POSITIVE Senior’s University
Loon Lake UBC Research Forest, Maple Ridge, BCSubmit a workshop proposal
Make a powerful contribution to this university! The core of the University is you. Your experience, victories, challenges and internal exploration – all make you an expert. If you’d like to share knowledge and experience with others please consider submitting a Workshop Proposal and being a part of this community-generated programming.
What we will provide:
- Round trip transportation from Positive Living BC (1107 Seymour Street, Vancouver) to Loon Lake
- Limited transportation reimbursement for participants outside the lower mainland (to be pre-approved by staff)
- Meals
- Lodging – Shared lodging accommodations in the Koerner Lodge (Includes bedding)
- Limited workshop supplies (to be pre-approved by staff)
- Limited childcare funds (to be pre-approved by staff. Paid directly to care-giver)
Please Note: The deadline for submissions is August 4th 2014
Miss / First Name: / Last Name:
Membership #: / E-mail:
Address: / City:
Postal Code: / Phone:
Name of co-presenter(s), if applicable:
WORKSHOP INFORMATION: (Duration of workshops 40 - 45 minutes
Name of workshop (TITLE):
Please provide a 150 word or less description for the Workshop Program booklet and website. Use extra paper if needed.
Goal and/or Objective: (Examples can include things like “promote a deeper dialogue”, “present information and research”, “broaden horizons”, etc.)
How will you specifically structure your workshop/presentation to meet these objectives or goals?
Please provide a 75 word or less bio on yourself. (and each co-presenter if applicable)
Have you presented this workshop in the past? If so, where? If not, have you presented other workshops in the past? If so, describe workshop and audience.
If accepted, would you be interested in a “Train the Trainer” workshop prior to the University? Strongly suggested.
Yes / No / Need more information
To assist us in our workshop evaluation and selection process, please provide us with the following:
Format of Sessions: (Select all that apply)
Large/Whole group discussion 12 - 25
Small group discussion 4 – 6
Research/Technical presentation
Activity/Outside Activity
Mainly Q & A
Other: (specify)
Audio Visual requirements: We can provide Flip Charts and Markers. Please let us know if there are any other things you require for your presentation; Lap tops, screen, projector?
PRESENTER AGREEMENT: (and co-presenter(s) if applicable)
- I understand that the Positive Living BC staff will notify me no later than August 22, 2014 to let me know whether my proposal has been accepted.
- If my proposal is accepted, I/we agree to present the workshop as described on the day and time assigned to me/us by the Positive Living BC staff.
- I understand workshop programming spans Monday, Tuesday 9:00 am –9:00 pm. Wednesday 9:00 – 1:00 pm
Signature: / Date:
Please submit completed application form to:
Positive Living BC
Support Department Attn. Suzan Krieger
1107 Seymour Street – 2nd Floor, Vancouver, BC. V6B 5S8
*You may also fax your completed application to:604 893.2251 or by e-mail it to
If your Workshop Proposal is selected, an interview will follow the application process.
For general enquiries regarding the University program call 604 893.2223
For all other enquiries, please call the Reception desk at 604 893.2200
Thank You for your time, your completed application and your commitment to the Positive Senior’s University. We look forward to working with you to make this unique experience rewarding and memorable for everyone involved.