WASHINGTON, DC 20301-3000
DLM 4000.25-2, October 23, 2015
Change 6
I. This change to DLM 4000.25-2, Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accountability Procedures (MILSTRAP), June 2012, is published by direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Supply Chain Integration under the authority of DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4140.01, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Policy,” December 14, 2011. Unless otherwise noted, revised text is identified by bold, italicized print. An exception is when the entire chapter or appendix is replaced or a new one added.Change 6 also includes administrative updates: In all updated documents "DLA Logistics Management Standards" is changed to "Defense Logistics Management Standards Office" to reflect the most recent name change for the DLMSO office and abbreviations such as etc., e.g., and i.e. are incorporated inside the parentheses. Change 6 also includes administrative updates not marked by bold italics, to include changing “shall” to “will” per a style change for DoD issuances and updating “Defense Logistics Management System” to “Defense Logistics Management Standards.”
II. This change includes Approved Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) Changes (ADC) published by the DLMS Program Office memorandum:
- ADC 1085 dated April 22, 2015. Revises procedures for end of day processing to clarify programmed research of imbalances using transaction history data and authorizes up to seven work days to complete programmatic research portion of the end of day reconciliation process. This change does not affect the transactional flow or data elements required to complete end of day processing. It restates procedures to include: closing balance comparisons at end of day; and, for imbalances, the programmatic research elements to be considered to include in-float, suspended, and duplicate transactions prior to adjusting the total item property record (TIPR). Revises Chapter 7.
- ADC 1094 dated November 13, 2015. Administrative change removes the current definitions for unused/obsolete SA/LW Transaction Codes T, Z and 2 and reserves those code values for future use. It also removes a parenthetical note for SA/LW Transaction Code U. Revises Appendix 2.12.
- ADC 1102A dated April 13, 2015. This addendum amends procedures established under ADC 1102 for unauthorized/discrepant Air Force returns to DLA Distribution Centers. Establishes specific guidance to report DLA Distribution Center receipts and SDRs for unauthorized/unexpected consumable item returns to the returning Service (rather than the item manager) using a pre-designated routing identifier code (RIC) when the returning Service is an Air Force activity. Revises Chapter 4.
- ADC 1124 dated April 7, 2015. Revises time standards for receipt processing to support DODM 4140.01, Volume 5 policy that states receiving activities will “record receipts no later than 5 business days from date materiel received”. This change also clarifies the DODM 4140.01 requirement to make associated assets visible from the point of inspection and acceptance within 24 hours. Revises Chapter 4.
- ADC 1147 dated October 1, 2014. Modifies the definition of Small Arms/Light Weapons to include suppressors. Revises Definitions and Terms.
- ADC 1147A dated November 6, 2014. Corrects ADC 1147 to replace the reference to Navy specific policy with the broader DOD policy to better reflect applicability of the change across the DOD. Confirms the revision to the definition of SA/LW to include suppressors that was made to Appendix 2, Terms andDefinitions via ADC 1147.
- ADC 1149 dated July 6, 2015. Requires Serviceammunition systems include ownership code in DLMS 947I Inventory Adjustment for dual supply condition code change transactions (legacy DAC functionality). Revises the DLMS 947I dual inventory adjustments for clarity on use of ownership, purpose and supply condition codes with dual inventory adjustments. Revises Appendix 3.8.
- Withdrawal of AMCL 3 dated July 2, 2015. Withdrawal of Approved MILSTRAP Change Letter (AMCL) 3, Supply Condition Code (SCC) W for Unserviceable Warranted Assetsreplaces the existing footnote for Supply Condition Code W with "SCC W is reserved for Warranty until December 31, 2015, pending receipt of a PDC. If no PDC is received by that date, SCC W will be reserved for future DoD assignment.” Revises Appendix 2.5.
III. The list below identifies the chapters, appendices or other files from the manual that are replaced by this change:
Replaced FilesChange History Page
Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Definitions and Terms
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
Appendix 2.5
Appendix 2.12
Appendix 3.8
IV. This change is incorporated into the on-line MILSTRAP manual at the Defense Logistics Managements Standards Website Publications Pageand the PDF file containing the entire set of change files is available on the Formal Changes Page.