Mt. JezreelBaptistChurch
Koinonia Bible Institute
FallSession 2010
September 21, 2010 – December11, 2010
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
“The Place to Go for Those Who Want to Know and Grow”
420 University Blvd. East
Silver Spring, MD20901
Office Phone 301-431-2800
Reverend LaWanda Kamalidiin, Director
Rev. Eldridge Spearman, Senior Pastor
(September21st –December 11th)
The purpose of the Koinonia Bible Institute is to glorify God through developing, coordinating, and implementing a structured Bible-centered curriculum where each student will concentrate on specific subjects for a period of 12 weeks (2 Tim. 2:15, 2 Peter 3:18, Ephes. 4:11, 12).
“The Place to Go For Those Who Want To Know and Grow”
Classes will assist students in:
Developing competency and knowledge of the doctrines of the Bible;
Developing a mature relationship with God through prayer, study of scriptures and meditation;
Developing spiritual enthusiasm and zeal for communicating the Word of God to others; and
Developing a sense of purpose and to set out to put God’s Word in action by helping one or more of the following: the poor, broken hearted, blind, bruised, and/or the captives.
Registration will begin on Sunday, September 5, 2010 via the Internet. Paper packets will also be available on September 5, 2010in the administrative office for those who do not have Internet access. Completed registration forms can be transmitted at any time (up to midnight on Monday,September 20th) via the Internet or downloaded and given to Sisters Carolyn Alston or Daphney Sheppard on any given Sunday after 8:00 am or 11:00 am services in the administrative office. You may also fax your registration during the week to Sister Brenda Christopher at 301-431-1595. Early registration will ensure availability of your desired class. Classes with less than 5 students are subject to cancellation. Please select up to three classes (1st, 2nd, 3rd choice) in case the first choice is unavailable.
Registration for non-MJBC members is $25. The cost of books for a class is the student’s responsibility. Students 17 years of age and younger must be registered by their parent(s) prior to attending class. Students cannot be registered without the last four digits of their social security number. All students, including children, are asked to come to class with their Bibles, pen/pencil, paper, and a willingness to learn. Classes are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. All classes provided through Mt. Jezreel’s Koinonia Bible Institute will be based on Christian principles and the Baptist doctrine. Students may therefore be required to join in prayer, remember and recite scriptures, and/or perform other assignments related to “Christian Biblical Teachings.”
Classes for this session will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. On Tuesdaythere will be a general prayer and praise service in the Sanctuary between 6:45 pm and 7:15 pm. Immediately after, students will report to their respective classes for the remainder of the evening session. A light dinner will be served free of charge from 6:00 pm -6:40pm for those attending Tuesday night classes.The Wednesday class will be taught from 12:00 noon –1:00 pm. The Saturday class will be taught from
9:00 am to 10:30 am.
All classes will begin and end promptly. For parents that have children in classes, please leave your classes promptly at 9:00 pm to pick up your children.
Classes offered this session, with instructors, are as follows:
Tuesday Classes
†The Joy of Contentment (BE 136):The dynamic letter of the Apostle Paul to the Church at Philippi will be dissected and discussed to reveal rich lessons for life for believers. Among the topics explored will be prayer, standing firm in a crisis, how to live with the mind of Christ, the secret of contentment, having the peace of God, and being prepared for service, among other subjects. The goal is for all students who take this class to be better equipped to face challenges of life and be more dedicated to fulfilling God’s kingdom agenda.
Instructor: Rev. Eldridge Spearman
Text: The Holy Bible / Life Lessons: Philippians by- Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson Publisher)
†Wisdom Cries Out! Neutralizing the Ten Fiery Darts of the Enemy True Deliverance Starts Right Here!!(ST331): As we seek divine revelation and the divine transformation attached to this revelation, Satan is seeking to frustrate us in this quest, by using one or a combination of his ten fiery darts. This course is designed to help the believer in his or her quest to systematically counter Satan’s tricks. A believer walking in complete deliverance is lethal to the cause of Satan. At the same time, this believer is also perfectly positioned to be used greatly by God.
Instructor: Rev. Goyan Ezekiel Clarke
Text: Wisdom Cries Out! Neutralizing the Ten Fiery Darts of the Enemy True Deliverance Starts Right Here!! by-Goyan Ezekiel Clarke
† Christian Parenting: Shepherding a Child’s Heart (BE 218): The Christian Parenting class is designed to address the needs and concerns of parents. The class is focused on the internal overflow of the heart of a child instead of just the external behavior. It will cover what is important for parenting effectiveness such as communication skills, guidance techniques, and positive discipline strategies. The emphasis is on helping parents understand the needs and abilities of children during different stages of development. Parents will learn to teach and model Christian Parenting so that even generations yet unborn would arise and teach them to their children, so they might put their hope in God.
Instructor: MinisterGloria Gaddy
Text: Shepherding a Child’s Heart by- Dr. Tedd Tripp
† Journey into Pleasing God(FS203): Learn how to please God through the study of Hebrews 11 by theexamples of the faithful mentioned in this chapter, we see that in order to receive God’s promises and His powerthere is one thing necessary above all, faith. It is our “faith” that wins acceptance and reward from God.
Instructor: Sister Karen Neal
Text: Journey into Pleasing God by- Thomas Higle
† God’s Gifting (A Study of the Motivational Gifts) (FS303): God has called each of us to fill a certain place in the Body of Christ.In this course we will study the 7 motivational gifts which are found in Romans Chapter 12.We will define the gift; identify its manifestations, characteristics, and misunderstandings.In addition, a biblical illustration will be given of the gift in action. The goal of the course is (1) to provide an understanding of these motive gifts that God has placed inthe Body of Christ; and (2) to enable each participant to identify his/her own gifting. These motivational gifts,properly placed bring success into the Church and into individual lives.
Instructor: Minister Juanita Harvey
Text:No textbook required.
† The Fruit of the Spirit (FS 209): More than any other book in the Bible, Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians tells us how to live the Spirit-filled life. Living a spirit-filled life requires three things: l). To remember who we are, 2). To remember whose we are, 3). To remember why we are here.
Instructor: Minister William Fourte
Text: Journey Into Spirit-Filled Living by- Tommy Higle
† Authority and Submission (FS 205): As Christians we must learn to follow God’s appointed authority. As we study some of God’s appointed leaders, we will focus on the role of the leader and those who follow.
Instructor: Deacon Daryl Holoman
Text: Authority and Submission by- Watchman Nee
† Journey into Discipleship (BE 225): This is an exciting and informative study of the basics of discipleship. Most Christians would really like to grow in the area of discipleship, but when they are confronted with taking action in that direction they become aware of an acute problem--they don't know where to start.
Instructor: Deacon Robert Barnard
Text:Journey into Discipleship by- Thomas Higle
† Life Changing Truths from the Book of Job (BE251): Why does God allow affliction? Why is life so unfair? Is it a sin to question God about suffering? Why do the godly suffer while the wicked prosper? What can I say to help people who are suffering? Why doesn’t God answer my prayers? Does God even care about my pain? This class engages students in a comprehensive study of the Book of Job and the relevance of its truths today. It offers insight into the nature of suffering and explores the character of God. The course requires a lot of reading and is designed for the serious Bible student.
Instructors: Sister Louvenia Richards
Text: Let God be God by- Ray C. Stedman (Discovery House Publishers, 2007)
† Containers of Power: Words-God’s Word (ST310): This course will highlight the importance of words, explaining how Almighty God works through the power of the spoken word, saturated in faith. In addition, this course will emphasize the importance in establishing, on the earth, the Word of God in one’s life in order to experience the wonderful, covenantal promises of God.
Instructor: Sister Mary Colbert
Text: The Tongue: A Creative Force by- Charles Capps
†Because of Jesus (BE 221): Forget all your preconceived notions about Proverbs 31. Forget all the things you’ve been told about being the ideal woman. Forget those things that cause you to get discouraged, become overwhelmed by inadequacies, and focused on your weaknesses and shortcomings. This Bible study has one step and one focus: Keep your eyes on Jesus. You were created to be a success, an anointed woman of ministry, Because of Jesus.
Instructor: Rev. LaWanda Kamalidiin
Text: Because of Jesus by- Connie Witter (Hensley Publishing)
† Growing Up Just Like Jesus (Ages 3-6) (EC 113): A child friendly course which encourages children to love one another and to make Godly choices from an early age. Designed to reinforce the teachings of their parents and always have Godly thoughts and actions.
Instructors: Trustee Carolyn Alston and Trustee James Sheppard
†Parables Told By Jesus (Ages 7-10) (EC 115): The Parables Told By Jesus will discuss several of the parables that Jesus used to teach lessons. The children will explore why Jesus used parables to teach and identify the main messages behind specific stories. They will continue to study and memorize scripture associated with these parables.
Instructor: Deacon Carl Gilbert
† God Centered Relationships (Ages 11-13) (TN 161): During this course we will explore what the Scriptures tell us about our relationships with God, self and others. By the end of the semester the students will better understand the importance of developing and maintaining a relationship with God and how their relationship with God affects their internal and external relationships. Students will also learn how their view of themselves determines their relationships with others. Students will better understand how to recognize and severe toxic relationships.
Instructors: Sister Jannel Harvey and Sister Joanne Jones
†The Purpose of Praise and Worship (Ages 14-18) (TN 224):This course will teach youth the following: 1). To understanding what it means to praise God. 2). To understand what it means to worship God. 3) To understand the relationship of praise and worship. 5). To learn how to be a worship leader.
Instructors: Minister Khalida Burton and Sister Angela Ford
Text: Exploring Worship: A Practical Guide to Praise & Worship (Paperback) by-Bob Sorge and Judson Cornwall and The Purpose of Praise & Worship by- Dr. Myles Monroe
† Marriage Preparation Class (MP 310): The Marriage Preparation Class is for engaged couples or those couples contemplating engagement. The class is MANDATORY for all couples planning to be married at Mt. Jezreel Baptist Church. The fee for the class is $50 for members and $100 for non-members, which covers all course materials and assessment tools.
Instructors: Deacon and Mrs. Robert Turner
Wednesday (September 22, 2010 – December 8, 2010) 12 Noon – 1 PM
†The Joy of Contentment (BE 136): The dynamic letter of the Apostle Paul to the Church at Philippi will be dissected and discussed to reveal rich lessons for life for believers. Among the topics explored will be prayer, standing firm in a crisis, how to live with the mind of Christ, the secret of contentment, having the peace of God, and being prepared for service, among other subjects. The goal is for all students who take this class to be better equipped to face challenges of life and be more dedicated to fulfilling God’s kingdom agenda.
Instructor: Rev. Eldridge Spearman
Text: The Holy Bible / Life Lessons: Philippians by- Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson Publisher)
Saturday (September 25 – December 11, 2010) 9:00 am – 10:30 am
† Marriage Preparation Class (MP 310): The Marriage Preparation Class is for engaged couples or those couples contemplating engagement. The class is MANDATORY for all couples planning to be married at Mt. Jezreel Baptist Church. The fee for the class is $50 for members and $100 for non-members, which covers all course materials and assessment tools.
Instructors: Deacon and Mrs. Robert Turner
Classes taught at the Bible Institute can be taken for credit (to be used toward graduation) or audit (not for credit or graduation).
Students shall attend 80% of all classes to receive credit for the course taken. Special approval may be provided to miss more classes by the instructor(s) prior to absences. If not approved in advance, students who miss more classes will not receive credit. These students may switch from taking the class for credit to audit. Courses audited can be repeated to obtain credit.
Students who do not wish to take classes for credit, may audit them by checking the box marked “Audit.” If this box is not checked, it will be assumed that the student is taking the class for credit. These students auditing classes are, however, still required to complete a registration form and pay the registration fee(s).
Please Note: Students arriving to class late by 15 minutes or more are considered absent.
The Institute uses a two-letter prefix to identify the subject area and the three-digit number to identify courses according to the following system:
BEBiblical Exposition / HIHistory / PEPhysical EducationBMBusiness Management / MAMath / STSpecial Topics
CHChildren (7-10) / MIMissions / THTheology
CSCorel Application (Computer) / MPMarriage Preparation / TNTeen Classes
ECEarly Childhood (3-6) / MSMicrosoft / URUrban Ministries
EMEducational Ministry / MUMusic
FSFoundational Studies / OROrientation
100Basic Classes / 1 Credit
200Intermediate Classes / 2 Credits
300Advanced Classes / 3 Credits
900Special Topics/Electives / 1-2 Credits
To be eligible for graduation from the Koinonia Bible Institute one must meet the following requirements:
3 basic courses (100 level courses) which are 1 credit each
2 intermediate courses (200 level courses) which are 2 credits each
1 advanced topic credit (300 level course) 3 credits each
2 special topic credits (100 level courses or special topic classes, i.e., orientation)
Basic Credits3 classes x 1 credit=3 credits
Intermediate Credits2 classes x 2 credits=4 credits
Advanced Credits1 class x 3 credits=3 credits
*Special Topics 2 classes x 1 credit=2 credits
Total12 credits
Special topic classes are those classes taught over the summer and/or holidays. Most of these classes are less than 12 weeks. The orientation class is a special topic class that is equivalent to one credit. Students may also take a two-credit class to fulfill their special topics credits.
Please note: Discipleship, Survey of the Old Testament, and Survey of the New Testament are mandatory classes for graduation.
Specify your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd preference of classes by placing the numbers 1, 2, and 3 by the appropriate class you are interested in attending for each day that classes are offered. Parents are asked to complete a separate registration form(s) for each child.
Tuesday Night Classes September 21– December 11(7:15-9:00 pm)
_____BE 136The Joy of Contentment
_____BE 251Life Changing Truths from the Book of Job
_____ST310 Containers of Power: Words – God’s Word
_____BE221Because of Jesus
_____BE 225Journey into Discipleship
_____FS 303God’s Gifting (Study of Motivational Gifts)
_____FS 205Authority and Submission
_____FS 209The Fruit of The Spirit
_____BE 218Christian Parenting: Shepherding a Child’s Heart
____ST 331Wisdom Cries Out! 10 Fiery Darts of the Enemy
____FS 203Journey into Pleasing God
____MP 310Marriage Preparation Class
____TN 224Purpose of Praise and Worship (Ages 14-18)
____TN 161God Centered Relationships (Ages 11-13)
____CH 118Parables Told By Jesus (Ages 7-10)
____EC 113Growing up Just Like Jesus (Ages 3-6)
Wednesday Classes – September 22nd –December 8th(12 Noon – 1:00 pm)
____BE 136The Joy of Contentment (12 Noon – 1:00 pm)
Saturday Classes – September 25nd – December 11th(9:00 am – 10:30 am)
____MP310 Marriage Preparation Class
Student ID No.:______
First Init.Last Init. Last four digits of your SS# Date ofRegistration
FirstMiddle Last
Address: ______
City, StateZip Code
Home: ______Work/Cell: ______
_____I am a MJBC member _____I am not a MJBC member
_____I am taking this class for credit _____I am auditing this class
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