Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 – Barcovan Golf & Country Club
Dear Chamber Member,
We hope you’ll join us for an afternoon of FUN and networking at our 7th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament. It is our goal this year to have a full roster of 72 golfers!! As a business owner/manager you can also help support our Chamber while promoting your own business in our community. Please take a moment to consider the following sponsorship opportunities:
Platinum Sponsor - $1,500
- Complimentary round of golf for 4 (Value of $400)
- Opportunity to speak at tournament dinner
- Opportunity to serve as Winner’s Circle host to present top prizes (corporate signage may be displayed as backdrop for photos)
- Platinum sponsor acknowledgement on signage at tournament
- Platinum sponsor acknowledgement in 200 X 30 second radio spots on 100.9 myFM
- Platinum sponsor acknowledgement in The Independent newspaper – logo added 2 x Golf Tournament ads
- Honourable mention at tournament dinner
- Honourable mention in media releases, our Business Buzz newsletter, Facebook Page and on advertising / posters / emails / fax
- Your material in gift bags
Gold Sponsor - $900
- Complimentary round of golf for 4 (Value of $400)
- Gold sponsor acknowledgement on signage at tournament
- Gold sponsor acknowledgement in 200 X 30 second radio spots on 100.9 myFM
- Gold sponsor acknowledgement in The Independent newspaper – logo added 2 x Golf Tournament ads
- Honourable mention at tournament dinner
- Honourable mention in media releases, our Business Buzz newsletter, Facebook Page and on advertising / posters / emails / fax
- Your material in gift bags
Silver Sponsor - $600
- Complimentary round of golf for 2 (Value of $200)
- Silver sponsor acknowledgement on signage at tournament
- Silver sponsor acknowledgement in 100 X 30 second radio spots on 100.9 myFM
- Silver sponsor acknowledgement in The Independent newspaper – logo added 1 x Golf Tournament ads
- Honourable mention at tournament dinner
- Honourable mention in media releases, our Business Buzz newsletter, Facebook Page and on advertising / posters / emails / fax
- Your material in gift bags
Bronze Sponsor - $300
- Complimentary round of golf (value of $100)
- Bronze sponsor acknowledgement on signage at tournament
- Bronze sponsor acknowledgement in The Independent newspaper – logo added 1 x Golf Tournament ad
- Honourable mention at tournament dinner
- Honourable mention in media releases, our Business Buzz newsletter, Facebook Page and on advertising / posters / emails / fax
- Your material in gift bags
Individual Hole Sponsors - $125
An individual hole sponsorship is a great way to get recognition for your business. A 16” x 18” sign with your logo and relevant information will be posted at your sponsored hole. You will also receive recognition for your support at our tournament dinner plus the opportunity to provide material for gift bags.
We are also require prize donations for our gift bags and the various competitions including longest drive, closest to the pin, best men’s team score, best women’s team score, best mixed team score. Your donation will be acknowledged on our Facebook page and at our tournament.
Thank you for considering sponsorship of our tournament and for supporting the Brighton - Cramahe Chamber of Commerce. We look forward to your participation; spots are limited so let us know as soon as you can. By August 1st ensures that you get into all of the media.
AT A COST OF $______.
Please remit payment in the form of cash/credit card/cheque to Brighton Chamber of Commerce, 74 Main St., Brighton K0K 1H0
Thank you so much for supporting our 7th Annual Golf Tournament.