Band Booster Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 1, 2012
In attendance: Mike Popp (President), Chris Forgie (Vice-President), Beth Ortstadt (Secretary), Bill Perkins (Treasurer), Teresa Spencer (Band Camp), Hazel Artavia & Tami Ayres (Food), Dianne Terrell (Fundraisers), Maggie Marcotte (Chaperones), Suzanne Kinney (Uniforms) Ron Gobin (Drinks), Bryan Kirk (Director)
Meeting called to order
Minutes approved
Treasurer Report
- All financial reports were submitted to the board by e-mail. The current bank balance is $34,087.99. Available funds (balance less student accounts, reserves, and scholarship fund) are $18,552.63.
Director Report
- The band had a good marching season and came a long way. They performed 10 times, with 2 additional performances for drumline.
- Tracking kids at KU posed some problems. Parents did not necessarily heed the 24-hour notice policy for taking home their kids. Some sort of parent sign-out is needed if kids are not riding the bus home so chaperones know.
- Concert band has begun. Chair auditions are next week. 18 band members are also auditioning for KMEA district band and orchestra on Saturday.
- The band has a request to perform at Prairie Pines the day after Thanksgiving. Students would receive 50% off a tree.
- The itinerary of the Texas trip was approved, but the superintendent denied the dates. It is against policy to allow kids out of school unless it is a KSHAA sanctioned competitive event. The tour company needs a deposit by November 15, which limits the time to plan a trip. Spring break, winter break, or summer would be the only options. The district would cover liability during the school year but not during the summer. The tour company liability is only $1 million. Bryan will look into the cost of raising tour liability to $100 - $200 million. Another option would be to shorten the Texas trip a day by leaving Thursday night (Friday is inservice) and coming back Sunday. This would cut out San Antonio but reduce expenses.
- Another option would be to forego the trip this year and start senior trips next year. This would allow students four years to save fundraising money
- Other trip options discussed were Kansas City and St. Louis. Bryan will put together some options with Tom (who has done the last nine trips but is now with a new company).
- Bryan requested that the board cover the expense of taking the drum majors to dinner. MOTION: Chris moved that money be taken out of the food budget to cover the drum major dinner with a cap of $80. Beth seconded. MOTION CARRIED
Committee Reports
- Food
- The board commended Hazel and Tami on food provided for the festivals. It was noted that we need to continue to make sure kids get enough drinks.
- Thanks goes to Ron for taking care of football game drinks.
- Thanks goes to Mark White at Rainbo for donating all the buns for Valley Center.
- Fundraisers
- Kansas Maid Braids forms will be distributed tomorrow and will be due back the Monday after Thanksgiving. Delivery will be December 13.
- Other options presented:
- Tupperware catalog party – 40% return and all product is bagged by the representative for delivery
- Love Dove Cotton Candy – One possibility would be to sell at basketball games, but would need approval from sports boosters to sell food outside the concession stands.
- Restaurant cards - $10 for a $25 card, 50% return, It was noted that most available restaurants were farther east. There are also a lot of other groups who sell these type of cards.
- Dianne expressed that she was not willing to coordinate monies for individual accounts if the boosters signed up for a concession stand activity.
- Uniforms
- Angie Bayliff has stepped down as uniform coordinator. Suzanne Kinney will take over the position.
- Mike noted that we needed uniform racks. MOTION: Mike moved that we ask Buhler High School for their plans, buy the materials, and ask the industrial class to make them. Chris seconded. MOTION CARRIED
- Suzanne reported the USave Dry Cleaning would clean uniforms for $4.25 each (tax included) and put them back in the bags. They would do the uniforms in lots of about 20 per week. MOTION: Chris moved that we clean all the uniforms if we get a written quote of $4.25 per uniform. Mike seconded. MOTION CARRIED Suzanne will get the quote and deliver the uniforms to the cleaners in lots.
- Hazel brought a sample cotton shoe bag with a drawstring made by her mom. She estimated they would cost a maximum $3.50 - $4.00 per bag. Hazel will get a quote on fabric. She estimated they could make 20 bags out of 5 yards, and fabric can be purchased for as little as $5 a yard with coupons.
- MOTION: Chris moved that we spend up to $200 for 120 shoe bags. Beth seconded. MOTION CARRIED
- Web
- The rosters will be resent to Becky for the website.
- Drinks
- Ron will do drinks again next year.
- He asked about the possibility of anticipating for hot chocolate at cold games.
- Bryan will request a building key for marching season as Ron had some trouble getting in to the building.
New Business
- New Uniforms – Theuniforms are 13 years old and have a life expectancy of 15. Chris suggested a parental petition to the central office after the first of the year. We would need 3 prototypes made to present to the central office. The design would need to be in place by Christmas 2013 to have new uniforms for 2014-15.
- Community Service – The band will be collecting and sorting all the food gathered for Caring Hearts. A gift tree will also be put in the band room. Every student will participate in 2 of 3 service events in place of the Thanksgiving food drive. Bryan will get forms to verify community service.
- Trailer Maintenance – We need to replace the interior light on the trailer and possibly add new lights. Ron’s workplace does trailer work and could possibly get a good price on lights. Shelves may also be added, contingent on the uniform racks. Trailer modifications are planned for the spring. Empty short busses that are not used except in the summer may be another option for equipment overflow.
- Pit Equipment Maintenance – All the hardware on the pit equipment needs to be replaced as well as removing the casters off the long end wheels to allow for towing. Dianne will put a note out to parents asking for volunteers to work on pit equipment. Maintenance may let us bill the hardware to them. The board will purchase what maintenance doesn’t cover.
- Drum Heads – Bryan will talk to Danny before replacing drum heads. The budget is $750 and the estimate was about $1400 for a complete overhaul. We will probably order some through the school and some through the boosters.
- Board Job Descriptions – Mike requested that each member of the board write a paragraph about what they do.
Next Meeting
- Thursday, November 29, 6:00pm, MHS
Meeting adjourned
Submitted by Beth Ortstadt, Secretary