Citizens Representation Panel

Summary Notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 13th September,

Mersey way Room (The Boardroom), Mersey Wing, Regent House Floor 7, Heaton Lane

Stockport, SK4 1BS

Panel Members Present:

Mary Foden (MF), Maureen Harrison (MH), Christine Morgan (CM), Mike Lappin (ML), John Houghton (JH), Helen Meyers (HM), Evelyn Brown (EB), Linda Collier (LC)


Manish Seth, David Moore, Jayne Hey, Stephen Campbell, Stephen Foster, Roy Driver

In Attendance:

(LCo) Laura Copas, Programme Manager for Core Neighbourhoods Programme, Stockport Together

(AM) Andrew Messina, Programme Manager for Borough Wide Services Programme, Stockport Together

(SP) Sharron Pearce, Programme Manager for Acute Interface Programme, Stockport Together.

(SA) Simon Armour, Programme Manager for Healthy Communities, Stockport Together.

(LC) Lucy Cunliffe, Communication and Engagement Lead, Stockport Together

(SH) Shirley Hamlett, Communication and Engagement Officer, Stockport Together

(LH) Louise Hayes, Head of Communication and Engagement, Stockport Together

Secretary to Panel:

(CI) Claire Ingram, Portfolio Office Administrator, Stockport Together

The Citizens Panel exists to ensure that local views are at the heart of decision making in Stockport Together. Members of the panel play a vital role in acting as an initial sounding board to discuss issues and share views to be considered by the Stockport Together teams which contribute to the overall decision making process. More information and Terms of reference for the Citizen Panel can be provided upon request.


1.  Welcome and Introduction from the Chair (Chair)

2.  Update and progress on Stockport Together (Tim Ryley)

3.  Co-production model – a tool for partnership working (Chair)

4.  Small Group Discussions- Workstreams (All Programme Managers)

5.  Feedback to the Group from Discussions (All Group)

6.  MCP Development (Keith Spencer)

7.  Engagement Plan (Louise Hayes)

8.  Notes from last meeting (Chair)

9.  Final wrap up & AOB (All Group

10. Schedule of dates or meetings 2016/17 for information & date of next meeting

Meeting item / Responsible
1. Welcome, Apologies and Introduction from the Chair
The chair gave a welcome to the meeting and brief overview of the meeting’s agenda. Apologies were noted as above.
2. Update and Progress on Stockport Together
TR provided an update on Stockport Together programme:
·  £19 million has been awarded out of the £20m bid submitted to the Greater Manchester Transformation Fund for the next 3 years;
·  The Health & Social Care Integrated Commissioning Board is established and will oversee the management of the pooled finance and the procurement of the Multispecialty Community Provider (MCP);
·  Providers have been asked to submit their views on the preferred form for the MCP which will be assessed and progressed to the next stage of procurement;
·  The MCP is moving away from activity based payments to an outcomes based framework;
·  The Outcomes Framework steering group is working with reference groups of patients and practitioners;
·  A single point of contact is being developed and planned to go live in October which is linked to the rapid response teams;
·  Improving the triage of ambulatory care, i.e. outpatient care, to ensure that patients are on the right pathway and not admitted unnecessarily should improve flow through in the hospital.
Action: An Outcomes Framework presentation to be arranged at future Citizen’s Panel Group
3. Co-production Model
CM provided a paper on the Co-production Model, which has been developed jointly by the Coalition for Collaborative Care (C4CC) and NHS England and is endorsed by the People and Communities Board.
What is the Co-production model?
It is a practical tool which supports organisations and communities to work towards realising the vision described in Chapter 2 of the Five Year Forward View to develop “..a new relationship with patients and communities..” and the key themes of:
·  Empowering patients;
·  Engaging communities;
·  The NHS as a social movement.
When Co-production works well the approach can help to create meaningful partnership working between professionals, patients, carers and the public.
The model includes:
·  A definition of co-production as- A way of working that involves people who use health and care services, carers and communities in equal partnership and which engages groups of people at the earliest stages of service design, development and evaluation…
·  5 values and behaviours and 7 practical steps
·  An acknowledgment that the concept of co-production can link to existing participation and engagement frameworks.
The Executive Programme Board has endorsed the model and the different work-streams are identifying how they put it into practice.
The work of the Citizen panel is an example of co-production in practice.
The co-production model is live on the C4CC website supported by views from members of the team.
4. Small Group Discussions:
The Citizens Panel split into aligned groups in order to have more detailed discussions with programme managers from the four Stockport Together work-streams as follows:
Healthy Communities- CM, and HM.
Core Neighbourhoods- EB, JH, LC.
Borough wide- ML.
Acute Care- MH, MF.
5. Feedback to panel- key points from discussions:
Core neighbourhoods
·  Support expressed for the work of neighbourhood teams;
·  Main concern was in ensuring the involvement of patients;
·  Members of the group keen to get further involved in understanding more about the core neighbourhood development such as linking with Stockport Together Workforce Leads, the risk strategy and overall aims of the work-stream.
·  Volunteer agreed to work further with the work-stream;
·  Mental health provision needed further description;
·  Discussion about triage working collaboratively with skilled workers to recognise appropriate and correct pathways;
·  The importance of beds not being closed in hospitals before community provision was provided.
Acute interface
·  Discussion about how Mental health was being provided and how the Rapid Assessment Interface and Discharge teams would work.
Healthy Communities
This work-stream is developing:
·  Ways to identify and support carers better such as peer support;
·  Enhancing discharge procedures working with the voluntary sector.
6. MCP development:
KS gave a presentation on:
·  The forms the new MCP might take in order to provide the best outcomes for the population of Stockport;
·  The procurement process covering a range of different services and support in health and social care;
·  The emphasis on building more capability and capacity in the community;
·  The framework for procurement;
·  The timetable of the process;
·  Engagement with stakeholders.
Action: LH to circulate National Framework.
Questions included:
·  A query as to if the new MCP model would affect the status of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, which KS explained was different to the range services covered in the MCP;
·  Information to be gathered and shared about how soon progress in preventing or deflecting inappropriate admissions would be useful to see at neighbourhood level.
Action: KS to circulate data on aims of individual neighbourhoods
7. Engagement plan-
The group agreed to move this item to next meeting. Louise Hayes asked the group who they thought would be appropriate to engage with regarding the single point of access on the patient’s journey. The group felt that those with long-term conditions, Healthwatch, COPD patients and similar condition specific groups would benefit from being engaged.
Action: Citizens panel members to email LH with ideas of groups and networks to engage.
Action: CM to send out a form/check to gather information from panel members about the different networks each is connected to which should help with the engagement strategy.
8. Notes of last meeting:
Panel members agreed on the new format of notes of the meeting and asked for better spacing between paragraphs with punctuation and formatting errors to be corrected.
The notes of the last meeting were agreed with the exception that LC had been missed off the list of those members attending. Apologies were made to LC and this would be corrected on the notes.
9. Final Wrap up & AOB
EB expressed a concern that the name and work that Stockport Together appeared to be not well known among health staff and wider public with an example given of a GP receptionist appearing to be unaware.
This concern was noted by LH and would be partly picked up in the future engagement strategy with a reminder that information in GP practices should be shared with all staff.
10. Schedule of dates of meetings 2016/2017 for information & date of next meeting.
The group considered meeting at six weekly intervals and a list of proposed dates was provided within the meeting.
The next meeting of the Panel will be held on Tuesday 18 October from 2.00 – 4.30pm at Regent House, Heaton Lane, Stockport SK4 1BS

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