Submit a Poster for ACNL’s 2016 Annual Conference

Rancho Mirage, California, January 31 - February 3, 2016

The Association of California Nurse Leaders (ACNL) Annual Program Committee invites you to showcase your innovations and best practices at the 2016 ACNL Conference,“The Power of Us! A Force for Change”tobe heldJanuary 31 to February3, 2016at The Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa in Rancho Mirage, California. We are looking for nurse leaders to submit an abstract for a poster presentation to be displayed during this exciting Conference.

All posters will be displayed all day Tuesday, February 2nd. We ask that the posters be set up by 7 am on Tuesday and that the poster presenters be at their posters during the breaks to talk with and answer questions of the participants. Additionally the poster abstracts will be available on the ACNL website after the Annual Program.

We hope you will consider creating a poster that captures best practices and innovations in your nursing department, facility, organization or program.

Beginning on the next page is the Abstract Submission document which must be completed by September 1, 2015for consideration at the 2016 Conference. Those selected to submit their posters will be notified by September30, 2015.

Conference Highlights:

The 2016 ACNL Annual Conference features:

  • Nationally recognized presenters, discussing hot topics in nurse leadership and health care today.
  • Vendors displaying and discussing a wide range of equipment, products and services.
  • Best practices and take-a way’s that you can implement in your departments and facilities.
  • A Mentor Program for first time attendees and/or those traveling alone to help maximize the conference experience.
  • Opportunities for networking with nurse leaders throughout the state.

And much, much more!

We expect the 2016 ACNL Conference to again dazzle our audience. Your poster presentation will be a valuable addition to the conference! We hope you will begin now to plan your poster, create your abstract summarizing your poster―and join us in Rancho Mirage!

Return your completed Abstract Submission form to:

Association of California Nurse Leaders
2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 210
Sacramento, CA 95833

For more information, contact Wendy Smolich at the ACNL office at: (916) 779-6949

ACNL 2016Annual Conference

The Power of Us! A Force for Change

January 31 to February 3, 2016

Westin Resort, Rancho Mirage, California

Call for Posters

Abstract Submission

Deadline: September 1, 2015

Return Abstract Packet to:

Wendy Smolich, Administrative Manager

2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 210, Sacramento, CA 95833

Share your best practices and innovations with your colleagues at ACNL’s 2016 Annual Conference through a poster presentation.

Abstract Submission

This year we are focusing upon innovations in nursing. The four main categoriesare: nursingleadership, patient care, quality and patient safety. Examples of topics for posters might be on utilizing CalNOC data to drive change, implementation of IOM recommendations,methods to improve HCAHPS scores, strategies for implementing a culture of safety, increasing MD-RN collaboration, Magnet journey, use of new technology, and new RN graduate integration.


  1. Descriptive title
  2. Identify which of the 4 categories best describes your poster.
  3. Identify if your poster represents a project completed while a student in an academic degree program (i.e. capstone, thesis or dissertation).
  4. Purpose and/or objectives of the project
  5. Background and significance, including an overview of the type of clinical or academic settingfor the project
  6. Description of methods or procedures or practice changes
  7. Evidence of results or outcomes of the project and how you measured the results. Please show evidence of your improvement with data.
  8. Conclusion or description of the impact of the project on patient care quality, costs or outcomes


  • Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words
  • Use 12 point font, single-spaced with 1 inch margins
  • Capitalize Title
  • Summit electronically via a WORD file
  • Do not place names on abstract page
  • Abstract Submission form must be complete with a copy of form included

The abstract packet must include the following:

  • One (1) copy of the abstract
  • One (1) copy of the Submission form
  • One (1) copy of primary presenter’s CV

E-mail completed packet to: Wendy Smolich at . Completed packets must be received bySeptember 1, 2015.Packets not containing all three (3) required documents will NOT be considered.


Our goal is to welcome as many abstracts as space will permit. We want to hear from YOU!

Confirmation of acceptance for a poster presentation will be by e-mail not later than September 30, 2015.We will post the abstract for your poster presentation on the conference app and website.

Again this year the Annual Program participants will be voting to select their favorite posters. Winners will be announced during the program on Wednesday (February 3, 2016)and highlighted in DirectLink, ACNL’s member newsletter. The poster with the most votes will also receive a certificate for an upcoming ACNL webinar.


Poster presenters MUST register for the conference. Presenters will receive a $50 discount off conference registration.


Any questions regarding the conference,the abstracts, and the selection/confirmation of poster presentations should be directed to Wendy Smolich at (916) 779-6949 or



Return Abstract Packet to:

Wendy Smolich, Administrative Manager, ACNL

2520 Venture Oaks Drive, Suite210, Sacramento, CA95833

Or E-mail:

ACNL 38th Annual Conference

The Power of Us! A Force for Change


Deadline:September 1, 2015

Title of Abstract______

Check Which Category Best Describes Your Poster:

Nursing Leadership_____Patient Care_____Quality_____Patient Safety_____

Was this project completed as part of an academic (student) program? Yes_____ No_____
If Yes Capstone_____ Thesis/Dissertation____

Short paragraph describing your abstract project: (100 words or less)

Primary Presenter (including credentials)


Other Authors ______


Facility/Organization Address ______

Contact Author or Project Representative

Name ______

Address ______

Phone Number______FAX Number______

Email Address______


Wendy Smolich, Administrative Manager

2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 210, Sacramento, CA 95833

Or E-mail: