Pastor Mark Schwarzbauer, Ph.D.
July 23, 2017
Family Worship Center
Where to Find Happiness
Text: Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
Part One: The Full Circle of Happiness
I. Resurrecting Happiness 4/16/17 Easter Sunday
II. Overcoming the Obstacles for Happiness 1 Overcoming Anxiety and Stress 4/23/17
III. Overcoming the Obstacles for Happiness 2 Overcoming Burnout and Wrong Choices 4/30/17
IV. Overcoming the Obstacles for Happiness 3 Overcoming a Spirit of Discontentment 5/7/17
V. Overcoming the Obstacles for Happiness 4 Overcoming False Beliefs 5/14/17
VI. Making it a Happy Day 5/21/17
VII. The God of a Happy Life 5/28/17
VIII. The Courage to Be Happy 7/9/17
IX. Jesus Prayer for Your Happiness 7/16/17
X. Today ~ Where to Find Happiness
XI. Psalm 16:11.
XII. Full Circle Back to Resurrecting Happiness
A. Acts 2:28 Quotes Psalm 16:11
B. Calls Jesus’ resurrection the “Fullness of Joy”.
C. Remember, Jesus’ first command of the resurrection was “Rejoice!”.
XIII. Happiness in the Resurrection
A. Your enemies Sin and Death are defeated. Romans 8:2.
B. Fear is bound, II Timothy 1:7.
C. There is hope beyond the grave, Romans 8:11.
D. Your sins are forgiven and you can start fresh, I Cor. 15.
E. The troubles are nothing when compared with eternity. Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 4:17.
XIV. Joy carried Him through the Cross
A. Hebrews 12:2 “for the joy set before Him”.
B. Having YOU in heaven.
C. You need to fix your eyes on the resurrected Jesus instead of problems.
Part Two: Where to Find Happiness
I. Psalm 16:11.
II. You will find happiness on His path.
A. Jesus actually desires you to have His joy completely abounding in you. He has told His disciples this in John 15:11, 16:24 and John 17:13
B. He prayed for YOU to have it.
C. Get on His path!
1. When you follow God’s path it leads to happiness.
2. When you deviate from it you lose happiness.
III. In His presence there is FULLNESS of joy.
A. Get in His presence in daily devotions.
B. Get in His presence in corporate worship. It reorients you and reminds you that you are a part of something bigger.
C. Get in His presence in fellowship, Matthew 18:20.
D. The more you engage His presence, the more happiness you’ll experience.
E. More than your toe example.
IV. At His right hand are pleasures forevermore.
A. The “right hand” is the place of power, sovereignty and favor.
B. Power – where Jesus is seated and intercedes for us.
C. Sovereignty – When you choose to have no other God’s before Him.
D. Favor – treating you better than normal and above what you deserve.
E. Pleasures – the Hebrew word means pleasant and delightful, like in the zone.
F. Forevermore.
Closing: Game of Warmer/Colder. Getting closer to Jesus, Getting happier/sadder.
Discussion Items and Questions for Home and Small Group
1. Are there any of the 10 messages you missed? (Please watch them online).
2. Why do you think the resurrection was “fullness of joy” for Jesus?
3. How is there happiness in the resurrection for you?
4. How does staying on God’s path lead to happiness?
5. Do you remember playing Warmer/Colder? In your own words, how can this relate to happiness and Jesus?
6. What actions do you need to take to be experience God’s presence more?
7. Pray for each other.