Daily class participation and performance scores will be based on the following rubric. Students are highly encouraged to evaluate their own performance at the end of each class and to keep a record of those scores to use as a basis for comparison with the instructor’s assessment. In the event of any discrepancies, students should consult the instructor for detailed information.
5 points:
- on time.
- initiates and maintains interaction with students and instructor in Spanish
- shows leadership in group activities.
- never uses English in discussions and group activities.
- asks questions only in Spanish.
- extremely well prepared for class.
- volunteers to answer all questions asked to the class.
- speaks with a minimum of errors.
- expresses thoughts verbally in Spanish with virtually no difficulty.
- reads and speaks with correct pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.
4 points:
- less than 5 minutes late.
- maintains interaction with students and instructor.
- participates actively in group activities.
- uses English very seldomly and mainly to ask very difficultquestions.
- well prepared for class.
- volunteers to answer more than half the questions asked to the class.
- speaks with few errors.
- expresses thoughts verbally in Spanish smoothly but with occasional difficulty on more difficult tasks.
- makes efforts to read and speak with correct pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.
3 points:
- 5 minutes late.
- shows willingness to participate when called upon.
- cooperates in discussions and group activities.
- occasionally resorts to English.
- somewhat prepared for class.
- volunteers to answer about half the questions asked to the class.
- has some consistent difficulties in expressing thoughts verbally in Spanish.
- speaks with somewhat Anglicized pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.
2 points:
- 10 minutes late.
- has difficulty answering questions when called upon.
- participates only passively in groups.
- tends to use English, especially in small group activities.
- not well prepared for class.
- volunteers to answer less than half the questions asked to the class.
- shows difficulties in comprehending basic class activities and following instructions.
- has many difficulties in expressing thoughts verbally in Spanish.
- Anglicized pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm but comprehensible
1 point:
- 15 minutes late.
- participates reluctantly.
- listens but doesn’t participate in group activities.
- uses English exclusively in groups and in class.
- basically unprepared for class.
- volunteers to answer very few questions asked to the class.
- is not able to effectively express ideas verbally in Spanish.
- has many errors and makes no effort to correct.
- Anglicized pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm make speech almost incomprehensible.
0 points:
- 20 minutes late
- is unable to answer when called in class.
- disruptive or distracted during class or group activities.
- uses English exclusively in groups and in class.
- obviously unprepared for class and/or does not bring required materials to class.
- does not volunteer to answer any questions in class.
- is unable to use Spanish to communicate verbally.
- Anglicized pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm make speech completely incomprehensible.