Department Chair/Program Coordinators Campus-wide Meeting
UH Maui College November 13, 2012
3:00 – 4:30 pm KAA 105BCD
Present: Kari Nunokawa, MistiFuromoto, Dean Louie, Derek Snyder, Debasis Bhattacharya, Refugio Gonzalez, David Grooms, Ann Coopersmith, Bruce Butler, Thomas Hussey, Eric Engh, Denise Cohen, Julie Powers, Shane Payba, Cathy Bio, Debra Nakama, Ann Emmsley, Kate Acks, Kulamanu Ishihara, Laura Lees Nagle, Chris Speere, SysanWyche, John McKee, Marty-Jean Bender, Diane Meyer, Julie Patao, Kiope Raymond, Crystal Alberto, CyrillaPascual, Ben Guerrero, LorellePeros, Jennifer Owen, KaheleDukelow, Elaine Yamashita, Linda Johnsrud, Rosie Vierra, Joyce Yamada, Jan Moore
We welcomed VP Linda Johnsrud to speak to us on the 15-To-Finish Initiative and the Hawaii Graduation Initiative. These initiatives came out of the Public Higher Education Agenda which stated that 55% of Hawaii’s working age adults should have a two- or four-year degree by 2025. Currently the state’s percentage is about 40% and is heavily represented by workers over 35 years of age. The younger workers are not as well education as their parent’s generation.
Data gathered on the 15-To-Finish Initiative shows students who are enrolled in 12, 13 or 14 credits could be taking 15 credits with little or no adverse effect on their lives. By paying attention to this data our UH colleges have increased the number of students enrolled in 15 credits by a double digit percentage this fall.
We divided up into 5 groups to address strategies that might be implemented at UHMC. Their short reports are as follows:
- Financial aid incentive led by Cathy Bio: Strategy to incentivize completion of developmental math, students enroll in and pass MATH 18 in Summer 2013, enroll in and pass MATH 82 in Fall 2013, receive a stipend or scholarship to enroll in MATH 100 or 103 or above. Challenge: we would need more money in the financial aid account.
- Embed developmental education, led by Ben Guerrero: English is planning to consolidate courses so student could complete English 19 through 100. ENG 19 and 22 and ENG 22 and 100 would be offered as (2) six credit courses using block scheduling so that students could complete them in one semester.
- Streamlining degrees, led by John McKee: in Dental Hygiene or Nursing students can complete their AS in 3 years and one more year to earn a Baccalaurate degree.
- Cohorts, led by Diane Meyer: block scheduling to allow students to earn an AA degree by coming on only TTH or MW; evening cohort in accelerated mode to earn an AA degree. Scheduling the entire program would be ideal so students know what to expect and can plan accordingly. Would like to see more classes offered at regular tuition during summer sessions so students can complete by going year around. Expanded evening program would need other support services in evenings.
- Identify educational goals, led by David Grooms and Shane Payba: perhaps identify students as General Arts majors for the first year until they decide on a major; internships and real life experiences are helpful for students in deciding on a career.
We will be following up on these strategies with interested faculty and staff. Thank you all for attending. Diane Meyer, Recorder