(UMH #202)
February 9, 2016
PO Box 2464
MUNCIE, IN 47307
(765) 282-2322 / EAST DISTRICT WEBSITE
annual conference news
equalization member to annual conference
UMM Lenten Breakfasts
certified lay minister pilot program
Year End Reporting
irs issues new mileage rates for 2016
Attention Pastors—Continuing Education reports due May 31
Making a good move seminar
2016 dates and information for church treasurers
compassionate communications workshop
east district mission trip to guatemala
end hunger now event scheduled for march 12, 2016
our life together
employment opportunity
vital congregations goals
youth ministries
important dates for your calendar
important links
2014-2015 educational opportunities
annual conference news
Dates for 2016 Annual Conference Session are set for Thursday-Saturday, June 9-11.
Retirement Recognition for Bishop Coyner, Friday, June 10, 7:00 p.m.; reception following at 8:45 p.m. Location TBA.
More information to come soon.
The East District is looking for additional Equalization Members to Annual Conference. We are in need of Adults, Young Adults (ages 18-30) and Youth (ages 12-18). The Annual Conference will be held in Indianapolis June 9, 10 and 11. If you wish to be considered as an Equalization Member please contact Bernie at .UMM Lenten Breakfasts
Feb. 13 Cammack UMC, 1901 N Cammack St., MuncieFeb. 20 Desoto UMC, 6309 N CR 500E, Muncie
Feb. 27 Fairview - Redkey, 11048 W SR 28, Redkey
Mar. 5 New Burlington UMC, 8080 S CR 475E, Muncie
Mar. 12 Daleville UMC, 8104 S Hickory Ln., Daleville
Mar. 19 The Garden at Gethsemane, 1201 W McGalliard, Muncie
Times: 7:30 - 9:00 a.m.
certified lay minister program
The new Certified Lay Minister pilot program is up and running for 2016!The Indiana Conference is piloting the CLM program in 2016 and will have a complete program available for all Certified Lay Speakers after the pilot is complete. CLM is a position designed to enhance the quality of ministry and ability of small membership churches, team ministry in larger membership churches, and ministry in other community settings to meet the spiritual and temporal needs of a constantly changing world.
If you would like more information about the CLM program or how you can get involved in the future, please visitwww.inumc.org/certifiedlayminister.
year end reporting
It's time for Year End Reporting!The Year End Reporting submission dates for the 2015 reporting year will be January 1 - February 15, 2016.
We recommend that you print and prepare blank forms before logging into the website to submit since the system times out after 30-45 minutes. To access the GCFA website and Year End Reports go tohttp://ezra.gcfa.org/.
To request a paper copy of the forms please contact Carla Johnson at the Conference Center at 1-877-781-6706 or 317-924-1321.
irs issues new mileage rates for 2016
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued the 2016 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating a vehicle for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.Beginning January 1, the standard mileage rate for using a car for business will be 54 cents per mile. The standard mileage rate for using a car in service of charitable organizations is 14 cents per mile.
Taxpayers always have the option of calculating the actual costs of using their vehicle rather than using the standard mileage rates.
attention pastors—continuing education reports due May 31
The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church requires all pastors serving under appointment to complete continuing education (CE). In the Indiana Conference, the Professional Development Committee, a sub-group of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, has been established to provide continuing educational guidelines for pastors (BOD ¶634.2n). Minimum continuing education units required per “continuing education year” (June 1 to May 31) have been established for all persons serving under appointment in the Indiana Conference and are listed below. One contact hour of Continuing Education is equal to .1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU).· Clergy appointed to full-time active service = 2.5 CEU’S
· Clergy appointed to less than full-time active service = 2.0 CEU’S
· Participants in RIM and/or COS are exempt from additional continuing education requirements and should check the appropriate box on the CE Report Form.
Click here to DOWNLOAD PDFFormthen follow the instructions below (also noted at the top of the form).
1. Click SAVE onthe PDFform to saveonyour computer.
2. Click CLOSE BROWSERto close your web browser. Please note that you need to complete the form you saved on your computer and not the online PDF.
3. OPENthe PDF formyoujustsaved on your computer and complete with your information accordingly.
4. SAVE AGAIN when done filling out so that you have a copy of your completed form.
5. To submit your completed form, click appropriate District box at the bottom of the formand your completed form will ATTACH TO AN EMAILfor sending.
making a good move seminar
Bishop Michael Coyner and Doug Anderson will present “Making A Good Move” at Plainfield UMC.April 29, 2016 2 pm ET/1 pm CT concludes with dinner (pastors are expected, spouses are invited).
April 30, 2016 10 am – 12:30 pm ET/9 am – 11:30 am CT (Pastors spouses, & S/PPRC Chair or Representative)
Attendance at this seminar is REQUIRED for all pastors who will be moving to a new appointment.
2016 dates and information for church treasurers
January 31st, 4th quarter 941; W-2’s to Employees; 1099’s to independent contractorsFebruary 28th, W-2’s and W-3’s to IRS; WH3 to Indiana Department of Revenue
April 30, 1st quarter 941 Form must be completed
May 15, Form NP20 to IN Department of Revenue, Property Tax Exemptions to Local Assessors Office (if changes) Personal Property Tax Forms to Local Assessor’s Office
May 31, Local Church Audit Form to Conference Office (Complete and return all five pages)
Click for 2016 East District Tithe Form
Useful websites
Financial forms on Indiana Conference websitehttp://www.inumc.org/financialforms
General Council on Finance & Administrationwww.gcfa.org
Indiana Conferencewww.inumc.org
UM givingwww.umcgiving.org
Indiana Department of Revenuewww.in.gov/dor
IRS formswww.irs.gov
General Board of Pensions and Benefitswww.gbophb.org
compassionate communications workshop
Compassionate Communications WorkshopWhen: Saturday, February 6, 2016, 9:00 am-noon
Where: Southport UMC
Who:Local pastors and key lay persons from local congregations
Cost: $15 per person (your district tithe covers the additional cost of this workshop)
A Compassionate Communication Workshop is being offered by Amy McCabe through VisioPeace, LLC.Amy McCabe graduated in 2014 with a Master's of Divinity from Western Theological Seminary and is a Certified Candidate for Local Pastor in the United Methodist Church. She is alsoan experienced attorney and a registered domestic relations mediator. Amy is passionate about helping people approach conflict in a way that makes space for healthier relationships to emerge.Much ofher current work involves bringing compassionate communication and restorative practices into a Christian context so that, through them, the Church might experience God's refreshing grace and transformative power.
Amy McCabe is the Spiritual and Creative Director of Project PEACE at the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic in Indianapolis, where she volunteers. Project PEACE (Peaceful Engagement And Conflict Education) is designed to come alongside families in conflict and prepare them for mediation through a workshop that teaches Compassionate Communication and other relational skills. Project Peace offers mediation services and follow-up support as well as Restorative Circles. For further information about Amy and VisioPeace, LLC, please visit: www.visiocenter.org.
east district mission trips to guatemala
July 23-31, 2016SPACE is LIMITED and filling Fast!
Bring a team from your church or just one.
We will travel to Guatemala and work together as team.
We will be engaged in at least one construction project plus will be able to engage with the feeding program that our food packing event supplies.
Trip cost includes all meals, air/ground transportation and lodging is $1499.
Initial deposit of $100 is due now to secure your team spot
For more information contact Pastor Rodney Frieden @
October 15-23, 2016
SPACE is LIMITED and will fill up quickly!
Bring a team from your church or just one.
We will travel to Guatemala and work together as team.
We will be engaged in at least one construction project plus will be able to engage with the feeding program that our food packing event supplies.
Trip cost includes all meals, air/ground transportation and lodging is $1,499.
Initial deposit of $100 is due now to secure your team spot.
For more information contact Pastor Jason Morris @ or (765) 855-5576.
end hunger now event scheduled for march 12, 2016
Registration has begun! Register by March 1Registration forms may be requested via email to
Questions? Contact Rodney Frieden (317) 670-5166
We are once again excited to announce that Harvest Land will be returning as our title sponsor for the event.If you have the chance, let them know how much you appreciate all they do for our communities!
It's never to early to begin raise funds for this event. Who can raise the most funds in advance up the Kick Off? We need to raise $50 to purchase the supplies for every case of meals we package at that event. Start now ... Please!
Saturday, March 12, 2016 we will once again “invade” Hagerstown High School with hundreds of volunteers.
our life together
The Wilderness Experience: Equipped for, Thriving through,and Living BeyondFor ALL Clergy: Our Life Together will be Mon.,Feb. 22-Tues., Feb. 23
at St. Luke's UMC, Indianapolis.
Click here for complete information.
employment opportunity
HARTFORD CITY TRINITY UMC – Trinity Church (Hartford City, IN) is looking for a part-time Director of Children’s Ministry to support our growing children’s ministry and provide leadership to help further develop this ministry. For more details or to apply go to www.trinityumchc.com/employment or email at .Richmond Central UMC – Central United Methodist Church in Richmond, Indiana is currently seeking an energetic, committed Christian to assume a part-time (approx. 15-20 hours/week with 4 week off/year) position as Minister of Music. The position is salaried (between $18,000 -$26,000) commensurate with skills and experience. This role requires exceptional people and leadership skills. The Minister of Music will need to have a strong background in various styles of worship music, including directing the chancel choir and playing the piano and/or pipe organ. This individual will work in cooperation with the pastors and other church staff to coordinate the planning of Sunday worship services. We are looking for a person to join our team to assist in leading vibrant Sunday worship services and develop a strong music program at Central.
Resumes should be submitted to by March 30th.
pastors—have you activated your INUMC email account
Vital Congregations/GCFA will be using inumc.org email addresses for pastors exclusively. So now your inumc.org email is a necessity. Once activated you can have it forwarded to your personal email address. Eventually this will be the only email address used by the District as well. Carla (877-781-6706) at the Conference Center will be happy to help you if you experience problems.vital congregation goals
Based on the email address you submitted when you enrolled you will receive a weekly email reminder to submit your information. You may submit it weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly.REPORTS - Once you enter and save your weekly information, you can click on the “Reports” tab at the top of your screen to see your local church’s dashboard of information.
QUESTIONS - Email if you have further questions or call 317/564-3254.
Click here for policy resources. There is also “Safe Sanctuaries” material available through Cokesbury at www.cokesbury.com.LOCAL CHURCH NEWS AND EVENTS
Covenant Partners Ministries – Community Day, providing bags of groceries and cleaning supplies for those in need, fourth Wednesday of each month. Sunday evening meals provided by local churches. Contact Pastor Linda McBride at (765) 284-2545. Clothing made available to community 1st Friday of each month June through October, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Following is a list of items needed in each bag If you or your church would like to donate bags of groceries or cleaning supplies for Community Day.Food List for Community Day
2 small cans of tuna
1 18-oz jar of peanut butter
1 jar of jelly
2 cans of vegetables (any kind)
1 box cereal (any kind)
1 can applesauce or other fruit
2 cans of soup
1 box spaghetti
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 box of corn bread mix
Cleaning/Personal Care Supplies
1 bar or bottle of unscented hand soap
Laundry detergent (small bottle or box)
Dish detergent (16 oz)
Facial tissue (1 box)
Toilet paper (4 rolls)
Place in brown bags with handles, if possible.
Covenant Partners Ministries is in need of two refrigerators. If you are able to help with this need please contact Pastor Linda McBride at (765) 284-2545.
Cammack UMC – God Commanded IT – Israel Celebrated It – Jesus Fulfilled It –
Christ in the Passover. Thursday, March 17, 2016, 6:30 p.m.,1901 N Cammack Street, Muncie 47304. This evening service will have a special guest who is a Jews For Jesus missionary in Miami Beach, Florida. She hails from Brooklyn, New York and will be sharing with us where we can easily find Jesus in Passover. You will find it to be very interesting. Changes may occur in itinerary. Please call ahead for any schedule changes. (765) 759-8688.
Hagerstown UMC – 2016 Workcamp to John’s Island
Let’s go to Hollywood … Hollywood, South Carolina that is!!
Our 2016 winter mission workcamp is planned for the week of March 13-19, 2016, in conjunction with Rural Mission, Inc., Johns Island, SC.
Rural Mission was founded in 1969 “to foster, promote and minister to the spiritual, economic, social, educational, medical and housing needs of the residents” of several of the “islands” just southwest of Charleston, SC. As you are no doubt aware, in addition to ongoing low income related needs, this area experienced massive flooding just a few months ago. For more about the history and work of Rural Mission, take a look at their website www.ruralmission.org.
We will be staying (and eating) in the Family Life Center at the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church in Hollywood, SC. The cost for the workcamp will be $100 per person, which covers our food and lodging. We have scheduled a pre-trip meeting at the Hagerstown First United Methodist Church on Sunday, February 14, at 2 p.m. to share more info about the project, answer questions, and fill out needed forms.
Please consider this mission opportunity. We always seem to be ofhelp to folks in need, and we have a good time in the process! Please extend this invitation to others in your church. If you have any questions,please call or e-mail either of us. Let us know of your interest as soon as possible so that we may better plan the details.
Grace and peace,
Jim Howell Marvin Culy
Home phone: 765-489-5325Cell phone: 765-969-1318
Cell phone: 765-748-1825E-mail:
Muncie High Street UMC – High Street Travelers 2016 Trips: May 16-20, Branson With a Twist; July 18-31, Scenic Ireland; September 8 & 9, Overnight Mystery Trip; September 11-17, Beautiful Maine. For pricing and information contact Deb Heeter by email
Muncie Riverside UMC – A custom made, very nice two sided showcase is available for someone who can pick it up in Muncie. It is a lighted showcase with glass doors on both sides. 84" L x 36" W x 60" H. Click here to see drawing. The stair-step display shelves can be removed. If interested contact John A. Young 765-278-8733, .
Muncie St. Paul’s UMC – Come to Muncie St. Paul’s UMC for Lunch, Good Food, Fellowship & Fun. Open to public 4th Friday of each month at noon. RSVP by Wednesday prior to lunch at 765/288-6454. Cost $3.50.