Archived Information
ESEA:Advanced CredentialingFY2006Program Performance Report
Strategic Goal2
ESEA, Title II, Part A-5, Section 2151(c)
Document Year2006Appropriation: $16,695
CFDA / 84.925: Advanced Certification or Advanced Credentialing
Program Goal: / Support teachers seeking advanced certification through high-quality professional teacher enhancement programs designed to improve teaching and learning.
Objective1of1: / To increase the number of National Board-certified teachers.
Measure1.1of1: The cumulative number of teachers awarded National Board Certification. (Desired direction: increase)
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
1999 / 3,600 / 4,804 / Target Exceeded
2000 / 7,900 / 9,531 / Target Exceeded
2001 / 15,000 / 16,035 / Target Exceeded
2002 / 24,000 / 23,936 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2003 / 34,000 / 32,142 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2004 / 35,000 / 40,200 / Target Exceeded
2005 / 40,000 / 47,503 / Target Exceeded
2006 / 45,000 / (December 2006) / Pending
2007 / 50,000 / (December 2007) / Pending
2008 / 55,000 / (December 2008) / Pending
Source.National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), press releases and Web site; U.S. Department of Education, Advanced Credentialing Program grantee annual performance report.
Frequency of Data Collection.Annual
Data Quality.Upon release of the number of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs), the name of each individual and his/her certification area are available on the NBPTS Web site.
Explanation.The target has been set at an increase of 5,000 National Board Certified Teachers each year. The National Board continues to focus its efforts on recruitment, including its Targeted High Needs Initiative that works to recruit teachers in districts that have had little or no participation in NBC. With these efforts, along with the Candidate Subsidy Program that supports up to one half of the candidate fee, the expectation is that the target will continue to be met.
Note that the target for 2002 should be 22,000 and the target for 2003 should be 30,000.