21st Century Maricopa
Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Meeting Name / 21 CM - Goal A09-A11 Student Success-ITS / Meeting Rules
• Start on time, end on time
• Stay on track
• Monitor your own participation
• Limit side conversations
• Respect each other’s ideas and work
• One speaker at a time – don’t interrupt
• Be an active listener
• Honor confidentiality
• Disagree and clarify when appropriate
• Be willing to invest the time for inquiry
• Consider the entire system
• Build shared meaning
• Keep an open mind
• Have deliberate patience
Meeting Date / August 31, 2010
Meeting Time / 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Meeting Location / Room:
Rio Salado Tower DA VINCI ROOM (6TH FLR RM3)
Phone Bridge: 480-517-8900, Conf ID#: 1379
Live Meeting Link: Live Meeting
Attendees / ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Alyssa Moniuszko;
Rachelle Clarke;

Attendees / ;
Jim Simpson
Mike Kapadya, Alyssa Brown
Work Team Site / Student Success-ITS work team site
21CM Website / Click Here
Email This Document To /
Meeting Agenda & Objectives

Recommendation: Support Student Success through ITS

1.  Action Items

  1. Review draft of OPAT process overview & draft plan – Mike Kapadya
  2. Review updated timeline - Sonya
  3. Follow-up/report from ITS – Gary
  4. Update regarding SSP Retreat on Sept 9th
  5. Review Open Action Items (Due by 8/31)

7.  Next Steps

8.  Next Meeting (Discuss Week of Accountability/Meeting Schedule)

9.  Summary

Meeting Notes

·  The team reviewed the OPAT process overview and a draft of the plan

o  Half of the people from the colleges were there

o  They captured the life cycle

o  Not able to capture how all of the different groups do things differently

§  Hard to capture in the diagram, but have captured it in the document.

o  OPAT is recommending a 2-phased project to document and improve the processes

§  Total of 37 unique processes

§  List of identified processes

§  Charted on a diagram

§  Represents a process based breakdown of the program

§  Shows the process from the 1st contact through the end of the semester

·  Parallel processes

·  Time-based

·  Some processes are unique to a college

·  Want to be sure they have accurately represented the processes

o  OPAT Approach

§  Document process in terms of specific steps

§  Incorporate 5 areas of automation into the steps of the processes

§  List of processes and how to go about doing them.

§  1st Step in the Document

·  Get feedback

·  Where do we go to write specs?

·  Osario was going to try to link our goals to this process & present it to the sponsors.

·  Could take this to SSPP Retreat & present it there

o  Maria did not want this presented at the retreat

o  She did not want 21CM items presented

o  Beth & Sonya want to present it to Maria ahead of time.

·  Maybe use this as a launching point with the recommendation

·  Use a dotted line to see what is automated

·  Mike Kapadya put a document on the work team site, including estimates of time/effort needed

·  Some automation steps are hard to track (part of proposal)

o  Details are there, but additional sessions need to happen with specialists.

·  Concerns if only 5 colleges were represented

§  May not be approved by other colleges to get feedback on what we thought

§  May be missing certain processes.

§  We need to send out to all colleges and ask for feedback by a certain date.

·  Indication of work we’ve done & where we are going

§  Sonya will draft an overlay of the automation (5 levels) and see how it aligns with this chart. She will do the same with the matrix.

§  Sonya has already sent out a condensed version to the SSP group

·  Need to follow-up with colleges reps

·  Deadline for our recommendation is coming quickly

·  We agreed as a group that we need 100% participation in the cohort

o  Target what we can do with that part of automation

·  Until we can map/document processes, we can’t map to it.

o  Don’t want to try to program to each individual college – changes too often

o  At lease program to the baseline

·  We should start with the identification of the cohort

o  Place to populate student group

o  By 9/15, the IR spreadsheet to SIS will be completed so that students will be populated into the cohorts.

o  There are a lot of manual processes that come from identifying them.

o  What is doable in phase 2? Do we need to separate this out?

o  Work involved in identifying cohort

o  Last challenge

§  Data to identify the cohort is missing (key factors) from SIS

§  This is why it is done outside the system today.

§  Identification of the cohort is part of the IT solution

·  No programming mechanism for this identification

o  Need to define what things we are looking for

§  New to college

§  Transfer seeking

§  Degree seeking

§  Zero credit hours

§  Etc.

o  May need to determine where the information is gathered.

o  IR knows the mapping

§  Sharing/working with part of ‘create cohort’ process

§  Undefined multiple processes

§  Differences between creating cohort and those meeting the definition

o  Talking about potential cohort & actual cohort on chart near 1st contact

§  Recommendation should include looking at this as a high priority

·  We have several levels of automation

o  Preliminary Phase

o  Phase 2 (5 things)

o  What is priority?

§  automation of identification of potential cohort

§  huge value

o  Sequential – others are based on it

§  Also, biggest value based on high manual process

·  OPAT Chart

o  Sonya to meet with attendee to align institutional process and map/code to process (5 items)

o  Will expose variations, but want to draw out recommendations

o  Sonya wants to get this done within a week

o  Send to full group

§  Prefer to have help from someone from SSPP

§  Debbie Kushibab volunteered.

o  Really good starting point for our recommendations

o  Their output can provide input into ITS development

§  Will be a start for it

§  Proposal = specific steps

o  Start with common processes

§  Increase collaboration with other groups

§  Work with orientation standards, etc.

·  Also, we can propose some timelines

o  Don’t want to over commit and communicate until we have prioritization and agreement on the 5 automation processes.

o  Timeframe proposed by OPAT

§  Different options based on number of resources, number of meetings, etc.

§  Document ‘as is’ process

§  Then, move to ‘desired process’

§  To finish both, double the time estimate for each ‘option’

o  Other option: Option D (created by Sonya)

§  Dependent on work from charity/mapping won’t know until done mapping.

§  Phase 1: document now

§  Phase 2: general improvements and building 5 areas of automation (implement in steps)

§  Schedule at the end for Phase 1 (as is), Phase 2 (desired)

·  Same, but different team members

·  Beth and Sonya need to communicate to sponsors what/ when we think we can do & if we need additional time

·  Any other recommendations for next steps?

o  Need to include options for order of moving forward

o  If seeking feedback, can’t program to each individual college for unique needs.

o  Need overlapping requirements

§  We have traditional institutions

§  Also, we all have online components (growing number of colleges, not just Rio)

·  This will help all colleges

§  Rio may not have as many students that meet the cohort definition, but the process is basically the same.

·  The volume is the biggest difference.

·  Post the report to the team site before the next meeting so the team can review.

·  Gary’s follow-up re: technology update?

o  Any questions? None

o  Working with colleges to get data ready for this (Linda & Beth)

o  Cleaning up old cohorts & getting them in the file

o  Timing – by 45th day, colleges would be ready for cohorts to be loaded into students groups & then double checked after the semester.

·  Action items

o  When student registered for only NSO, Financial Aid looks at the student with zero credits and sees them as a ‘drop’ & it doesn’t let them progress with aid.

§  Best way to solve this issue is by changing the business process (if everyone agrees)

·  Don’t enroll a student in NSO until they are ready to enroll to solve the issue

§  Bring this up to A&R Council & SAG

§  If registered in other classes, it won’t be an issue

§  It would be helpful if we document this issue

·  Possibly, bring up in SSP Retreat

·  Good description on Help Desk system

·  Only 2 colleges really do this.

·  Limited reports of this being an issue

·  Remember that students can enroll in NSO too.

§  Maybe have Advisement contact the student

§  Maybe create a Boexi report to be aware of it

§  Very complicated to change the program

§  Part of a large, complicated process.

Next Steps

·  Review and update draft recommendations – Beth & Linda

·  Report OPAT team feedback from SSP members – Sonya

·  Review updated process diagram (with 5 Automation processes) – Debbie K. & Sonya

Next Meeting

·  September 7, 2010, 1:00pm – 2:30pm, Da Vinci Room, Rio 6th Floor, RM3

·  September 14, 2010, 1:00pm – 2:30pm, Da Vinci Room, Rio 6th Floor, RM3

·  September 21, 2010, 1:00pm – 2:30pm, Da Vinci Room, Rio 6th Floor, RM3

Official Summary For Public Website Review

·  The team spent most of the meeting reviewing the results of the OPAT process definition meeting on August 17th. Mike Kapadya, from OPAT, presented the findings, as well as a list of existing processes (there are 37) and a diagram of how the processes interact. The team will take these high-level processes and incorporate them into their recommendation. One of their first steps will be to map the 5 automation areas (previously determined) to the defined processes, to determine overlaps, etc. In addition, the team discussed the phase 1 goal to automate the import of the cohort information using a spreadsheet. The team is ready to create a draft of their recommendation.

Action Items /
Who / Assignment / Comments / Due Date /
Beth / Follow-up with colleges that did not respond to initial survey of challenges related to automation (or lack thereof) / Beth will talk to Daniel to get contact at the colleges. Need to follow-up with some that still haven’t responded. Still waiting on GWC / In process– still waiting for 1 college
Beth, Sonya / Contact other leads from Student Success team & other councils to avoid duplication / May also make recommendation to Maria & Sylvia for approval first (may want to recommend that the scope expands to include more than the Student Success (SSS) “pilot” project).
Follow-up with Maria for approval / Tabled until further notice from sponsor
Beth, Sonya / Clarify timeline for planning project with Sponsors / Phase 1 – October 1, 2010
Phase 2 – TBD / DONE
Beth / Post the survey results on the work team site in Excel format / Have some other attachments that are posted. / DONE
Sonya, Kishia / Find out if Kishia has software to assist in benchmarking information (template for cost analysis) / Meet as sub-team & developed benchmark questions. In process to determine what school’s are doing / DONE
Benchmarking sub-team (see above) / Develop a standard set of questions to ask when contacting peer institutions / Work with sub-team to create these questions. Sonya will schedule con call to discuss / DONE
Beth / Assign another researcher to attend in her place (beginning of June) / Important for queries that provide backup for researching needs / DONE
Kishia / Provide input for benchmarking sheet / DONE
Sonya / Post the Benchmark questions to the site / Still waiting to get more detail from colleges. / DONE
Entire Team / Review Needs document (Word & PDF). / Define the group of students that qualify for the cohort (bring to next meeting)
Review Items 1 – 3
·  Automate identification of students
·  Create semester based cohorts
·  Verify prescribed experiences / DONE
Sonya / Look at Lumina / Determine best practices related to the work they have done with student retention, etc. found evidence that standards and developmental students are on target with Lumina. / DONE
Beth / Update spreadsheet with affected teams / DONE
Linda / ASU information to be added to the research / DONE
Felix / Review of cohort requirements – Post to site / DONE
Entire team / Review ITS document after Felix posts / DONE
Sonya, Beth / Combine/group items on spreadsheet for easier review / DONE
Sonya / Sub-team needs to setup another meeting to discuss additional questions to be added to the interviews / The team should try to meet prior to the next team meeting. Report results at next meeting. People on vacation, haven’t gone further / ON HOLD until OPAT results
Sonya / Update Clarified Recommendation on edit form / DONE
Beth / Determine how to track attendance for non-credit orientation / Add this to existing spreadsheet.
Talk to DARS, SSP Group / DONE
Kishia / Contact Fin Aid Council to see if this is an issue & what is happening (non-credit orientation affecting financial aid processing) / Kishia will ask again w/clarified question. Zero credit, credit course / Done
Fran / Contact DARS& SSP regarding tracking attendance for non-credit orientation / Done. Beth shared with team. Fran clarify at next meeting / Done
Entire Team / Bring a list of follow-up questions for other colleges related to ASU QBUs and PeopleSoft Population Selection Module / DONE
Beth / Incorporate comments from today’s meeting into spreadsheet / DONE
Felix / Post PeopleSoft document on student attributes / DONE