Concerning the Purchasing of Updated Resources for the LGBTQ Center
1. Whereas the University of Cincinnati recognizes a very broad and inclusive concept of diversity that should include commonly recognized considerations such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability status, socioeconomic status, gender identity and expression, sexual identity, sexual orientation, religion, and regional or national origin, and
2. Whereas the Undergraduate Student Government is the official representation of all undergraduate students at the University of Cincinnati, and is committed to inclusive excellence, as well as the development of relationships across campus, and
3. Whereas the LGBTQ Center supports the mission of the University of Cincinnati through a commitment to diversity, equity, leadership development, and intellectual inquiry with particular respect to sexual orientation and gender identity, and
4. Whereas the LGBTQ Center serves faculty, staff, and students through various programming and the offering of a plethora of resources including, in-class presentations, ally training courses, queer student panels, literature, movies, community outreach, and advocacy, and
5. Whereas much of the literature, movies, and other resources that are currently offered contain outdated language, which is detrimental when attempting to educate and engage the broad UC community, and those that frequent the LGBTQ Center regularly, and
6. Whereas in partnership with the LGBTQ Center and the Division of Student Affairs, a comprehensive list of desired resources has been created in order to replenish and update the literature and movies available for usage within the LGBTQ Center, and
7. Whereas these resources would be housed in the LGBTQ Center and would be available to all members of the University of Cincinnati community for checkout, and
8. Whereas the intersectionality of these requested resources was considered in the compilation process, including race, gender, gender performance, queer theory, sex, sexuality, sexualization, beauty standards, masculinity, family dynamics, feminism, and suicide;
9. Therefore be it appropriated that $2,015.00, including a ten percent overrun of $183.20, be allocated from the Programs and Initiatives line item to fund the updated resources for the UC LGBTQ Center.
Respectfully Written and Submitted by, Respectfully Endorsed by,
Andrew Naab Meg Groat
Student Body President Director of LGBTQ Affairs