Principles of Manufacturing
Instructor / Mr. Dotson / Phone / 817-598-2847Campus / NGC/ Room# C114 / E-mail /
Welcome! I am excited you are in my class! Thank you very being here!
Principles of Manufacturing course description:
In Principles of Manufacturing, students gain knowledge and skills in the application, design, production, and assessment of products, services, and systems and how those knowledge and skills are applied to manufacturing. Knowledge and skills in the proper application of principles of manufacturing, the design of technology, the efficient production of technology, and the assessment of the effects of manufacturing production technology prepare students for success in the modern world. The study of manufacturing technology allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings in a manufacturing setting. In addition to general academic and technical knowledge and skills, students gain an understanding of career opportunities available in manufacturing and what employers require to gain and maintain employment in these careers.
Learning Goals:
- Employability
- Introduction to Advance Manufacturing
- Introduction to Lean Manufacturing
- Blue Print Reading
- Mathematics for technicians I and II
- Basic Hand Tools
- Power Tools
- Precision Measurement
- Lubrication for Technicians
This course is set up so students can produce hands on projects that reinforce learning objectives in the class. Students will need paper, pencil, ruler, calculator, and a good attitude.
Grading: (skyward grading scale)
Daily work (50) + Test/projects (50) = 100% of the total grade
A / 100-90B
/ 89-80C / 79-70
F / 69-0
Makeup Work:
It is your responsibility to ask for missing assignments and/or complete missing activities/quizzes in the technology lab. You will have as many days missed plus one day complete the assignment. Students will be able to retake four failed per station in the technology lab. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for a retakes.
Classroom and Lab Rules
- Respect others around you and the classroom equipment
- Engage in positive interactions with classmates
- Be on time and in your assigned seat when the bell rings
- Have all proper materials
- Raise your hand if you have a question, need assistance, and/or materials
- Follow all safety rules
- Enter the building quietly
- No food or drink in the classroom (water at the table is ok/ not ok at computers)
- No “Horseplay”
- Electronic devices need to be turned off and put away (unless you have teacher permission)
Expectations for your behavior and mine
- Respectful and Courteous
- Positive interactions with other students
- Can-Do attitude toward assignments
As I mentioned before, I am excited you are here, and I believe you will enjoy this semester in Principles of Manufacturing.
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