EOI/ Application
Innovation of Health-Focused Social Ventures in the Midlands
Part 1- About the Applicant
Phone number
(must provide at least one contact number)
Employing organisation
This application is from(tick which applies) / An individual/ social entrepreneur
Please detail: / Y / N
A team
Please detail: / Y / N
An organisation
Please detail: / Y / N
A partnership
Please detail, including roles of partners: / Y / N
Part 2 –About your Social Venture
Name of the social venture
(200 words maximum) / Provide a succinct summary of the aims and objectives of your social venture
Which category best describes your social venture
(tick which applies) / Charity / Y / N
Community/ voluntary group / Y / N
Co-operative/ mutual / Y / N
Foundation/ trust / Y / N
Housing association / Y / N
Social enterprise / Y / N
Trading history / How many years has your social venture been operating?
Number of staff / How many staff does your social venture employ?
Annual turnover / Please detail figures for your most recent annual turnover
If you provide services locally, please select which areas apply to you
(choose as many as necessary) / Warwickshire / Y / N
Coventry / Y / N
Rugby / Y / N
Worcester / Y / N
Other / Y / N
If you intend to replicate and scale your services, which areas apply to you(choose as many as necessary) / Warwickshire / Y / N
Coventry / Y / N
Rugby / Y / N
Worcester / Y / N
Other (please specify?) / Y / N
Part 3 – About your Project
Project title / Provide a succinct project title that explains the overall aims.
Project outline
(200 words maximum) / Describe the projects objectives, timescales and key activities.
Is your innovation at the / Early stage: Idea, invention, design, initial assessment, proof of concept, demonstration. Please indicate which applies. / Y / N
Late stage: Development, evaluation, adoption, implementation or diffusion. Please indicate which applies. / Y / N
Please explain
(60 words maximum)
Your funding/ investment request / Are you seeking funding/ investment for an early stage idea? If so how much micro funding/ investment do you require and over what timeframe?
Are you seeking funding/ investment for a later stage idea to affect systemic change – taking forward a proven concept that has the potential for long-term viability and sustainability? If so how much funding/ investment do you require and over what timeframe?
To which clinical commissioning priority does your project most closely align?
(choose as many as necessary) / Urgent and unscheduled care interventions / Y / N
Empowering patients in the prevention and self management of LTCs / Y / N
Collaboration in the provision of care closer to home (i.e. reablement services, prevention of A&E admissions etc.) / Y / N
Tackling isolation and loneliness in all patient groups from:
-The frail and elderly to
-Vulnerable/ high risk families and children
-Individuals experiencing mental ill health / Y / N
Support for carers / Y / N
Building resilient and healthy communities / Y / N
Other / Y / N
Part 4 – About your Social Solution and Impact
Outline the problem your social venture addresses
(200 words maximum) / Describe the current situation and why a solution is necessary.
Outline the evidence base to support your solution
(200 words maximum) / Please summarise the evidence on which your project is based i.e. identification of need, research background, viability of the innovation.
Stakeholder involvement (200 words maximum) / Explain how your project has, or plans to, involve key stakeholders in the deliveryas well as the promotion of your idea. This may include stakeholder representation on steering groups, as well as involving patients and commissioners in the planning and execution of your project.
Measurement and impact (200 words maximum) / Outline the indicators that will demonstrate success for your project. Ideally detail the measurable impact on outcomes that the project will have in terms of quality, productivity and prevention for commissioners, patients, carers and communities, when these will be realised and the metrics you intend to use.
Part 5 – Your Support Needs
Which of the following areas of business support is of interest and value to your social venture?
(choose as many as necessary) / Articulating your Social Value Proposition/ Unique Selling Point / Y / N
Financial Modelling and Management / Y / N
Leadership and Project Management / Y / N
Market Analysis/ Understanding your Competitors / Y / N
Navigating the New NHS Commissioning Market / Y / N
Outcomes Measurement / Y / N
Partnership Working / Y / N
Social Business Modelling / Y / N
Understanding Patient/ Customer Needs / Y / N
Understanding the Social Investment Market / Y / N
Other areas? Please detail your support requests / Y / N
Which of the following mechanisms of delivering business support is of interest and value to your social venture?
(choose as many as necessary) / 1-2-1 support (including face to face meetings, phone calls and emails) / Y / N
Small group training sessions (i.e. 10-15 organisations) / Y / N
Lunchtime webinars for approximately 1 hour / Y / N
Access to tailored blogs and publications / Y / N
Case studies of best practice / Y / N
Access to a business/ commissioning mentor / Y / N
Other business support delivery mechanisms? Please detail your suggestions / Y / N
Part 6 – Our Expectation of Your Engagement
  • Participation is free of charge
  • We expect that social ventures to commit tothe whole programme
  • Delivery of support will be undertaken as much as possible in your local area: Coventry, Warwickshire and Worcestershire
  • Delivery of support will as much as possible be scheduled around your availability
If you are selected to take part in this programme we will contact you to arrange dates for the initial development sessions starting from September 2013.

Contact Details

Eleanor Cappell, Senior Associate, Ventures, The Young Foundation


Switchboard: 0208 980 6263M: 07956 317 236

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