Thename ofthis organization shallbethe FoxValleySCORE Chapter289. SCORE is a nonprofitcorporation organized for charitable and educational purposes, and each SCORE Chapteris a unit member ofthe SCORE Association. SCORE isa resource partner oftheU.S. Small Business Administration.
SCORE is chartered asanonprofitcorporation forcharitableand educational purposes, which includes the provision, byexperienced qualifiedvolunteers, ofcounselingand othertechnical and managerialguidance and trainingto existingand prospective for- profitand not-for-profitbusinesses and individuals looking to increasetheir potential for success in the small business community.
Section 1
TheSCORE Program provides counseling and technical assistanceto existingand prospectivesmall businesses. SCORE Members shallassist their clients in takinga balancedapproach to management and to enhancethe potential forthe success of their business through qualityeducation, trainingandcounselingon specific topics in areas such as finance, personnel, publicity, marketing, engineering, production,merchandising, etc., and also to urge, when desirable, that theyseek sound advisoryand useful relationships with other professional business specialists and associates.
Section 2
This Chapter and its individual members shallmaintain qualitystandards of serviceand shall adhereto theSCORE Code ofEthics andConduct and other SCORE rules as described in theSCORE OperatingManual (SOM) and otherSCORE publications. SCORE activities involveapublictrust and publicservice. Information on aclient’s business imparted to SCORE or contained in counselors’ reports shallbeheld in strictest confidence, except as theclient authorizes its disclosure and such disclosureis consistentwith the requirements ofthe National SCORE Office and the U.S.Small BusinessAdministration.
Qualified volunteers who have been properly screened and approved by the Chapter and the SCORE Association shall be accepted as members of the SCORE Chapter, without regard to sex, race, religion, color, national origin, age, marital status, sexual preference or handicap. Membership may be terminated if the volunteer does not fulfill his/her SCORE obligations as described in the SCORE Operations Manual (SOM) and other chapter specific requirements.
Chapter Requirements for Membership:
1. New Members (Provisional Status)
- Complete initial requirements for orientation, training and mentoring
- Sign and adhere to the SCORE Code of Ethics and Conduct
2. Ongoing Membership (Active Status)
- Annually sign and adhere to the SCORE Code of Ethics
- Complete mandatory certification and periodic recertification
- Complete all printed and online forms as required by SCORE National and the Chapter
A principal goal of any SCORE chapter is ensuring top quality service to our clients. To meet that challenge and to remain a member in good standing, the chapter expectsthe involvement of all volunteers in the activities of the chapter. Such other activities may include:
- Counsel SCORE clients face to face, by telephone or electronically
- Attend chapter and/or Branch meetings
- Keep informed via email and websites, both National and Chapter
- Be involved in Chapter and National activities
- Attend, participate in or help to prepare Chapter or Branch workshops
- Serve on a Chapter or Branch committee
- Assume a Chapter, Branch or committee leadership role
- Represent the Chapter at community functions
- Present Chapter workshops
- Perform administrative duties as needed by the Chapter
- Any other activity as identified by Chapter or Branch leadership
Section 1
Theofficers ofthe Chapter shallbeaChair, ViceChair(s), Secretary,andTreasurer. Chapternominations shall be completed prior to June1. Officers maybeelected bya majorityvote ofthoserespondingto a ballot e-mailed to all activemembersfollowinga noticein writingtransmitted bye-mail notlater than threeweeks prior to thedate ofthe regularchaptermeetingin July. Theterm ofofficeshall be twoyears(orless if circumstances dictate). Thereareno term limits.
Section 2.
A nominatingcommitteeshall be named bythe ChapterChair, who shallnot serveon said committee. The committeeshall seek to nominate at least two qualified and willing candidates for each officeno later than June1, to be voted on prior to theregular Chapter Meetingin July. Thenames ofthe nominees andinformation about them shall be provided to the membersin advanceof the election. Officers will assume responsibility on October1.
Section 3
An officer mayberemoved as provided in theSCORE OperatingManual. If theChair is unable to serve, the1stViceChair assumes that position. If other officers areunable to serve, the Chapter shall elect successors to complete theterm.
Section 1
TheChapterChair shallmanagetheaffairs oftheChapterin accordancewith the principles and policies ofthe SCORE Operating Manual and other directives of the SCORE Association and SCORE Board ofDirectors.
TheChapterViceChair is responsible foracting in the absenceof theChair and for functions of the chapter forwhich he/she hasbeenassigned bytheChair.
TheChapterSecretaryis an elected officer who keeps theminutes ofChapter and
ExecutiveCommitteemeetings. Responsibilities:
- Create and publish minutes of allChapterand ExecutiveCommitteemeetings duringtheyearand otherduties as assigned bytheChair orViceChair.
TheChapterTreasurer shallperform theduties usuallyincident to that office. The
Treasurer shall:
a. Handle thereceipts anddisbursements of Chapterfunds. b. Maintain accurate records of allfinancial transactions.
c. Preparetreasurer’sreports forthe Chapter onamonthlyor quarterlybasis.
d. Prepare an end ofyear financial statement for theChapter and National SCORE
offices. Section 2
TheChapterunder thedirection ofthe Chapter Chair shallestablish a sound fiscal process, includingbudgeting,to assurethat the assets of the chapter areprotected. No part ofthe funds andassets ofthe chaptershallinuretothe personal benefit of or be distributed to its individual members, directors, officers orother privatepersons unless specificallyprovidedforin theSCORE Operating Manual.
Section 1. Each branch shallselecta chairperson from the counselors normallyassigned to counsel at that location and withthe concurrenceof theChapter Chairperson.
Section 2. Each branch chair will be responsible forthe dayto dayoperations of the branch, scheduling counselingsessions and workshops, assistingin thetrainingand acclimation of new members, andmonitoring counselingqualityin their branch.
Section 1
Regular meetings of theChaptershall be held onthe third Tuesdayofeachmonth, except for themonth of November when the meetingwill be held on thesecondTuesdayof the month and December when no meetingwillbeheld, unless otherwisedecided bythe Chapteror its ExecutiveCommittee.
Section 2
The regular meetingforthemonth ofOctober shallbeknown as the Annual Meeting and shall be forthe purposeof installingofficers andreceivingappropriate annual reports.
Section 3
Special meetings maybecalled bythe Chapter Chair orbythe ExecutiveCommitteeor shall be called upon awritten request transmitted bye-mail, facsimileor regularmailof fiveor moremembers ofthe Chapter.
Section 4
Ten members oftheChapterpresent shallconstitute aquorum to conductnormal Chapter business.
Theofficers ofthe Chapter andBranch Chairsshallconstitute theExecutiveCommittee together with such othermembers as the Chair mayname. Purposeofthe Executive Committeeshall be advisory, subject to decisionsofthe Chapter.
Section 1
Chapter committees shall be established as provided bytheSCORE OperatingManual (SOM). TheSOM sets forth therein thenames ofspecifiedstandingcommittees andof otherdesirablecommittees, specifies their dutiesand the appointment ofcommittee members.
Section 2
TheChaptermayestablish other committees as are found desirable
Thesebylawscan beamended at anyregularmeetingof theChapterbyatwo-thirds (2/3) vote ofthe members in attendance, provided that theproposed amendmenthas been submitted to the Chaptermembership with reasonable notification, and providingthat the regularmeetinghas a quorum of one-third (1/3) of the activemembers present.
Amended: August 19, 2014