22 New Apollo Estate , Mogra Lane , Andheri (E), Mumbaio 400069

Tel :- 91-22-32935534 * Fax : 91-22-28365726 * web :-

Email :

Enquiry Ref:


Customer Information

Date: Quote Request Date:

Company: _____

Address: ______


Contact Name/Title:

Phone: Fax: Email: _____

  • What is the type of Industry that the client is in?

Fine & Intermediate Chemical Company OEM’s

Pharmaceutical Company  Any other, please specify


  • What is the application for which client need a vacuum pump? (need details)

Drying Distillation Reactor Service

 Solvent recovery  House Vacuum Any other, please specify


  • What is/are the type of pump/pumps that is/are required by the client?

 Oil sealed VP  Steam Ejector,  OTO  Dry pump  Any other, please specify


  • What kind of pump/pumps client is using at present?

Make: ______Model: ______

Technology:  oil sealed VP  Steam Ejector,  OTO  Any other, please specify ______

  • How will be the demand pattern for the requirement

 Continuous steady Continuous fluctuating Occasional

  • What is the time frame for the requirement?

 Immediate Planned but to take time  still in the planning stage

  • Is the requirement for

 New installation  Capacity expansion  New application in existing system

  • Is there a chance for a similar business or more business from the client?

 Yes  No

  • Choose among the options below what could be the nearest to the status of the project

Exploring feasibility  Intends to implement but awaiting management approval

Committed to implement the project – might have already committed some investments.

  • Which communication channel is more favourable to the customer for knowing the product

 Seminars  Magazines Personal Visits  Email/mail  Newspapers

 Telephone calls  any other, please specify


Process Gas Information

Chemical Name / Molecular Formula / Molecular wt. / Flow Rate (kg/hr)

Type of Gases : inflammable:  Yes  No corrosive:  Yes  No

Vapour Pressure of the gases at process temperature: ______@____ deg. C

Boiling points: ______deg C @ ____mbar/Torr

Air Leakage (kg/hr or mbar/min):

Are Particulate Present:  Yes  No Size (micron):

Pumping Requirements

Required Pumping Speed (m3/hr):

Required Process Pressure (mbar, Torr, etc):

Type of Process:  Continuous BatchCycle Time (hr):

Process Inlet Temperature (°C):

Process Volume (m3):

Evacuation Time (min):

Installation of Pump

Length of Inlet Pipe (m): Diameter of Inlet Pipe (mm):

Bend & joints: ______

Inlet Valve Installed: Yes No

Diameter of Exhaust Line (mm):

Max Exhaust Gas Pressure (mbarg):

Exhaust Gas Piped to: Roof Scrubber Incinerator Flare Other

Utility Requirements:

Electricity: Voltage (V): Frequency (Hz):

Cooling Water:Temperature (°C):Pressure (barg):

Nitrogen Pressure (barg):

Instrument Air (barg): ______

Electrical Data:

Area Classification:

IEC/CENELEC: Zone: ______Gas Group: ______Temp Class: ______

ORATEX 100a Internal Cat: Gas Group: ______Temp Class: ______

External Cat: Gas Group: ______Temp Class: ______

OR NEC 500: Division: Gas Group: ______Temp Class: ______

Preferred Motor Supplier: ______

Motor Certification Code, (e.g., Eexd IIA/IIBT4): ______

Electrical Control Classification: ______

Spot Voltage: ______±______

Required Noise Levels:

 < 85 dB (A) < 82 dB (A)

Sound Enclosure: Yes  No

Cost of Ownership:

Daily running time: ______hr/day. Working days in a year:______

Annual running time: ______hrs/year.

If customer is using LRVP:

LRP absorbed power: ______kW. Cost: ______Rs./kW hr

Total Exp./Year: Rs. ______

Seal water supply: ______l/min. Cost: ______Rs./m3

Water Treatment cost: ______Rs./m3

Annual service & routine maintenance: ______Rs./year

If customer is using steam Ejector:

Steam supply rate: ______kg/hr. Cost: ______Rs./kg

Total Exp./Year: Rs. ______

Condenser water supply: ______m3/hr. Cost: ______Rs./m3

Water Treatment cost: ______Rs./m3

Annual service & routine maintenance: ______Rs./year

If customer is using other pump:

Absorbed power: ______kW. Cost: ______Rs./kW hr

Total Exp./Year: Rs. ______

Oil Capacity: ______ltrs Cost: ______Rs./m3

Oil Treatment cost: ______Rs.

Annual service & routine maintenance: ______Rs./year

Process Description:

System Sketch:

Please submit PI&D or system sketch, if possible.

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