Tavares Babe Ruth League Rules & Regulations
(11 – 12)
1. Unless otherwise noted in the schedule, all games will begin at 6:15 pm and consist of six (6) innings.
2. A line-up with all eligible players must be submitted to the official plate umpire ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the game.
3. Forfeit time is fifteen (15) minutes after official game time.
4. The official time limit for the games will be two (2) hours with no inning starting after this limit.
5. The home team will be listed first (1st) on the schedule and will sit in the first base dugout.
6. Game tiebreaker will consist of one (1) inning, either after the full six (6) innings, or time limit expires. If the tie is not broken, the game will only be replayed if necessary for team standings at the end of the season.
7. The ten (10) run rule will be in effect after four (4) complete innings for all games, or three and one-half (3½) innings if the home team is ahead. A fifteen (15) run rule is in effect after three (3) complete innings for all games.
8. In case of inclement weather, four (4) full innings, or three and one-half (3½) innings if the home team is ahead, constitutes a complete game. Anything after four (4) innings, the final score will be determined by the last complete inning of play. If it is not a regulation game, we will try to reschedule the game at a later date.
9. There will be a seven (7) run limit per inning.
10. Only one (1) head coach, two (2) assistant coaches and one (1) team mom will be allowed in the dugout.
11. There will be no agitation toward opposing teams from any coaches or players at any time.
12. Official game shoes will be rubber-cleat type baseball/soccer shoes. Tennis shoes are allowed. Metal cleats or spikes are not permitted.
13. It is league policy that each player participating in the Babe Ruth League must wear the baseball uniform issued to him/her by the Recreation Department. No substitutions of jersey or hat will be accepted. A player out of uniform will not be permitted to play.
14. No player or coach will alter any piece of equipment owned by the City of Tavares. Adjustments will be made when possible and where applicable.
15. Any of the nine (9) starting players may withdraw and re-enter once provided such player occupies the same batting position whenever he/she is in the line-up. A substitute who is withdrawn may not re-enter.
16. Any team may start or finish the game with (8) players. If a team starts with (8) players, no outs will be recorded in the 9th batting position. If a team cannot field at least 8 players, or drop below 8 players, it is an automatic forfeit. In this type of forfeit, please go ahead and play the game for the kids, but the game will still be recorded as a forfeit.
17. If a team starts a game with 9 players, but a player is ejected or becomes ill during the game, a substitute may be used to replace the player. If no sub is available, an out will be made every time the vacant spot in the batting order comes to bat. A sub that has played may re-renter the game, only if the injured/sick player is the same one he subbed for in the lineup. An ejection does not meet this rule. If a team is playing with 8 players, and the 9th player arrives anytime after the first inning, he/she must play the field before he bats. If he arrives during the first inning, he may bat/field immediately.
18. All players must play two (2) consecutive innings of defensive play, and one (1) at bat in a game that consists of five and one-half (5½) or six (6) innings of ball; provided they have attended practices, have been on time for the games, and do not present a disciplinary problem. Coaches will use their discretion. In a shorter game, players not played will start the next game.
19. Teams may elect to utilize an Extra Hitter (EH) if they so choose but must declare EH on the official game roster. The EH will be treated as any other starter in the lineup.
20. A coach will be permitted to consult with a pitcher on the mound once per inning. A second trip to the mound in the same inning to the same pitcher will automatically result in the removal of that pitcher for the game as a pitcher only.
21. The Umpire will allow one (1) unexcused balk to pitchers.
22. A player is limited to pitching six (6) innings per week and 4 innings per game (a week is Monday – Sunday). A pitcher must have two (2) calendar days rest between pitching assignments if he/she pitches more than two innings in any one game. Each game in which a pitcher pitches is considered an assignment.
If a player pitches more than they are suppose to, the opposing team can constitute that game as a forfeited game. (We want to stay away from this!). If you notice an opposing coach using an ineligible or illegal pitcher, please point it out as soon as possible to avoid a forfeit situation.
23. A single pitch in an inning constitutes a full inning (i.e. Ken pitches to 1 batter and walks him. Zac comes in to pitch and strikes out the sides. Both Ken and Zac are credited with 1 inning pitched).
24. A pitcher must, and will, be removed from the game for hitting any two (2) batters in the same inning or any three (3) batters in the same game. Once removed for hitting the batter, this pitcher can not return as a pitcher in that game under any circumstance.
25. Any ball within the playing field will constitute a base runner to advance as many bases as can be gained.
26. Any passed ball will constitute a base runner to advance. If the ball is playable, the base runner can be put out.
27. Any batted ball bouncing over or lodging in the fence will constitute a base runner to advance two (2) bases.
28. A batter may advance on a third strike missed by the catcher.
29. A runner is out if the catcher holds on to or catches a tipped third strike.
30. Sliding is permitted. Leading off is permitted, (reference rule book for additional details).
31. Once a batter has taken his position to bunt a ball, he cannot pull back and take a full swing during that same pitch. Penalty for doing so will be an automatic out for the batter.
32. In reference to rule 5.10 (a) and (b) as well as rule 4.14 of the Babe Ruth League Handbook, time may be called at any point by the umpire when, in his judgment, the glare from the sun is considered hazardous. Play will resume at the point that play was stopped when the umpire deems appropriate for play.
33. The runner is not required to slide into home plate. The runner is required to attempt to avoid intended malicious contact at any base. If in the umpire’s judgment, intended malicious contact did occur, the runner will be called out (i.e. you cannot barrel over the player with the ball to try to knock it loose).
Sliding is considered an attempt to avoid intended malicious contact. On the other hand, the defensive fielder is not allowed to block the base without the ball in hand or in the process of receiving the ball. Blocking the base would result in interference and the runner would be awarded that base safely (this is an umpire judgment call). If you are called out for malicious contact, this could result in an ejection from that game.
34. If a player, manager or coach is ejected from a game, they are also suspended for the teams’ next game automatically. Further suspension could be taken by league officials.
35. There will be a review process in writing for coaches and umpires concerning conduct while representing the City of Tavares Babe Ruth League. (i.e. Coach A is ejected from a game for unsportsmanlike conduct. Within a 24-hour period (or the next business day), Coach A will submit, in writing, the actions
that took place that evening. Coach B will do the same, as will the umpires involved. If Coach A does not submit the required information within these 24 hours, the Recreation Department will assume that the coach forfeits his right to a review and will serve the automatic suspension.) Severity of suspension will be determined by the nature of the incident. Umpires will also be under review for just cause of ejection.
36. Any unsportsmanlike behavior shown toward an official before or after the game is over will result in suspension. This includes the parking area or any area where the games are being played. Also, any player or coach thrown out of a game, and who comes back on the field or complex during or after the game is over, or waits for an official, will be suspended.
37. Whenever a coach protests a game because of alleged misapplication of the rules, the protest will not be recognized unless the umpires are notified at the time the play under protest occurs and before the next pitch (legal or illegal) is made or a runner is retired. The coach must then turn in a written report of the protest within 24 hours (or the next business day) to the Recreation Department. A decision on the protest will be made as soon as possible, and all parties involved will be notified.
Coaches: Please accept the rulebooks issued. The “Official Baseball Rules” are your rules to follow. The “Babe Ruth Rules and Regulations” book is a supplement covering Babe Ruth modifications. Your league rules then apply to our local league play.
Standings: Ties will be broken by results of games played against each other. A playoff game will be played only if there is a tie for 1st or 2nd place if ties cannot be broken.