Study guides

1st semester:

Mid-term study guide: p.1

Final exam study guide: p. 2

2nd semester

Mid term study guide: p.3

Final exam study guide: p.4

Chapter 1: What is language?

What does linguistic knowledge consist of?

What does the creative aspect of linguistic knowledge mean?

Why is the relationship between speech sounds and meanings said to be arbitrary?

How are linguistic knowledge/linguistic competence different from linguistic performance?

How is a descriptive grammar different from a prescriptive grammar?

What is U(niversal) G(rammar)?

What is mental grammar?

What is ASL ?

What are the difference between human languages and animal languages?

Chapter 2: Brain and language

What does the human brain compose of?

How does aphasia happen?

What is Broca’s area? characteristics?(agrammatic?)

What is Wernicke’s area? characteristics?

What does contralateral control of functions mean?

What are the different functions of the left brain and the right brain?

The significance of dichotic listening and split brain experiments

The theory of localization/ lateralization and what evidences support the lateralization of language

What does savant suggest about the autonomy of language?

The theory of localization p.37 or lateralization p.38 or modularity about brain p.40


What is the critical period hypothesis?p.53

Chapter 3: Morphology


Open/closed class

What is a mprphome?

**Morpheme identification: identify the component morpheme(s) of each word

Identify prefix, suffix, root, and stem.

What are the examples of content words?

How about function words?

**How is a free morpheme different from a bound morpheme?

**What is an inflectional morpheme? How is it different from a derivational morpheme?

What does word coinage (eponyms, back-formations, compounds, and blends) mean?

What is the difference between clipping and acronyms?

**Morphological analysis: problem-solving questions

Final exam

Chapter4: Syntax

Grammatical and ungrammatical sentences

Syntactic categories

What do “nodes”, “heads”, “constituents” , “complements” and complementizers mean?

C-selection: transitive verb and intransitive verb

What is meant by structural ambiguity?

What are phrase structure rules and phrase structure trees? (tree diagram rules)

Embedded sentences

Transformational rules (deep structures)---how to move aux(modal), passive….


UG principles and parameters

Chapter 5: The Meanings of Language

Lexical Semantics (Word Meanings)

truth-conditional semantics

Truth value

Compositional semantics




Principle of Compositionality

non compositionality:

Anomaly/metaphor/ idioms,

 theories of word meaning:

sense and reference



Gradable antonyms, non-gradable, antonyms, relational opposites




Thematic Roles



Speech acts (performative sentences)


Maxims of Conversation



2nd semester Mid term

Chapter 8: Language Acquisition

How do children acquire their language? Through imitation, reinforcement, analogy,

structured input?

What is the Innateness Hypothesis? How is the hypothesis related to UG, parameters of UG? Does it receive strongest support from the poverty of stimulus argument?

Do children acquire their language through stages? Explain the stages.

How do children acquire the phonological system of their language? How do they acquire word meaning, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics?

The teaching methods and approaches in second language acquisition ( check for web readings)

Some issues discussed in second language acquisition such as fossilization, critical period, silent period, accent, negative transfer….

Chapter 10: Language in Society

How do people speaking diverse languages communicate when they are in

contact? Do they use a lingua franca or a pidgin? How is a pidgin different from a

creole? What is creolized?

What is meant by "situation dialects"?

How is an informal style distinguished from a formal style?

What is meant by slang, jargon, taboo and euphemism? racial epithets (slurs)?

Second language teaching methods .

top down and bottom up approaches

synthetic approach and analytic approach

code switching

bilingualism/second language acquisition


Is L2 acquisition the same as L1 acquisition?

Final exam

Chapter 10

The difference between British English and American English see my website

Dialect leveling

The r-dropping rule

What is meant by an idiolect and a dialect?

In what ways do dialects of a language differ from one another?

What does it mean when a person is said to have a Boston accent or a southern


What is SAE? Is there a SAE? Who are language purists?

Chapter 11 Language Change

History of English

Discovery of language families/Protolanguage

Phonological change

What are sound correspondences?

Great Vowel Shift and its impact on modern English

Syntactic change

Lexical change

Addition of new words

Borrowings or loan words

Addition of new words( clippings, word coinage, acronyms, blends, backformations)

Grimm’s Law

The notion of cognate

Languages of the World

Why does language change?

Chapter 9 Language and computer

What does Psycholinguistics study?

Speech recognition and speech synthesis

The cocktail party effect

Corpus, concordance and collocation

Practice in the computer room

Computer Syntax ELIZA:

A. Try to figure out some of the strategies ELIZA uses to formulate replies to your input. What information does ELIZA have to extract from your input to do this? What parts can ELIZA just copy verbatim?

B. Sometimes ELIZA’s strategies don’t work. For instance on strategy for replying to a question is simply to say Does that question interest you? Thus sometimes you will find that ELIZA’s responses are not appropriate. Find other examples of inappropriate responses and try to explain how ELIZA’s strategy fails.