Name of Mentor/Sign off mentor/Practice Teacher
It is the responsibility of the Mentor/Sign off Mentor/Practice Teacher to complete this document prior to their Triennial review
Author Christine Cowley Lead Nurse with contributions from Practice Educators, Practice Development Nurses and members of the Mentor Forum (2011)
This document is for all nurse mentors, sign off mentors, Specialist Practice Mentors and Practice Teachers working for BCU HB.
Purpose of the review
A requirement of the NMC standards is that each mentor and practice teacher undergoes a review every three years (triennial review) to ensure they continue to meet the requirements to remain on the local mentor register.
All mentors and practice teachers who have been on a mentor register since September 2007 will be required to undergo a triennial review by September 2010, and every three years thereafter. For all other mentors the first triennial review will be three years from the date they were first entered onto a mentor register and every three years thereafter.
It is recommended that the triennial review takes place as part of an annual appraisal process, but can be carried out at any time depending on the date the triennial review is due.
The Triennial review can be undertaken by the following people
Review of mentors
- The ward/department Sister or Charge Nurse
- The deputy ward/department Sister/Charge Nurse
- A nurse mentor with a minimum of two years experience as a mentor or sign off mentor who is able to facilitate any development and/or action plans that may arise from the review.
Review of sign off mentors
The reviewer can be the ward/department Sister or Charge Nurse or deputy, with a minimum of two years mentoring experience.
Review of SPM and Practice Teachers
The reviewer should be the immediate Nurse or Health Visitor Manager or relevant professional equivalent
There are three components to this process:
- The mentor provides evidence to their reviewer to demonstrate that their experience meets the NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice.
- The reviewer verifies that the triennial review has taken place and declares that the mentor has met the required standardto remain on the register as a Mentor, Sign-off mentor, Specialist Practice Mentor or Practice Teacher
- The reviewer ensures that the declaration of competence to remain on the BCU registeris recorded on the ward/department record.
Evidence in support of ability to meet NMC
Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice.
Full Name of Registrant/MentorChange of name in the last three years
Place of work / Telephone number
Professional Qualification and date obtained / Branch
Mentor Qualification and date obtained
SCPHN , SPM or Practice Teacher qualification
Date of most recent annual update
Date of last Triennial review
Please indicate whether you are a Mentor or Sign-off mentor.
MentorSign-off mentorSCPHN/PT
(pre registration students)(Pre registration students)
Please consider each of the competencies and provide evidence that you are continuing to demonstrate them. It is not necessary to provide evidence for each criteria, but evidence for each domain is needed.
The evidence you provide should be used to facilitate a discussion with your reviewer.
Once you have had the triennial review, you and yourreviewer should complete the “Triennial Review - Confirmation of mentor and sign off mentor competence”, one copy is to be kept by the mentor and one copy in the ward/department records
Criteria to remain a mentor and/or sign off mentor
MentorPre reg students / Sign off mentor
Pre reg students / SCPHN/PT Sign Off
Been registered for minimum of one year
Successfully completed a mentor preparation programme
Mentored at least two students within a three year period
Attended an annual update
Demonstrated maintenance and development of knowledge skills and competence as a mentor as part of triennial review / Successfully completed a mentor preparation programme
Mentor and assess 2 final placement students in a three year period
Attended an annual update
Demonstrated maintenance and development of knowledge skills and competence as a mentor as part of triennial review / Successfully completed a Practice Teacher preparation programme
Mentor and assess 1 student in three years
Attend annual PT update at Glyndwr
I affirm as a Mentorthat I meet the following criteria: / Yes / No
I am on the same part or sub-part of the register as the students I assess and for the nurses’ part of the register I am in the same field of practice (adult, mental health, learning disability or children’s)
I have developed my knowledge, skills and competence beyond registration i.e. developed skills through education or training
I have successfully completed an NMC approved mentor preparation programme (or a comparable programme which has been accredited by an agreed a HEI as meeting the NMC mentor requirements).
I am able to select, support and assess a range of learning opportunities in my area of practice for students undertaking NMC approved programmes.
I am able to make judgements about competence/proficiency of NMC students on the same part of the register, and in the same field of practice, and be accountable for such decisions.
I have attended a mentor update or provided evidence of an update in the preceding year
I have provided supervision and contributed to the assessment of 2 students in the last 3 years
I have progressed to meet the criteria to be a sign-off mentor and wish to be placed on the BCU HB register as a sign-off mentor
Signed Date::
I have met the criteria stated above and also meet the additional criteria stated below to be a sign off mentor
I have clinical currency and capability in the field in which the student is being assessed
I have a working knowledge of current programme requirements, practice assessment strategies and relevant changes in education and practice for the student they are assessing.
I am identified on the local register as a sign-off mentor
I have an understanding of the NMC registration requirements and the contribution I make to the achievement of these requirements
I have a clear understanding of my accountability to the NMC for the decisions I may make to pass or fail a student when assessing proficiency requirements at the end of a programme.
I have participated in annual mentor updates in the last year
I have been supervised on at least three occasions for signing off proficiency by an existing sign off mentor. (New sign -off mentors only)
I have signed off proficiency a minimum of 2 students over the last 3 years (Existing sign-off mentors)
Signed. Date:
I affirm as a Practice Teacherthat I meet the following criteria: / Yes / No
I am on the same part of the register as the student ie SCPHN, and from the same field of practice eg school nursing, health visiting (or relevant SPQ)
I have been registered and worked have for a minimum of two years and developed my knowledge, skills and competence beyond registration i.e. developed skills through education or training and gained additional qualifications that will support students in SCPHN or SPQ (as relevant
I have successfully completed an NMC approved practice teacher preparation programme (or a comparable programme which has been accredited by an agreed a HEI as meeting the NMC mentor requirements).
I am able to assess learning in practice settings, supporting a range of students in their area of practice eg pre-registration, SCPHN, CPD of peers.
I am able to support learning in an interprofessional environment – selecting and supporting a range of learning opportunities for students from other professions
I am able to make judgements about competence/proficiency of NMC students on the same part of the register, and in the same field of practice, and be accountable for such decisions
I am able to select, support and assess a range of learning opportunities in my area of practice for students undertaking NMC approved programmes.
I have attended an update in the preceding year
I have provided supervision and contributed to the assessment of 1 SCPHN student in the last 3 years
Suggestedevidence that may be used to support discussion
- Reflections of professional development
- Mentor records
- Anonymous records of dealing with non-achieving student learners
- Supporting statements from students or peers
- Strategies developed to orientate student learners to practice areas
- Evidence of attendance at workshops or mentor updates
- Anonymous mid-term & final point comments
- Development of placement’s own evaluation tool used by student learners to evaluate
- Develop evaluation tools relating to planned facilitation activity
- Development of welcome pack or letters
- Develop learning plans/ contracts
- Participation in audits
- Evidence of mentorship for CPD modules
- Attendance at link nurse events
- Anonymous peer reviewed feedback
- Evidence of collaborative working with partners in Education
- Initiate care pathways to develop care
- Benchmark care
- Use case conference/ study or presentation as learning tool
- Recognise policy drivers as change agents/ reflective account
- Participation in audit – action points
- Review an element of practice and disseminate findings
- Examples of evidence based practice introduced and shared with colleagues
- Protocols developed with evidence of your active involvement
- Development of protocol in clinical practice
- Statements from others indicating your involvement in leading and implementing evidence based practice
- Develop a case study technique in mentoring role
- Evidence of acting as an advocate for the student in difficult circumstances
- Evidence of developing evaluation tools relating to planned activity
- Develop a learning agreement for specific stage/ level of student
NMC Domainswith associated KSF core dimensions / Competence and outcomes / Explain/discuss/give examples of : / Evidence /examples/summary of discussion with reviewer / Achieved
1.Establish effective working relationships.
KSF 2 / a)Demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence how students integrate into practice settings. / Factors that influence how students integrate into practice.
How you support new team members and/or students.
How you provide on-going support to new team members and/or students.
How you develop effective working relationships with others
b) Provide ongoing and constructive support to facilitate transition from one learning environment to another
c) Develop effective working relationships based on mutual trust and respect
NMC Domains
with associated KSF core dimensions / Competence and outcomes / Explain/discuss/give examples of : / Evidence /examples/summary of discussion with reviewer / Achieved
2. Facilitation of Learning
KSF 2 / a)Use knowledge of the student’s stage of learning to select appropriate learning opportunities to meet their individual needs. / How you select learning experiences that are appropriate to the student.
How you support the student in to integrate their learning experiences from practice and academic environments
How you encourage students to reflect on their learning experience.
b)Facilitate selection of appropriate learning strategies to integrate learning from practice and academic experiences.
c)Support students in critically reflecting upon their learning experiences in order to enhance future learning
NMC Domains
with associated KSF core dimensions / Competence and outcomes / Explain/discuss/give examples of : / Evidence /examples/summary of discussion with reviewer / Achieved
3 Assessment and Accountability
KSF 6 / a)Foster professional growth, personal development and accountability through support of students in practice / What do you do to ensure that you share your knowledge and experience with students?
b)Demonstrate a breadth of understanding of assessment strategies and the ability to contribute to the total assessment process as part of the teaching team. / The different assessment strategies you use and how they might contribute to the whole learning process and environment.
c)Provide constructive feedback to students and assist them in identifying future learning needs and actions. Manage failing students so that they may either enhance their performance and capabilities for safe and effective practice or be able to understand their failure and the implications of this for their future. / How you provide feedback to students.
How you have supported students who are failing or who are having difficulties.
d)Be accountable for confirming that students have met, or not met, the NMC competencies in practice. / Your understanding of your own accountability and responsibilities in confirming that competencies have been met, or not met.
For sign-off mentorsconfirm that students have met, or not met the NMC standards of proficiency in practice and are capable of safe and effective practice
NMC Domains
with associated KSF core dimensions / Competence and outcomes / Explain/discuss/give examples of : / Evidence /examples/summary of discussion with reviewer / Achieved
4. Evaluation of Learning.
KSF 5 / a)Contribute to evaluation of student learning and assessment experiences – proposing aspects for change as a result of such evaluation. / How youcontribute to evaluation of the learning environment.
What changes have been made as a result of student evaluation?
b)Participate in self and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development, and contribute to the development of others. / How you have participated in self review and/or peer review
NMC Domains
with associated KSF core dimensions / Competence and outcomes / Explain/discuss/give examples of : / Evidence /examples/summary of discussion with reviewer / Achieved
5 Creating an environment for Learning
KSF 5 / a)Support students to identify both learning needs and experiences that are appropriate to their level of learning. / How you identify different learning needs and experiences.
Different learning experiences you have used
b)Use a range of learning experiences, involving patients, clients, carers and the professional team, to meet defined learning needs.
c)Identify aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced – negotiating with others to make appropriate changes. / Anything within the learning environment that you would like to change
d)Act as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others. / How you act as a resource to others.
NMC Domains
with associated KSF core dimensions / Competence and outcomes / Explain/discuss/give examples of / Evidence /examples/summary of discussion with reviewer / Achieved
6. Context of Practice
KSF 5 / a)Contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. / How you contribute to the clinical environment to ensure effective and safe practice.
How you maintain good relationships with other healthcare professionals,
b)Set and maintain professional boundaries that are sufficiently flexible for providing interprofessional care.
c)Initiate and respond to practice developments to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an effective learning environment is maintained.
NMC Domains
with associated KSF core dimensions / Competence and outcomes / Explain/discuss/give examples of / Evidence /examples/summary of discussion with reviewer / Achieved
7. Evidence Based Practice
KSF 5 / a)Identify and apply research and evidence-based practice to their area of practice. / How you support students in applying an evidence base to their practice.
b)Contribute to strategies to increase or review the evidence-base used to support practice.
c) Support students in applying an evidence base to their own practice
NMC Domains
with associated KSF core dimensions / Competence and outcomes / Explain/discuss/give examples of / Evidence /examples/summary of discussion with reviewer / Achieved
8. Leadership
KSF 5 / a) Plan a series of learning experiences that will meet students defined learning needs. / See 2a, 2b and 2c. 3a and 3c. 5a and 5b
b) Be an advocate for students to support them accessing learning opportunities that meet their individual needs – involving a range of other professionals, patients’, clients and carers / See 2a, 5a, 5b and 5d
c) Prioritise work to accommodate support of student within their practice roles / How do you ensure you prioritise your own work in order to support students
d) Provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice / See 4a and 4b, 5c
Action Plan
If any of the above outcomes are not met it is essential that a time-limited action plan is created to develop the competency.
Competency not met / Action Plan / Review Date / Date achievedSignature of reviewer: Date:
Signature of mentor/sign off mentor
Verification of CompetenceLine manager/reviewers’ name:
I confirm that I have undertaken a triennial review of the competence of
and they are able to meet the criteria of the NMC Standards To Support Learning And Assessment In Practiceas a
(please indicate as appropriate)
Mentor Sign off Mentor Practice Teacher
Reviewers’ Signature / Date:
Mentor/ PT Signature: / Date:
This page is to be kept by the mentor and may be presented, if requested as evidence of the Triennial review and that you continue to meet the requirements to remain on the local mentor register. This record may also be used as part of your PDR and evidence of achieving some elements of your KSF post outline.
Verification of CompetenceLine manager/reviewers name:
I confirm that I have undertaken a triennial review of the competence of
and they are able to meet the criteria of the NMC Standards To Support Learning And Assessment In Practiceas a
(please indicate as appropriate)
Mentor Sign off Mentor Practice Teacher
Reviewers’ Signature / Date:
Mentor Signature: / Date:
This page is to be kept in the ward or departments recordsand may be presented, if requested, as evidence of Triennial review and that the individual continues to meet the requirements to remain on the local mentor register.