Dance and Social Policy and Procedures

Dances are held FRIDAY evening beginning at 7:00 and ending at 9:00

Dances are for current CDMS students ONLY!


  • Students are to be dropped off no earlier than 6:45
  • Students are to be picked up PROMPTLY at 9:00 – no student will be permitted to walk home or to any other location.
  • Students not picked up by 9:30 will not be allowed to attend the next dance.
  • We expect your ride to be a parent/guardian, relative, or another adult that your parents have contacted.
  • Students/parents are to make arrangement for rides home and after dance plans PRIOR to the dance.
  • Students arriving to the dance after 7:30 must be brought in by an adult.
  • Students leaving the dance early need to be signed out by a parent/guardian (name & time) at the door.
  • Once a student leaves the dance, he/she will NOT be allowed to reenter.
  • CDMS is NOT responsible for students’ safety after dance ends.


  • Attending school dances/socials is a PRIVILEGE not a right. Students who do not conform to school dance/social policies and procedures will lose the privilege to attend CDMS dances/socials for a period of time, or the remainder of the school year.
  • Students must be in school for at least ½ day the date of the dance/social (Approved educational trips and religious observances are exceptions).
  • Students whose names appear on the WEEKLY Ineligibility List may NOT attend dance.
  • If failing 2 or more credits your name will appear on the list.
  • Students serving ISS or OSS the day of a scheduled dancemay NOT attend.
  • Students assigned 4 days ISS or 2 days OSS since the last school dancemay NOT attend the next school dance.
  • Students that have accumulated 12 or more warning cards in one semester may NOT attend.


  • School dress code is in affect during school dances.
  • Students causing disruptions at the dance will be removed immediately and may not be permitted to attend future dances for the remainder of the school year.
  • Absolutely no horseplay, pushing, running, etc. will be allowed during the dance.
  • Lavatories are NOT areas in which to congregate and socialize. Do not loiter in these areas.
  • Lavatory windows are to be kept closed at all times.
  • Students may NOT display public affection or dance provocatively during the dance.
  • Cell phones and cameras are not to be used.


  • During the dance, refreshments will be available for purchase. Please do not litter and keep refreshments away from dance floor area.
  • Students are responsible for ALL personal belongings.
  • Do not leave belongings in hallway or lavatories
  • It is not necessary to bring large sums of money to dances
  • CDMS is NOT responsible for stolen or lost belongings