MINUTES of a meeting of Little Downham Parish Council held in the Village Hall,

Little Downham, on Thursday, 16 March 2006 commencing at 7.00pm.

Councillors present: AJ White, in the chair, and Mrs A Bailey, Mrs P Golding, Mrs ML MacCaulliffe,

Mrs CE Hall, EW Hall, CE Heaps, RS Martin, KI Norton and R Pearl.

In attendance: Dist Cllr Mrs B Daters and 1 parishioner.

Public Comment – A period of 10 minutes was allowed before the start of the meeting. No public present.

189/05 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Mrs CM Frankland and County Cllr P Bailey.



1. The minutes of the meetings held 16 February (Full Council) and 2 March 2006 (Extraordinary) were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman.


1. (Min.171/05.3) Street Furniture - Branching Out apologised profusely and will install the seat outside the school during March.

2. (Min.176/05.3) Clerk’s Credit Card – The Clerk reported receipt of the Viking Direct credit card that has been issue by MBNA Europe Bank Limited, Registered Office, Stansfield House, Chester Business Park, Chester CH4 9QQ. An initial credit limit of £2000 has been applied. The Clerk acknowledged use of the card strictly in accordance with the Council’s Credit Card Policy.


ECDC has introduced a new format to the Parish Council Response form for planning applications. The intention is that the form should be helpful and constructive and suggest ways that Councils can engage in the planning process. Councils can still make formal comments if preferred.

1. 06/00237/FUL Mr R & Mrs E Burns, 3 Fourth Drove, Lt Downham – Construction of wooden stable block (2 loose boxes, tackroom, fee-room and haystore) and riding arena (25m x 50m) for personal use – The Parish Council had no concerns about the application.

2. 06/00267/FUL Mr & Mrs B Taylor, 2 Mount Pleasant Cottages, 68 Main Street, Pymoor – Extension to side – The Parish Council had no concerns about the application.

3. 06/00273/FUL Mr & Mrs M Savage, Head Fen Cottage, Head Fen, Pymoor – Proposed swimming pool with changing facilities – The Parish Council had no concerns about the application.

Applications ECDC approved: 06/00010/FUL, 06/00020/FUL, 06/00023/RMA, 06/00038/FUL


1. Crime Report – Four Crimes were reported in February.

2. To report on recent events – The following matters have been reported as criminal offences:

2.1 25/02/06 - Lt Downham Pavilion – A brick was thrown through the kitchen window and at the CCTV room door, penetrating through to the inner side in two places. For security reasons, Mr Newman was called on immediately to repair the window and replace the door.

2.2 26/02/06 – Lt Downham Play Area – A parishioner found marijuana and took it to the police. PC Treharne disposed of the drugs.

2.3 04/03/06 – Cartshed, Pingle Wood, Lt Downham – Youths were seen setting fire to hay they had put in the cart in the cartshed. A man walking his dog removed the hay from the cart. A parishioner from Cannon Street reported the incident to the Clerk. Cllrs Norton and White took the cart out of the cartshed the next day to avoid a recurrence of the incident.


1. In his absence the Clerk reported that Cllr Bailey was looking into some kind of fly-tipping or dumping on Black Bank Road and parking on School Lane during school pick-up and drop-off times. A burnt out transit was reported on Black Bank Road.


1. Dist Cllr Mrs Daters and Mr White had nothing to report on this occasion.

197/05 FINANCE

1. Monthly Internal Audit - The monthly audit was carried out by Cllrs AJ Bailey and RS Martin.

2. To consider insurance renewal – The renewal insurance for the cartshed and the pavilion through Suffolk ACRE were discussed and approved. An increase in the values in line with the Buildings index at 4% and Contents at 1% had been applied while the premium levels remained the same as last year.

It was resolved to accept the increases and authorise payment of the renewal insurances of the cartshed @ £203.25 and the pavilion @ £488.25 through Suffolk ACRE for the period 01/04/06 to 31/03/07. [1]

3. To review Policy for Valuing of Assets – Based on a recommendation in the tutorial of the Council’s computer accounting program all items in common use (e.g. land, bins, seat, bus shelters etc.) should be valued at nil on the community assets register. The Council reviewed its policy for the valuing of assets. Proposed by Cllr Mrs CE Hall, seconded by Cllr KI Norton.

It was resolved to amend the Street Furniture and Play Equipment clause of the Council’s Policy for the Valuing of Assets to read All street furniture and play equipment listed on the Asset Register shall be valued for the cost of purchase during the purchasing financial year. The purchase amount to be written off in the next year and, as in each subsequent year thereafter, valued at £1.00 as it is in common use and is of no financial value. The clause will not affect the insurance value of the assets which remain as at the cost of replacement.

4. To receive Admin & Finance Committee Report – Recommendations relating to the end of financial year 2005/06 and the budget 2006/07 were received and approved. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs ML MacCaulliffe, seconded by Cllr Mrs P Golding.

It was resolved to vires unused funds in the budget 2005/06 to the 2006/07 budget as follows:

Administration – Staff
- Clerk/RFO / £1000 / Available funds from which a payment to the Clerk could be considered in lieu of extra hours work (Min.183/05.1)
Finance – Section 137
– Other s.137 expenditure / £1000 / Unused funds to same heading in 2006/07 budget
Highways and Parish Maintenance
All budget headings / Unused funds to same headings in 2006/07 budget in lieu of recent notification from CCC Highways that Agency fees for grass cutting in 2006 will be reduced by around 20%
Play Area and Recreation
All budget headings / Unused funds to same headings in 2006/07 budget in lieu new grass cutting contract and increase in vandalism.
Unused funds for Pavilion Refurbishment to Pavilion Repairs.
Capital Projects
AWSS Resurfacing / The Clerk will reassess the end of year figures if quotations are higher than £22,000 as previously assumed. Additional funds may be required from ECDC or another grant funder.

5. To approve Grass Cutting Contract 2006/07 as recommended by working group (Min.182/05.1) – The working group met on 02/03/06 to review the tenders received. It confirmed that enquiries had been made and, following a review of the preservation area with Cllr Norton (as like the other contractors), Mr Hall had submitted revised quotes for Pingle Wood and one-off cuts. Its recommendation and a summary of the tenders received were considered by the Council. It was proposed by Cllr R Pearl, seconded by Cllr EW Hall. [2&3]

It was resolved by full Council to accept the tender from Truelink Limited and enter into a four year contract whereby the prices will increase by no more than the rate of inflation each year.

6. To consider remaining councillors for CRB checks – No other checks are required at present.

7. To approve bills and other budgeted items due for payment

7.1 It was resolved that the following items be paid:

15  9 / Little Downham Village Hall / Book Café sessions & meetings / £78.00 / [4]
16  / Cambs County Council / Minor highway improvements / £ 1830.50 / [5]
17  / TG Newman / Pavilion locks & keys / £ 123.38 / [4]
18  / R Pearl reimbursement / Internet log-on expenses re website / £ 5.02 / [6]
19  / Branching Out / New seat & bench / £ 264.38 / [7]
20  / East Eng Apples&Orch Proj. / Annual subscription / £ 8.00 / [8]
21  / Wicksteed Leisure Ltd / Annual Play Area inspections / £ 94.00 / [4]
22  9 / JM Wardle reimbursement / Fire Safe / £ 99.00 / [9&10]
24  2 / JM Wardle / Clerk’s salary / £ 900.15 / [11]
25  2 / Post Office Ltd / Tax & NI / £ 760.27 / [11]
26  2 / Downham Print Room / Photocopying / £ 15.30 / [10]
27  2 / TG Newman / Replace kitchen window & CCTV door / £ 270.25 / [4]
28  2 / JM Wardle / Clerk’s expenses / £ 99.39 / [9]
D/D / Powergen / Pavilion energy / £ 43.00 / [4]

7.2 Bank Balances as at 16/03/06 Reconciliation (Balances do not include unreconciled entries)

Current Account / 4214.02 / – General Fund
Deposit Account / 21075.96 / – General Fund
LLTSB Current Account / 9811.43 / – General Fund
Countryside Account / 2269.69 / – Earmarked for Lt Downham Preservation Area
LD Rec Fund / 11757.00 / – Earmarked for Lt Downham Recreation Area
Pymoor 106 Account / 1089.06 / – Earmarked for Pymoor Recreation Area
Parish Plan Account / 33.06 / – Earmarked for production of Parish Plan
LNR Account / 0.00 / – Earmarked for Local Nature Reserve

198/05 BOOK CAFÉ

1. To consider approval of draft LAP contract for Little Downham Book Café – The Book Café Committee had reviewed the draft Local Access Point Agreement with Cambridgeshire Libraries and put forward a recommendation to the Council for approval.

It was resolved to approve the draft Local Access Point Agreement with Cambridgeshire Libraries.


1. Lt Downham Pavilion – To arrange site visit re disabled facilities – The Clerk will set a date and invite someone with knowledge of the disabled regulations to attend.

2. To report play area annual inspections and arrange Play Area & Recreation Committee Meeting – The Clerk will arrange a meeting and the inspection reports will be reviewed by the PA & R Committee.


1. To receive report from Youth Action Group (Min.177/05) – Grant approval is awaited.


1. Footpath on land between 16 & 20 Third Drove, Lt Downham – The report was received from CCC today and will be circulated to councillors. A comment must be returned by 17 April.

2. Rights of Way – Missing Links – CCC is seeking to identify ‘gaps’ in the network of public rights of way and potential road verge links. Councillors will deliberate and review at a later date.


1. Holts Meadows & Myles Meadow Grazing – Horse grazing is possible in Holts Meadows but not for long periods and careful management of the land is required to avoid overgrazing. It would be necessary to alternate between the two meadows in The Holts. The matter will be reviewed again.

It was resolved that the Clerk should advertise cattle grazing in Myles Meadow and sheep grazing in Holts Meadow for 2006.

2. Single Payment Scheme – to set up working group re Cross Compliance Assessment – Cllrs EW Hall, RS Martin, KI Norton and AJ White will review the requirements in May when further information is received.


1. Reply re matters reported from previous meetings (Min.180/05.2) -

1.1 Lawns Crescent – Patching will be applied across the width of the entrance

1.2 Townsend – The ‘give way’ road markings are in place. The Clerk will report the white triangles need re-painting.

1.3 Cowbridge Hall Road – The grass triangle looks fine. A site meeting can be arrange if required.

2. Matters to report to CCC Highways –

2.1 Ely Road near Little Street – A depression in the pavement requires filling.

2.2 Footway at entrance of Acred Close – Request to prompt the developer to reinstate the path.

2.3 Black Bank Road – Bad depressions outside No. 3 and at Casa Nostra.

2.4 Beild Drove – Request for planings to be laid on the drove in April.

2.5 Common Side, Lt Downham – Deep depression near Right of Way sign.

2.6 Straight Furlong, Pymoor – Rutting reported at the corner under the railway.

9.20pm The parishioner left the meeting.

3. Street Cleaning in Lt Downham (Min.158/05.2.6) – The Clerk will try to arrange the cleaning to take place during Easter. Leaflets will be issued to all residents requesting cars be removed.


1. ECDC – Joint Parish Forum, 22 May 2006 – Request items for agenda – No requests

2. Cambs ACRE – Calor Village of the Year Competition – It was suggested that the item could be advertised on the website for assistance with the entry.

For information only:

3. CCC – Mobile Library – change of day and times (notices have been posted in the parish)

4. CCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan

5. ECDC – Economic Development Strategy 2006-2011 final document

6. East Cambs Community Safety Partnership – Advice about discarded needles and syringes

7. FENS Food & Flower Festival Grant Information – Grant Information


It is hereby resolved in accordance with Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 that as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted at Agenda Items 205/05 and 206/05, it is advisable in the public interest that the Public and Press be temporarily excluded from this meeting and they are herewith instructed to withdraw. There were no members of the public or press present to be excluded.