101 Heaven's Gate Road, Suite F, DeLand, FL 32720
386) 985-4062, (Ext. 3) (
(1.) Meeting called to order at approximately 5:00 p.m. Invocation and pledge done.
(2.) Attendance; present: Supervisor Tripp, Supervisor Schaefer, Supervisor Kouracos, Supervisor James, Supervisor Ferrari, Associate Supervisor's Orburg and Todd. Also in attendance was administrative applicant Honor Stone.
(3.) Motion to approve minutes of special meeting held on August 30,2017 by Supervisor James, 2nd by Supervisor Ferrari; motion carries.
(4.) Motion to accept Treasurers report by Supervisor James, 2nd by Supervisor Ferrari; motion carries.
(5.) Motion to pay the Office of Economic Opportunity (Jack Gaskins office) the 2017 remittal of $175.00 by Supervisor James, 2nd by Supervisor Ferrari; motion carries.
(6.) Interview of Honor Stone for the position of administrative assistant. The Board decided that Ms. Stone's inexperience with websites and short time until collegiate graduation was inconsistent with the needs of the position. However, in advising Ms. Stone of such, Supervisor Kouracos invited her to take a position of associate supervisor and she appears to have agreed.
(7.) Associate Supervisor Derrick Orburg reported an order of 3100 trees, and the Board approved a deposit for same. The sale date was confirmed for February 3, 2018 with a rain date of February 10, 2018.
(8.) 2017 grants. Derrick to invite Jenny Nazak to explain grant application at special meeting to be held on November 1, 2017.
(9.) George Johnson to advise of training for piping at community garden projects, Supervisor's Kouracos, Schaefer, and Associate Supervisor's Orburg, and Todd are interested in attending.
(10.) CISMA- Topic deferred until next meeting due to George Johnson's absence.
(11.) Poster contest for school living shoreline project, Supervisor Tripp to advise.
(12.) Supervisor James moved to dispose of remaining seedling trees in the Todd cooler. Supervisor Ferrari seconded and the motion carried.
(13.) Composting workshops to be updated by Supervisor Ferrari.
(14.) Conservation priorities and education. Supervisor Tripp advising. Poster proposal?
(15.) Water Symposium scheduled for Friday October 27, 2017. Supervisor's Kouracos and James expressed an interest in attending.
(16.) Local working group deferred until George Johnson present.
(17.) Volusia County Fair -booth- for November 2, thru November 12. Associate Supervisor Todd to coordinate.
(18.) Minutes posting to website, and update. Associate Supervisor Todd to follow up.
(19.) Supervisor Kouracos to contact Charlene Richburg concerning Agenda posting.
(20.) Supervisor Kouracos to contact Charlene Richburg for information on sources for directors and officer liability insurance.
(21.) Name tags and business cards. Business cards have been order thru Biz Card Ormond.
(22.) Email addresses to be addressed at the next meeting in order to have Go Daddy Customer service address pricing issues.
(23.) Removal of old files. Undetermined at this time.
(24.) Renewal of AFCD and NACD dues, checks should be sent out for both.
(24.) Associate Supervisor has agreed to conduct the administrative functions of this Soil and Water Conservation District.