Ms. Shearin’s Classroom Expectations and Grading Policy
College Prep Chemistry 2016-17
Welcome to my class! I look forward to getting to know you this year. Let’s start with the basics: As your teacher, it is my job to always do my best to offer you my knowledge and my help. As a student it is your job to be curious and ask questions, ask for help when you need it, and complete your work. I will uphold my end of the bargain by doing my best to teach you and you should hold up your end of the bargain by doing your best to learn. The key to success in this course is to STUDY AND KEEP UP. A nightly review of material presented in class, even when no specific homework is assigned, will be most helpful in learning the topic at hand. To make this classroom a place where you can thrive, there are a several guidelines ALL of us must follow.
Classroom Guidelines:
Be prepared.
Be prompt.
Respect others.
Be positive.
Complete all work.
If you follow these expectations, you will be successful in this class!
- Class Participation is a daily grade given for attitude, effort, and coming prepared to class. Homework is included in this grade. Homework is due at the beginning of class. Unfinished homework will be completed AFTER SCHOOLon the day the assignment is due. (See below for lab reports.)Late homework assignments significantly lower the quarter grade. Good quality homework and consistently doing it will improve your quarter grade.Homework will be graded as follows:
√ + = 100%
√ = 80%
√- = 60%
No homework = Stay after school and make it up for partial credit
- Quizzes are given occasionally and can be unannounced. They can be a formal or informal assessment. Retakes of quizzes may be given at the teacher’s convenience with 80% as the maximum grade. In order to retake a quiz a retake request form MUST be filled out prior to retaking the quiz.Homework may be collected for a quiz grade. Be aware, however, that the homework assignment that counts, as a quiz grade will not be announced so always do your homework!
- Tests are given at the end of each chapter. You are given at least one week’s notice. My advice is don’t cram! Also, prior to each test you will be given an extensive review packet to help you prepare. I will give you about 2 periods to complete and correct the packet. In addition, all chapter quizzes and assignments must be completed in order to receive extra credit.If you fail to complete and correct this review packet prior to the test, you will lose 10 points and start the test at a 90.
- Labs are done in class so choose a reliable lab partner, since lab results also count in the lab grade. Attitude, preparation, and staying on task are also incorporated into the lab report grade. I TAKE NOTICE AND DEDUCT WHERE APPLICABLE! All formal lab reports will be turned in using the website, “”. ALL LABS ARE DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CLASS PERIOD. In addition, there will be a penalty for lab reports/write-ups that are handed in late. For every day the lab report/write-up is late, there will be a 10-point deduction. After 10 days the lab will receive a grade of a zero.Also, a rubric is given with each lab report. A rubric is your treasure map to an A. Use it! If you fail to hand in the rubric with your lab report, there will be a 10-point deduction. Lab reports are only accepted in hard copy form. Do not email them to me. Computer problems need to be addressed in advance of the report due date. The school can only accommodate limited amounts of printing, so be sure that your printing facility has ink and is in working condition. If you must print at school, do so in the days preceding the report due date. You will not be allowed to “run to the library to print out the report”.
- The honor code is a required statement that must be written on every formal assessment. It is “on my honor, my work is my own.” It is the hope that by writing this statement, you are reminded to resist any temptation to cheat. It may sound hokey but nonetheless, it is a written reminder indicating the value of honor and hard work. Also, you and your parents must read and sign this policy (found on the last page of this expectations hand out). This is your first homework assignment.
- Marking period grades are derived from: tests, quizzes, homework, class/lab activities, laboratory reports, and enrichment activities.
Class Participation/Homework = 20%
Quizzes = 15%
Tests/Projects = 40%
Labs = 25%
- Homework is Monday-Friday. If you do not have your homework in class, you must stay after to make it up.
- What not to do:NO COPYING; your work must be your own or you willreceive a zero.
- Remember a record of the homework and labs that are required can be found in two places: my teacher page and power school. Therefore, if you are absent, there is NO EXCUSE for you not to complete missed work. Additionally, it is in your best interest to keep your homework and labs at least until the quarter is over. If there is a discrepancy between my record book and your memory regarding a missed assignment, the only way to solve it is by showing me the missed assignment.
- The laboratory safety sheet must be signed and returned before you can participate in experiments.
- Follow all safety guidelines during lab activities (refer to your safety regulations).
- Unsafe or inappropriate behavior in the lab will result inIMMEDIATE DISMISSAL and you will earn a ZERO on the assignment. This is a hands down no exception rule.
- No eating or drinking at lab benches.
- No horseplay and/or distractions.
- Students are expected to prepare for lab by reading the lab experiment in advance. Come to class prepared for a lab and keep on task during the lab period.
- Each student is responsible for recording his/her own lab data.
- If you finish early, clean up and you may start to work on your lab report.
- If you have questions about an upcoming lab report, stay after school before the report is due to confer with the instructor.
- I reserve the right to change lab partners at any time.
- All lab reports will be typed.
- Graphs will be done on the computer, unless instructed otherwise.
- All lab reports must show individual thought. Plagiarism, whether it is via a classmate or an outside source, is forbidden and will result in a zero.
- In order to keep up in chemistry, good attendance is essential.
- A student who comes to school late and misses a test is expected to take the test that afternoon or the next day.
- It is your responsibility to make arrangements to make up tests/quizzes/homework/class work/lab work on the day you return to school. If homework is not made up within the proper time frame, you will receive a zero—no exceptions.
- If you miss a test, the make-up test will be more challenging. That is a promise.
- All work will be made up within a week of your return to school, except tests. A missed test will be made up on the day of your return.
- If you miss a lab, you must make that lab up after school. If materials are no longer available, an alternative assignment will be given.
- All missing assignments/ handouts will be located in a folder in the front of your classes file drawer. Please check the folder on the day you return from an absence. In addition, check my teacher page to see what you missed.
- Have a writing utensil.
- Have a notebook and be ready to take notes. A 3 ring binder is recommended.
- Your text is: Chemistry-Connections to Our Changing World, Lemay et al. (2005) Prentice Hall.
- Bring your homework.
- Arrive on time. I do mark you late, when you are late.
- No cell phones! I will happily take them from you.
- Be ready to learn.
- Each of you will have a folder. These folders are located on the side of the room. You can use these folders to store any paperwork you would like. I will also keep your safety contracts and graded quizzes and tests in these folders. They are at no time to leave this room.
- Power School will be updated approximately every week, so you and your parents can monitor your progress.
- Clean up after yourself! I mean it.
- Website:
- I am always willing to provide extra help before and/or after school and when necessary during my free period.
I hope you learn a lot this year. I hope that you I can teach you and you can teach me. Every one of you knows something I don’t know. That is exciting! Make this your best year in chemistry!
Student signature Date
Parent/Guardian signature Date
UNIT I: Introduction to Chemistry and Measurement
UNIT II: Energy and Matter
UNIT III: Atomic Structure
UNIT IV: Electronic Structure of the Atom
UNIT V: The Periodic Table
UNIT VI: Bonding
UNIT VII: Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds
UNIT VIII: Formulas and the Mole
UNIT IX: Chemical Reactions and Equations
UNIT X: Stoichiometry: The Mathematics of Equations
UNIT XI: Gases
UINIT XII: Solutions
UNIT XIII: Acids and Bases
Written with consideration of Mrs. Scherber’s biology expectations.
The honor code states that your eyes will remain on your own paper and that your work is your own. If you are caught talking or your eyes are wandering, you will receive a zero. Cheating, plagiarizing, or giving/receiving unacknowledged assistance in academic work is unacceptable behavior in this classroom. As an affirmation of this principle, students are required to write out the following on all quizzes, exams, and reports:
On my honor, my work is my own.
It is expected that writing out the honor code will serve as a reminder of the student’s commitment to personal honor and integrity.
Once you and your parents read the above honor code policy please sign below:
Student SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
J. ShearinRevised 8/2016