
- decent pub,
- knowledge of what is going on,
- meeting point,
- village hall, a centre,meeting place, focal point,hall, centre of community
- love the peace & quiet, ,
- train station!
- traffic calming,
- connecting footpaths, pavements for safety,ability to walk to the Village hall & pub
- improve cycle routes, cycle paths,safe cycle route
- clubs, societies,
- church,
- main gas & sewerage,
- friendship,
- age an issue to access the hall ,
- regular bus routes to Poole & Wareham,
- play facilities for kids,
- local community hall,
- happy with things as they are,
- sadly it is car orientated Parish
- Do you know many residents of East Stoke?
Yes / No / Some
29 / 18 / 12
- Don’t know as many as I use to,
- want to meet new comers,
- only know people in my locality/immediate neighbours
- Only local neighbours & I have lived here for 25 years!
- Yes but would like to meet new people
- Do you read Parish Notice boards?
Yes / No / Sometimes
41 / 29 / 12
- Where are they?
- Not often, sometimes, occasionally,
- No hard to stop on car or on foot,
- No too dangerous to get to on A352,
- Needs to have a glass case like the others
- Look for up to date events
- Looking for meetings & planning applications
- Would you read the information if it was in a village hall?
Yes / No / Possibly if there
68 / 5 / 6
10. Other comments
Is the village too small for it to be economically viable?
Unlikely to be financially viable
Been there before!