Hillcrest-Bellefonte United Methodist Church

400 Hillcrest Ave., Wilmington, DE 19809-3257

(302) 764-3145

Building Regulations

v  All outside organizations or individuals who desire to use the church facilities must complete an application and submit it in duplicate to the church office. Use must be approved by three of the following: Pastor, Office Manager, Chairman of Trustees, or Chairman of Administrative Council. In addition, the signature of a group representative who will be responsible for payment and care of the facility is required.

v  The church is not a public hall or auditorium. It is dedicated to God; all activities which take place in it must be in keeping with the high purpose for which it is designated. Church related activities receive top priority. The Sanctuary and the Chapel are restricted to appropriate religious services; i.e., weddings, baptisms, or funerals.

v  Smoking is not permitted inside. Neither alcoholic beverages nor illegal substances are permitted inside or outside of the church property.

v  The users are responsible for turning off heat, lights, closing windows and locking doors. The users assume responsibility for any damage or loss and are liable for the cost of utilities when they are not turned off.

v  Each individual is responsible for the conduct of the entire group. Adult supervision must be provided at all times. Children are to be actively supervised and not allowed to roam freely throughout the building.

v  When you are given permission to use a particular room or area for your event, please limit your use to that area. Set up for your event must be made with church supervision. The property of others is to be respected. Many groups use our facility and store materials including food; they are not for the use of anyone else.

The use of HBUMC’s sound equipment is strictly prohibited.

v  The use of the Stage/Nursery is prohibited.

v  Furnishings and/or equipment may not be taken from the church without permission. All items must be signed out in the Church Office by the Office Manager.

v  Use of Hillcrest Hall kitchen prohibited unless HBUMC supervision is present.

v  Custodial services shall be at the expense of the group using the facility. Custodial services will be billed based on attendance: up to 50 people, $50; 51-100 people, $75; 101-150 people, $100. Fee schedule for use of facilities by outside groups/individuals (based on 4 hr. minimum):

1st 4 Hours Each Additional Hour

Hillcrest Hall $200.00* $ 50.00

Kitchen 150.00* 37.50

Fellowship Hall 80.00 20.00

Room 1-A (with Kitchen unit) 50.00 12.50

Classrooms 50.00 12.50

Sanctuary 500.00* N/A

Chapel 250.00* N/A

Custodial Fees (see above) 50.00 set-up & clean-up

*In addition to the hourly rates, a refundable security deposit of $100 is required when renting Hillcrest Hall, the Sanctuary, the Chapel or the kitchen. Please issue a separate check for the security deposit.

Please consider treating HBUMC facilities as you would your own, respectfully and carefully, maybe even better than your own. In fact, please treat them as if they belonged to the LORD Himself and He was present in the building at all times.

Rev. 6/2013