DHR Northwest Georgia Region 1 EMS Council

Georgia Office of Emergency Medical Services/Trauma - Region 1 ·

1305 Redmond Circle, Bldg. 614 · Rome, Georgia 30165-1391

(706) 295-6154 · Fax (706) 802-5292

1309 Redmond Road

Rome, GA

January 16, 2008


David Loftin gave a welcome on behalf of the Department of Human Resources District Office staff and allowed all present to introduce themselves.

Bud Owens thanked Air Evac for the sponsorship of the meal and gave instructions on how the food would be served. He gave an invocation.

Mike Etheridge gave a brief presentation on Air Evac and their operations in Region 1.

Dr. Jill Mabley gave a presentation on Carbon Monoxide, the dangers and treatment.

Bud Owens called the meeting to order after a roll call by David Loftin indicated that a quorum of new members were present. (See Rollcall)

The first order of business was recognition of 20 and thirty year veterans by the presentation of medallions by David Loftin. Russell McDaniel was presented with a medallion for their service.

The following people were recognized for their service to Region 1 and were presented with framed resolutions from the Council:

Glann Downes, Jean Miller and John Hitchens

The recognition of new council members had already occurred during the roll call.

The second order of business was an approval of minutes from the last meeting. A motion was made by Curtis Vincent, seconded by Don Starnes and passed. The minutes were approved as circulated.

The next order of business was a report from EMSAC. Bud Owens explained that some confusion occurred about his nomination as EMSAC representative but would be corrected by the next meeting, which will be held in Atlanta in February.

The next order of business was a report from the Executive Committee. Mr. Loftin stated that all the elements of this meeting will be repeated in the agenda of this meeting. [The report is attached].

Dr. Jill Mabley gave the Regional EMS Medical Director report. Dr. Mabley stated that EMSMDAC considered several scope of practice issues at the last meeting. Foley Catheter placement and removal was determined to be excluded from the scope of practical of EMTs and paramedics. The procedure of placement of external jugular iv line insertions was determined to be within the scope of paramedics. A survey revealed that 60% of the services had included the procedure in written protocols and the remaining 40% only allowed the procedure after direct contact with a physician. The reverse was proven to be true in a survey on whether the procedure may be performed on pediatric patients with 40% in favor and 60% not in favor. It is recommended that an external jugular manikin be used to train personnel on the procedure prior to approval at the service level. EMSMDAC strongly recommends that each service consider implementing 12-lead ekg technology because it will allow directing the patients to an appropriate facility offering invasive procedures such as cardiac catheterization or coronary bypass procedures to reduce time to alleviate the coronary blockages. However, there are still some problems with 12-lead EKG transmission to hospitals, which must be overcome. EMSMDAC also has applied for a grant to fund a web-based local medical director resource website. The content is being developed with the participation of other regional medical directors. Dr. Mabley encourages input from other EMS professionals. The grant expires in August, 2008 so development will be rapid. Russell McDaniel asked if the intraosseous infusion route will be used instead of the external jugular route in pediatric patients. Dr. Mabley stated that that was her belief.

Jim Cutcher gave the Regional EMS Training Coordinator report. He stated that a closed National Regisistry exam was conducted at West Central Technical Institute in Waco. 50 candidates were tested with 21 from Region 1. All Region 1 applicants passed the practical stations. The next Instructor qualifying exam will be held in Lagrange, Georgia on March 5 and 6. Applications are available at the Region 1 EMS Office. The CHANGES conference will be held in Augusta, Georgia on March 25-27, 2008. The National Registry re-certification deadline is March 30, 2008. [Georgia does not require re-certification of National Registry to maintain Georgia license] The second round of audits of Georgia license renewal has been conducted with very few incomplete records. The Georgia EMS Instructor re-licensure deadline was December 31, 2007. The Georgia EMT re-licensure period ends on June 30, 2008. Applicants submitting documents after that date may not be used on ambulances and will pay a penalty until December 31, 2008. The 2008 National Registry practical exam schedule is being created. Tests are being scheduled for March, September and December. The technical college EMT courses have been changed to a one year course instead of 9 months. All available continuing education courses such as ACLS, ITLS, PHTLS, PPE and others are being posted on the Region 1 website at The National Registry has released a notice that all applicants will have to be graduates of accredited programs after 2012 Accredited programs require an instructor who has a BS degree and administrative support. The state is looking at alternatives in response to this notice including contracting with other testing agencies. This change may have a negative effect on viability of private programs.

David Loftin addressed the issue of psychiatric transports by EMS Services. He read several excepts from O.C.G.A 37-1-1 which pertained to the transport of mentally ill and drug dependent patients. He asked each county to relate how their county arranges for transportation of voluntary and involuntary patients to private and state facilities.

The next item of business was a report from the nominating committee from Matthew Crumpton. The nominating committee met prior to the council meeting and formed recommendations for the officers, at large council positions and executive committee members.

The committee recommends that Bud Owens remain as the chairman. Nominations were solicited from the floor. None were made The committee also recommends that Russell McDaniel remain as the Vice Chairman. Nominations were solicited from the floor. None were made. Curtis Vincent made a second to the motion. The motion was carried. The committee recommends that Steve Lawson replace Herbert Dodd and Dr. Jill Mabley fill the vacant position created by the resignation of Harry McConnell. Nominations were solicited from the floor. There were none. Russell McDaniel called a point of order that a second of a motion made by a committee of the whole was unnecessary. The motion of the committee was determined to not need a second. The motion carried for the Executive Committee nominations. The committee recommended that Rick Cobb, Randy Pierson and Richard Eberhart fill the three at-large council positions. Nominations were solicited from the floor. There were none. The motion carried. The chairman stated that the vacant county positions will be filled by the chair as mid-term vacancies if nominations are not received from county commissions prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting on April 16, 2008.

The next order of business was the first reading of a proposal to change the bylaws from


The principal office of the Council shall be located at the Northwest Georgia Regional Hospital, 1305 Redmond Road, Building 614, Rome, Georgia 30165-1391.”



The principal office of the Council shall be located at the Georgia Department of Human Resources Health District 1.1 Office, 1309 Redmond Road, Rome, Georgia 30165-1391.”

The second reading will be at the next regularly scheduled EMS Council meeting on April 16, 2008.

The next order of business was to read a request from Redmond Regional Medical Center EMS to be considered for a zone extension in Floyd County to include Coosa, West Rome and Garden Lakes. The chairman assigned the proposal to the Transportation Committee. He named the committee assignments of the committee as

Matthew Crumpton –Chairman

Lana Duff

Larry Owens

Jeff Putnam

Robbie Tester

He asked all members to submit any conflict of interest statements to him prior to the first meeting.

He has assigned the following members to the Awards Committee:

Lonnie Oliver –Chairman

Rick Cobb

Kevin Nowicki

Curtis Vincent

Russell McDaniel

Doug Brock

The committee will plan the agenda, sponsorship and catering for the 2008 Region 1 EMS Awards banquet scheduled for March 20, 2008. The committee will also review the awards and nomination forms for changes in 2009.

David Loftin stated that the mark 1 Plus Kits have been received and he is currently contacting services by e-mail on how many licensed units do not have the kits. He plans to replace the expired medications as a second phase.

The chairman encouraged the members to tell others that they are appreciated. He stated that too many of the EMS community are unrecognized for their efforts.

A motion was made by Curtis Vincent to adjourn. It was seconded by Russell McDaniel and carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

David Loftin, Recording Secretary.