Long Essay - 20 marks
- Describe the aetiology, lab diagnosis and management of Nutritional Iron Deficiency Anaemia.
- Describe the causes of Rickets, write in detail the management and prevention of Nutritional Rickets
- Aetiology, Clinical manifestation and Management of megaloblastic Anaemia
- Describe ten steps for successful breast-feeding.
- Define short stature, what are the causes of short stature? Write briefly on management of growth hormone deficiency.
- Define Enuresis. What are the causes of Enuresis? Write briefly on the management of enuresis.
- Adolescent friendly health services.
- Define Hyponatremia. What are the causes of hyponatremia? How do you manage hyponatremia?
- Aetiology o f acute diarrhea. Write briefly on the management of dehydration.
- How do you classify dehydration? Write briefly on management of severe dehydration.
- What are the causes of protein energy malnutrition? Write briefly on prevention of PEM.
- Define obesity. What are the causes of obesity? Write briefly on management of exogenous obesity.
- Describe the clinical features and management of dengue shock syndrome.
- What are the causes of hematemesis in children? Write in detail the management of extra hepatic portal hypertension.
- How do you classify Anaemia in children? Write in detail Lab diagnosis and management of Iron Deficiency anemia.
- How do you classify hemolytic anemia? Write in detail lab diagnosis and management of Thalassemia Major.
- Describe the mechanism of clotting? Write in detail clinical features and management of hemophilia ‘A’.
- Describe the causes, pathogenesis and management of DIC (Disseminated intravascular coagulation)
- What are the causes of Stridor in children? Write in detail the clinical features, investigation and management of croup.
- What are the causes of wheezing in children? Describe the clinical features and management of acute severe asthma.
- What are the causes of pneumonia in children? Write in detail the treatment of community acquired pneumonia.
- What are the causes of Empyema thoracis? Write in detail the clinical features and management of Empyema thoracis.
- Describe clinical features, investigation and management of bronchiectasis.
- Describe foetal circulation. How do you manage symptomatic PDA at birth?
- Describe aetiogy and pathogenesis of Rheumatic fever. Write in detail the management of acute rheumatic carditis.
- Describe the aetiology, lab investigation and treatment of infective endocarditis.
- What are the causes of generalised oedema in children? Discuss the lab diagnosis and management of Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome.
- What are the causes of hematuria in children? Write in detail the lab diagnosis and management of Acute Glomerulonephritis.
- Discuss the aetiology and management of Acute Renal failure.
- Aetiology, lab diagnosis and management of Acute Bacterial Meningitis.
- Clinical features, lab diagnosis and management of Tuberculous Meningitis.
- Aetiology of AFP? (Acute Flaccid Paralysis) Write in detail AFP surveillance.
- Aetiology, clinical features and management of Cerebral Palsy?
- Aetiology and clinical features of shock. Write in detail the management of Hypovolemic Shock.
- What are the causes of low birth weight (LBW) baby? Describe the strategies to reduce the incidence of LBW babies.
- Aetiology. Clinical features and management of neonatal sepsis.
- What are the causes of preterm baby? What are the common problems of preterm? Write in detail management of hypothermia.
- What are the causes of jaundice at birth? What are the clinical features and management of rh-hemolytic disease of the newborn?
- What are the causes of respiratory diseases in newborn? What are the clinical features and management of hyaline membrane disease (HMD)?
- What are the causes of neonatal seizure? Write in detail the management of neonatal seizure.
- Describe the bilirubin metabolism in neonate? Write briefly on physiological jaundice of newborn.
- Describe the fetal circulation. What are the changes that occur at birth?
- What are the advantages of breast-feeding?
- Define failure to thrive. Mention the common causes for failure to thrive.
- Goitre.
- Management of nutritional rickets.
- Anaemia prophylaxis.
- Write in detail on vitamin D metabolism.
- Write in detail on vitamin A deficiency.
- Clinical features and management of Scurvy.
- Lactation failure.
- Clinical features and management of congenital hypothyroidism.
- Breath holding spell.
- Temper tantrum.
- Management of Enuresis.
- Management of ADHD (attention deficit hyper active disorder)
- Clinical features and management of autism.
- Write briefly on Common adolescent health problem.
- Adolescent nutrition.
- Management of SIADH
- Management of Hypernatremia
- What are the causes of hypokalemia? Write briefly on management of hypokalemia.
- Define hyperkalemia? Write briefly on management of hyperkalemia.
- Low osmolar ORS.
- Baby friendly hospital initiative.
- Complementary feeding.
- Management of lactation failure.
- Prevention of PEM
- National nutritional goals
- Anti oxidants.
- IVIG (Intravenous Immunoglobulin)
- IAP Immunization schedule
- BCG Vaccine
- Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
- Oral Polio vaccine (OPV)
- DPT vaccine
- Measles vaccine
- Hepatitis B vaccine
- Rotavirus vaccine
- Pneumococcal vaccine
- Influenza vaccine
- Rabies vaccine
- Pulse polio vaccination
- Complication of measles infection
- AFP surveillance (acute flaccid paralysis)
- Write briefly on polio eradication.
- Write briefly on viral hepatitis A infection
- What are the modes of hepatitis B transmission
- Infant born to HBsAg Positive mother
- Fulminant hepatic failure
- Hepatic encephalopathy
- Lab diagnosis of dengue fever
- Chikunguniya fever
- CD4 count
- HIV virus
- Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection
- Zidovudine
- Nevirapine
- Oseltamivir
- Prevention of HIV infection
- Clinical features of diphtheria
- What are the complications of diphtheria
- Complications of whooping cough (pertussis)
- Management of Enteric fever
- Complications of Enteric fever
- Laboratory diagnosis of Enteric fever.
- Briefly describe on Prevention of enteric fever.
- What is primary complex?
- Briefly describe on Monteux test.
- What are the complications of Falciparum infection
- Management of cerebral malaria.
- Tropical splenomegaly syndrome
- Treatment of Uncomplicated malaria.
- Chemoprophylaxis for malaria
- Lab diagnosis and treatment of giardiasis
- Complications of ascariasis
- Clinical features and treatment of neur0cysticercosis.
- Clinical features and management of congenital hypertrophic pyloricstenos is.
- Diagnosis and management of Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Enumerate the causes of Acute abdominal pain in children
- Enumerate the causes of chronic recurrent abdominal pain in children.
- Clinical features and treatment of intussusceptions in infants.
- Define dysentery. What is the treatment of dysentery
- Clinical features of portal hypertension.
- Lab diagnosis and management of Iron deficiency anaemia.
- Lab diagnosis and management of megaloblastic anaemia.
- Complications of thalassemia major.
- Complications of hereditary spherocytosis
- Chelation therapy in thalassemia major
- Transfusion therapy in thalassemia major.
- Complications of sickle cell disease.
- G6PD deficiency. (Glucose-6 phosphatedehydrogenase)
- What are the indications for splenectomy in children?
- Stemcell transplantation
- Management of Acute ITP (Immune thrombocytopenic purpura)
- Clinical features of hemophilia A
- Lab diagnosis of hemophilia A
- Management of hemophilia A
- Aetiology and management of acute otitis media
- Neonatal screening for hearing loss
- Clinical features and treatment of allergic rhinitis
- What are the causes of pharyngitis? How do you manage acute streptococcal pharyngitis?
- Laryngomalacia
- Clinical features of croup
- Clinical features of acute epiglottitis
- Clinical features of acute bronchiolitis
- Management of acute severe asthma
- Clinical features of acute bacterial pneumonia
- Triggers of asthma
- How do you grade the severity of acute asthma
- Goals of therapy in long term management of asthma
- Montelukast in asthma
- Inhaled corticosteroids in asthma
- Clinical features of bronchiectasis
- Chest physiotherapy in bronchiectasis
- Clinical features and management of foreign body aspiration.
- Management of congestive cardiac failure.
- Management of cyanotic spell
- Clinical features of congestive cardiac failure
- Clinical feature and treatment of rheumatic arthritis
- Clinical feature and treatment of rheumatic chorea
- Treatment of infective endocarditis
- Clinical features of infective endocarditis
- Lab diagnosis of infective endocarditis
- Infective endocarditisprophylaxis for a known heart disease
- Nadas criteria for severity of Congenital Heart Disease.
- Diagnostic implication of Second heart sound.
- Management of VSD.
- Management of PDA.
- Management of Tetralogy of Fallot.
- Complications of Nephrotic Syndrome.
- Complications of Acute Glomerulonephritis.
- Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
- Indications for renal biopsy in Nephrotic Syndrome.
- What are the causes of proteinuria?
- Urinary tract infection – Aetiology and Management.
- Lab diagnosis and management of HUS (Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome).
- Clinical features of HSP (Henoch Scholein purpura).
- Outline the management of Nephrotic Syndrome.
- Outline the management of Acute Glomerulonephritis.
- Grading of Vesico ureteric reflux.
- Aetiology of Acute renal failure.
- What are the causes of chronic renal failure?
- Clinical features of chronic renal failure.
- Clinical features of renal tubular Acidosis.
- Clinical features of Congenital Hypothyroidism.
- Lab diagnosis and management of Congenital Hypothyroidism.
- Clinical features and management of febrile convulsion.
- CSF changes in acute bacterial meningitis.
- Complications of Acute bacterial meningitis.
- Treatment of Acute bacterial meningitis.
- Clinical features of Tubercular meningitis.
- CSF findings in classical Tubercular meningitis.
- Lab diagnosis of Tubercular meningitis.
- Complication of Tubercular meningitis.
- Clinical features of viral encephalitis.
- Aetiology of Hydrocephalus.
- What are the clinical features of Hydrocephalus?
- Aetiology and clinical features of Pseudo-Tumor Cerebri.
- Clinical features of G B Syndrome.
- Management of G B Syndrome.
- Clinical features of Rheumatic Chorea.
- What are the causes of Floppy Infant?
- Types of Juvenile Rheumatic Arthritis. (JRA)
- Lab diagnosis of JRA.
- Treatment of JRA.
- Clinical features of Kawasaki’s disease.
- Prenatal diagnosis of Down’s syndrome.
- CranioSynostosis.
- Clinical features of Shock.
- Principles in management of shock.
- Inotropic support in shock.
- Intraosseous cannulation.
- Assessment of fetal well being.
- Non stress test
- Fetal biophysical profile.
- Components of essential perinatal neonatal care at the grass roots level.
- What are the risk factors for birth asphyxia? Describe the systemic manifestations of severe birth asphyxia.
- APGAR score
- Physiological jaundice
- Cephalohematoma
- Prevention of hypothermia of newborn
- Methods of heat loss in newborn
- Prevention of transmission of HIV from mother to new born
- Lab diagnosis and treatment of congenital syphilis
- Lab diagnosis of neonatal sepsis
- Prevention of tetanus Neonatorum
- What are the causes of IUGR babies
- Prevention of LBW babies.
- Mention the causes of prolonged physiological jaundice in newborn.
- Lab diagnosis of rh-hemolytic disease of the newborn.
- Phototherapy- Mechanism and complications.
- Exchange blood transfusion- Indication and complication.
- Surfactant
- Causes of respiratory diseases in newborn
- Transient tachypnea of the newborn
- Clinical features of meconium aspiration syndrome
- Complicationsof neonatal aspiration syndrome
- IVH (Intra ventricular hemorrhage) in newborn
- Hypoxic Ischemic encephalopathy.
- Types of seizure in newborn
- Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
- Treatment of polycythemia of newborn
- Management of hypoglycemia of newborn
- Management of hypocalcaemia of newborn
- Clinical features of NEC (necrotizing entero colitis)
- Congenital hypertropic pyloric stenosis
- Congenital dislocation of hip
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Risk factors for RoP (Retinopathy of prematurity)
- Complications of twin pregnancy
- Management of hypothermia of newborn
- Transport of a sick LBW newborn
- Rapid diagnostic tests for neonatal sepsis
- Management of baby born to HBsAg +ve mother
- Umbilical sepsis
- Management of apnea of newborn
- What is the Causes of Central cyanosis at birth?
- Management of PDA in preterm baby.
- Neonatal tetanus
- Congenital cataract
- Retinopathy of prematurity
- Hyperoxia test
- Vaccination for newborn
- Feeding of low birth weight baby
- What are the problems of infant of diabetic mother?
- Define IMR? (Infant mortality rate) What are the causes for IMR?
- Breast milk jaundice
- What are the causes for delayed passage of Meconium
- APGAR score
- Lab diagnosis of Congenital syphilis
- Treatment of congenital syphilis
- Colostrum
- Vitamin ‘A’ prophylaxis.
- Management of Iron deficiency anaemia.
- Zinc deficiency.
- Prevention of nutritional rickets.
- Screening of new born for congenital hypothyroidism
- Thumb sucking
- Anorexia nervosa
- Clinical features of h hyponatremia
- Clinical features of hypernatremia
- Signs of dehydration
- Signs of good attachment in breast-feeding.
- Hyper vitaminosis A
- Folic acid and NTD (neural tube defect)
- Laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria
- Laboratory diagnosis of swine flu.
- Laboratory diagnosis of malaria.
- Clinical features of Iron deficiency anaemia.
- Clinical features of megaloblastic anaemia.
- Clinical features of thalassemia major
- Bone marrow findings in aplastic anaemia
- Peripheral blood picture in thalassemia major
- Desferrioxamine in thalassemia
- Deferiprone in thalassemia
- Mention the causes of prolonged bleeding time.
- What are the causes of thrombocytopenia?
- Clinical features of acute ATP
- What are the platelet functional disorders?
- Management of epistaxis
- Cryoprecipitate in hemophilia A
- Factor VIII therapy in hemophilia A
- Management of croup
- Management of acute bronchiolitis
- Classification of asthma severity for long-term management.
- Clinical classifications of pneumonia as per IMNCI
- Pleural fluid findings in empyema
- Pleural fluid findings in tubercular pleural effusion
- Prevention of rheumatic fever
- Aetiology of infective endocarditis
- Classification of congenital heart disease
- Complications of VSD
- Differential diagnosis for PDA
- Urine examination in Nephrotic Syndrome.
- Urine examination in Acute Glomerulonephritis.
- Aetiology of UTI in Children.
- Lab diagnosis of UTI.
- What are the types of Renal Tubular Acidosis?
- Aetiology of Acute Bacterial Meningitis.
- Complications of Acute Bacterial Meningitis.
- Treatment of Acute Bacterial Meningitis.
- Clinical signs of Meningitis.
- Clinical stages of Tubercular meningitis.
- Lab diagnosis of Reye’s syndrome.
- Prevention of Neural tube defect.
- CSF changes in G B Syndrome.
- Pulse polio immunization.
- Treatment of rheumatic chorea.
- Types of cerebral palsy.
- Different types of Trisomy.
- What are the types of Shock?
- Management of Anaphylaxis.
- What are the stages of HIE (Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy)
- Aetiology of neonatal sepsis
- Kangaroo mother care
- What is “small for date baby” and what are types of small for date babies?
- Physiological jaundice of newborn
- Mechanism of phototherapy
- Complications of phototherapy
- Precautions to be taken while the baby on phototherapy
- Indications for phototherapy in newborn
- Indications for exchange transfusion in newborn
- Antenatal steroid
- Types of trachea esophageal fistula
- Erb’s palsy
- Types of HDN (hemorrhagic disease of newborn)
- Neonatal thyroid screening
- Types of conjoint twins
- What are the cause of apnea of newborn
- Causes of polycythemia of newborn
- Causes of anaemia of newborn
- Prevention of neonatal tetanus
- Vitamin k for newborn
- Cephalohematoma
- Assessment of severity of jaundice in newborn
- Advantages of colostrums
- PG E1 infusion in the newborn.
- Indomethacin in newborn
- Single umbilical artery
- Lab diagnosis of congenital syphilis
- Indications for bag and mask ventilation at birth
- Indications for endotracheal intubation at birth
- Contra indications for bag and mask ventilation in newborn
- Name 3 VACCINES given at birth
- Mention 3 common causes of prolonged physiological jaundice.
- Antenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome
- Triple test for diagnosis of Down syndrome in the Antenatal period.
- Stages of HIE (Hypoxic ischemic Encephalopathy
- Mention 3 causes of bleeding in the newborn period
- Care of umbilical stump