Executive Summary
A development version of the NewCo Rebranded CSS was publishedJune 23, 2005.
This document addresses HTML and/or Content updates to support D4912 Requirements for NewCo Rebranding. This applies to CSS-compliant sites only.*
Please review this document for implementation details.
PREREQUISITE: Please follow directions in the Referencing NewCo Rebrand CSS & JSdocument available at prior to proceeding with this document.
CSS-compliant sites should now referencing the above-documented NewCo CSS. Below you will find the few HTML and Content changes that the NewCo CSS does not provide.
Summary of HTML & Content changes
- Ensure proper CSS is being referenced.
- Ensure proper JS is being referenced.
- Sprint logo – new image, and changed/edited attributes.
- Global Navigation – Added nav item
- Top tabs – remove/reorder/rename tabs (PCS-only)
NOTE: this document does not address what the links will be – it only refers to structural HTML and content changes. So href values shown below may or may not be changed, but that decision is out of scope for this document (for example: NewCo entry pages’ destinations).
NOTE: For the purposes of this document, HTML code shown below is presented as static HTML / content as a web browser receives it.
NOTE: this document does not address all requirements for D4912, just those that need to be made to support newCSS updates.
CSS – Cascading Stylesheets
Please follow directions in the Referencing NewCo Rebrand CSS & JS document available at prior to proceeding with this document.
NOTE: For the purposes of this document, <?=$styleServer?> can be one of the following:
Development version:
Primary Production version:
If your site does not reference any of these, chances are it is either not considered a CSS-compliant site or is using a non-standard version of what appears visually to be Brand-compliant, i.e. a duplicated and modified version of common.css.
The following two <script> lines should be added to your <head> element if not already there. These .js files are required for common.js functions used across online properties, most specifically the Title Generator.
HTML for JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$styleServer?>/scripts/common.js"</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$styleServer?>/scripts/flash.js"</script>
Sprint logo
CSS-compliant sites will receive the new Branded logo via CSS (black on yellow). Through stylesheet properties, the new logo is now a background image.
In addition to this, the logo in compliant sites currently is an inline <img> element. This image and its HTML will be retained and edited per directions below. This asset is to be replaced with the provided image asset (black on white). Editing ofHTML is documented below.
NOTE: there are several variations of the id=”brand” element. Below are just a few of the variations known.. Some are in a <p> element, others in a <div>.Many have missing or added attributes, i.e. alt=”value”. The constant istheid=”brand” selector. If your site’s logo does not use this selector name, refer to the Determining CSS-compliance document available at
- Remove width, height, and borderattributes. They are not required.
- Ensure alt attribute exists
- Change file name to sprint.gif
Known variation #1:
<div id="brand"<a href=" src="/directory/oneSprintManySol.gif" alt="Sprint | One Sprint. Many Solutions." /</a</div>
Known variation #2:
<div id="brand"<a href=" width="264" src="/directory/topNav-logo.gif" height="60" border="0"</a</div>
Replace any instance of the id=”brand” element with:
<p id="brand"<a href=" src="/directory/sprint.gif" alt="Sprint" /</a</p>
Global Navigation
Compliant sites contain the following HTML / content for what’s known as the Global Nav, also referred to as navI.
- Newcontent/HTML highlighted in orange.
Lines to replace/edit:
<div id="navI">
<div id="navIa"<a href="
<div id="navIb"<a href="
<div id="navIc"<a href="
<div id="navId"<a href=" Sprint</span</a</div>
Replacement HTML /content:
<div id="navI">
<div id="navIa"<a href="
<div id="navIb"<a href="
<div id="navIc"<a href="
<div id="navId"<a href=" Sprint</span</a</div>
<div id="navIe"<a href="#URL-TBD" <span>Contact Us</span</a</div>
Top Tabs
Compliant sprintpcs.comsites contain the following HTML / content for what’s referred to as the Top Tabs, also referred to as primary navigation ornavII.
NOTE: Sprint PCS sites only – sprintpcs.com
NOTE: Some PCS sites may use other tab combinations or no tabs at all. This section does not imply that these changes should be added if they don’t exist on your site.
- Deleting two tabs – ”SprintPCS.com” and “Business Solutions”
- Reordering remaining tabs – “Shop,”“Support,”and “Manage“
- Text content changed – i.e. “Shopping” to “Shop”
- Note: some sites may have different text content, i.e. some have ”My Account” instead of “My PCS”
- Newcontenthighlighted in orange.
- Reordered content / HTML highlighted in green.
Lines to replace/edit:
<div id="navII">
<div id="nowrapNavII">
<div id="navIIa"<a href="
<div id="navIIb"<a href=" PCS</span</a</div>
<div id="navIIc"<a href="
<div id="navIId"<a href=" Solutions</span</a</div>
<div id="navIIe"<a href="
Replacement HTML / content:
<div id="navII">
<div id="nowrapNavII">
<div id="navIIc"<a href="
<div id="navIIe"<a href="
<div id="navIIb"<a href="
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