Jean-Pictet Competition
2018 Application form
Before submitting your application form, please read the Regulations of the 2018 Edition carefully and note the following requirements:
1. The application file must be received by the Administration of the Competition no later than 8 November 2017, 17:00 UTC time, by email at the following address: . An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent within 24 hours after receiving the application file; any technical problem must be reported immediately at the abovementioned address.
2. The application must be completed by inserting the relevant information in the tables below (without modifying the headings or any other text in the original version of this document). Please note that all the relevant information (curriculum vitae, certificate, etc.) must be inserted in the application file.
3. Applications must be completed in English for applicants to the English-speaking session or in French for applicants to the French-speaking session. If you apply for more than one session, you must complete a file in both languages.
4. All documents must be sent in .rtf, .doc or .docx format (not in .pdf or .txt formats). Administrative information, answers to questions and CVs must be a text and not a scanned picture. The certificate, however, must be a picture inserted in the application form.
5. Applications that are incomplete, received after the deadline, or longer than the word/space limit will not be considered.
6. The selection process for the Jean-Pictet Competition is not merely for administrative purposes. All documents sent to the Competition must be as convincing as possible. In the last years, the number of non-selected teams always exceeded the number of selected teams!
7. By applying, you formally accept to comply with the 2018 Regulations of the Jean-Pictet Competition, and commit to be covered by the relevant insurances (civil responsibility, health, accident, repatriation) during the Competition.
Section 1 – General information on the team
Full name of the institution:Country:
Full postal address of the institution:
Name and function of the person responsible for the team:
Email of the person responsible for the team:
Electronic address for the purpose of communicating with the Institution (if different from the electronic address of the person responsible for the team):
Section 2 – Information on the team members
Person 1 / Person 2 / Person 3First name
Last name
Gender (F/M)
Birth date: DD/MM/YYYY
Email address:
Phone number:
Insert the CV of person 1 in the cell below
Insert the CV of person 2 in the cell below
Insert the CV of person 3 in the cell below
Section 3 – Certificate
Insert in the cell below the certificate signed by the person responsible for the team, authorising the team to apply. The certificate must be signed and scanned.The certificate must be written on the basis of the following text:
I, undersigned, XXX (name/function), authorise on behalf of (institution) the team composed of (name of the three team members) to apply to the 2018 Jean-Pictet Competition. This team is the sole team authorised to represent our institution.
I certify that we have read the Regulations of the Competition. Our institution expects the applicant team to comply with all its provisions.
Section 4 – Selection questions
Question 1 – You are the legal advisers to the Government of Bladurie, very advanced on the development of autonomous weapons. Over a coming period of a few years, Bladurie is planning to heavily rely on this type of weapon to defend itself against the neighboring States of Arujénie and Caland, with whom it has very tense relations. The Bladurian Prime Minister wishes to prove that, unlike the hostility towards these weapons as expressed in the letter sent to the UN by Elon Musk and others in August 2017, the development of these autonomous weapons is a step forward. He wishes to obtain from you a memorandum stressing that they pose little or no legal problems under international humanitarian law.
Insert your answer to question 1 in the cell below – maximum 750 words, including foot notesQuestion 2 – Towards a simplification of international humanitarian law?
Insert your answer to question 2 in the cell below – maximum 750 words, including foot notesQuestion 3 - Why should your team be selected to participate in the 2018 Jean-Pictet Competition?
Insert your answer to question 3 in the cell below – maximum 500 words, including foot notesSection 5 – Statistical information
This section measures the support provided to the teams by their institution. The answers are not taken into account in the selection of teams; they are however very valuable for the Committee for the Jean-Pictet Competition in order to analyse the impact of the Competition and the means to be provided to the teams.
If your team is selected, who will fund your registration fees?
If your team is selected, who will fund your travel expenses?
What are the available resources to assist your team in its preparation, such as the assistance of a teacher, a former participant, etc.?
Section 6 – Request for support from the Universality Fund
This part of the application must be completed ONLY IF you are seeking support from the Universality Fund and if you meet all the criteria set out in the Regulations of the Competition. Requests received after the application deadline will not be considered.
1. Motivation of your request
2. Details on your budget
(Thank you for detailing as much as possible your budget, and referring to eligible expenses according to the Regulations. We remind you that accommodation costs in full boarding – from 24 March in the evening until 31 March 2018 in the morning – are covered by the organisers.
3. Identified sources of funding
(Thank you for including as much as possible details, including the amounts you received or may receive).