[Each adult (18 or older) must fill out a separate application.]
Skinner Commercial
2023 Thomas DrivePanama City Beach, FL32408
625-5219phone 233-9815 fax
Today’s Date: ______Date of anticipated movie in: ______Property Address (applying for): ______
Applicant Information:
First Name: ______Middle Initial: _____ Last Name: ______
Second applicant: ______
Date of Birth: ______Driver’s License #: ______
Social Security Numbers: ______
Any Other Names you’veused In the Past: ______
Home Phone #: ______Cell Phone #: ______
Total Number of Proposed Occupants: ______
Rental/Residence History:
Street Address of Current (or Last) Residence: ______City: ______
State & Zip Code: ______
Do you currently rent? Yes or No Amount of rent: $______
Landlord: ______Contact #: ______
Reason for Leaving: ______was notice given? Y N Were you asked to move? Yes or No Length of Residency: ______
Street Address of Previous Residence: ______City: ______
State & Zip Code: ______Did you rent? Yes or No Amount of rent: $______Landlord: ______Contact #: ______Reason for Leaving: ______wasnotice given? Y or NWere you asked to move? Yes or No
Length of Residency: ______
Employment History:
Current Employer: ______
Address: ______
Position: ______Phone #: ______
Supervisor’s Name & Title: ______
Monthly Income: $______Length of Employment: ______
Previous Employer: ______
Address: ______
Position: ______Phone #: ______
Supervisor’s Name & Title: ______
Monthly Income: $______Length of Employment: ______ Other Information:
Have you ever been served a late rent notice? ______
How long do you expect to rent the property? ______
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If so, when? ______
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? ______
Have you ever been served an eviction notice? If so, when? ______
How many pets do you have (list Type, Breed, approx. Weight, & Age)? ______
List any verifiable sources and amounts of income you wish to have considered (optional): ______
Have you been a party to a lawsuit in the past? If yes, please explain why: ______We will run a background check. Is there anything that you may want to comment on? ______
How did you hear about this property available for rent? ______
Do you have an e-mail address that you can be reached at? ______
Three Personal References
Agreement & Authorization Signature
The undersigned hereby offers to rent premises on terms andconditions described herein and upon approval of this application agree to sign a rental or lease agreement and to pay all sums due, including required deposits. The undersigned warrants that the above stated information is true and correct and authorizes verification of such information, including but not limited to, the obtaining of employment and rental/homeowner history. If this application for tenancy is approved, Applicant’s residency shall be governed by terms and conditions of the fully executed Agreement to Rent or Lease between Owner and Tenant(s), including all addendums and attachments thereto.
Applicant’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Reviewed By: ______Date: ______
Please attach additional information: Copy of 2 forms of ID, verification of income.